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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I guess his story doesn't generate much sympathy.....not from me anyway, I didn't donate.
  2. My thoughts exactly......he's been sentenced to 4 years in a Country Club and Spa.
  3. Anutin looks like a right plonker. Go to Bangkok or Pattaya and half of the businesses now are cannabis shops. What is going to happen when it becomes illegal again? They'll all have to close and thousands of small business owners and employees will lose income and their jobs. How asinine can you get????????
  4. We have fantastic internet in Thailand at a small fraction of the price internet service is available in the US......why do we need Globalstar.....they will claim ultra fast speeds using the sneaky "speeds up to" disclaimer......and yes one stinky meg per minute is "up to I million megabytes per millisecond". I hope the government are charging an arm and a leg for Globalstar using the Thai airspace.
  5. I'm a heavy user of electricity and have three phase for domestic use but think I pay business rates per unit. It is ruinously expensive running the 10 aircon units. I'm hoping my bills come hurtling down.
  6. I'm hoping Thaksin wins it....or rather his daughter...and he comes back to lead the government here in Thailand. The let's have a new constitution that does away with this abomination of an appointed senate.
  7. I loathed him when he was PM. Seeing his ugly mug on TV every single day made me want to puke. But now he seems like a decent sort of chap......but than we have as the coterie of wannabe PMs these days.
  8. Good god, I'm older than him. What was that we used to say about policemen looking younger and younger. I guess I'm officially old.
  9. How can anyone believe anything this opportunist says. He's dumb as a box of hammers. Anyone with his level of incompetence, IQ and sense should be investigated by NACC.
  10. Reading the absolutely jargon-laden, word-salad, meaningless gobbledegook in the OP, one can see why this will CODING ERA will be a massive fail. How do you capture imaginations when you speak like that?
  11. Having been at a wedding where the 13 year old bride was 8 months pregnant, Thais have a mountain to climb on this issue.
  12. I'm not at all sure that the roads and prison cells of Thailand are a very good learning environment.
  13. I'm predicting more and more potholes as cheaper and watered down concrete to be using in roads from now on. The profits from this will be recycled to the people who approve the contracts.
  14. Yingluck by a mile.....much better looking. I do miss her on the TV. Instead we get the ugly mugs of Prayut and Prawit on the TV....yuck.
  15. We have hard well water....sadly, after many attempts to make it softer, we have given up. We get a granite like limescale deposit on all surfaces the water touches, whether it has been through the filter or not. The stuff will simply not come off with rubbing.....it has to be scraped off using a metal blade. I'm not impressed whit water filters available in Thailand not with the service provided by the brand company or their sellers in home stores. I can't say which brand of filter we use in case I get sued for defamation.
  16. Hey the old (worn out) brown envelope joke. Give it a rest won't ya? It's not even funny and I've heard it 50000 times at least.
  17. I'm from Manchester and a ManU fan myself so I have a certain sympathy with this "lad". But really a 'tourist looking for work', was he driving while on the phone, did he have insurance, why not helmet, 'out for drinks with the lads'?????? You can call me heartless, but I will not be sending any donations....he sounds like so many, a victim of his own stupidity (note I say 'sounds like' because I don't know the lad). I feel sorry for the family in this case.
  18. Those poor hi-sos. How do you know what share the rich pay? I'm sure a high proportion of taxes paid are in the form of sales taxes and import duties.....and everyone pays them.
  19. Thailand has such a lot of petty, petty laws. Doesn't it make the lawmakers seem rather stupid enacting these laws? I'm sure tourists don't think 'oh how sensible of them to have a law against this'. Rather they will think 'what idiots put this law on the statute books'. When I think of really crass and stupid laws I always come up with the law against vaping. It has no apparent purpose other than to assist the corrupt police in collecting bribes. We do not need thousands of new laws each year. I think legislation sessions are way too long. Maybe they should cut such sessions down to one week each month.
  20. I suppose 'slapper' is the kindest thing I can say about this girl, and yes, I'm being judgemental. She looks dirty, and I don't mean in a good way. From the fake smile to the fake boobs, to the horrid tattoos, it makes me want to heave.
  21. Oh goody, they'll wait a week, then meet to discuss, then convene a/some subcommittee(s), then we'll have a report drawn up, then the report will be discussed..... What a great plan....only open problem....there are plenty of words but never anything but zero ACTION.
  22. Another corrupt politico.....what's news about that?
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