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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Thank you TAT. The daily update to numbers of expected tourist arrivals is something I really live for. It is so exciting wondering what today's forecast is going to be....wondering whether 100 million or 100, 000, 001 visitors will arrive this summer Of particular interest is the racial make up of the arrivals....wondering whether there will be more Indians or Chineses....and who will arrive on buses rather than by air. Once again thank you for your dedication in revising these numbers several times a day.....it reminds me of being back at work when or management demanded to know the exact forecast sales of each product line each hour of every day.
  2. Gee, you don't say! Somehow millions of foreigners spending billions of baht to throw a bit of water around never seemed a goer to me. Like most farangs here, I enjoyed the first SongKran that I experienced, but after that ugh! I must say that where I live the holiday has struggled to catch fire.....the surrounding villages have one or two set ups with young (8 or 9 year olds) tossing water at me as I drive past on my motorbike. All a bit flat really compared to pre-Covid times when the villages were full of multifamily parties. Not much here to interest anyone with a mind. Definitely a low IQ holiday.
  3. What about saving jail time for murderers and the violent? Why all this desire to send tourists to jail for bringing an apple into Thailand.....or for vaping? You are a bunch of idiots.
  4. Let's get this straight. First Thaksin is NOT coming back on May 16th, not unless he's given a free pass not to go to jail. Like Trump, he's living in the past as to to his level of support, and like Trump he'll Balme other when his support doesn't materialise to keep him out of jail. Second, Thaksin is a device figure who will be no help at all getting Thailand out of its black hole caused by Prayut and his army and family cronies. As fantastic a job he did for Thailand in the early eighties following the 1997 crash, he was brought down by the elites who could not abide the poor being given a shot at a decent life. The elites are greedy people who want everything and the poor to have absolutely nothing. Thailand can go nowhere while the disgusting attitude of the wealthy abides in the land.
  5. Of course he violated electoral laws, but the EC will never do anything about it. Usual double standards in operation.
  6. Throw this clown in jail for a long time and ban him from politics for the rest of his life. A blatant attempt at bribery.
  7. If the RTP ever came out of their stations, and did a policing job, this country will be transformed. But no, they sit there drinking coffee, the police vehicles parked and unused, and trying to be important. You never see cops at night....plenty out fleecing the public during the day with traffic stops where they catch poor people not wearing helmets.
  8. Sorry, Pepsi coke call it what you want, is a sugar laden awful tasting drink that with a crap, US fast food diet with have you in the endocrinologists office by the time you are 40. And it rots your kids teeth. Don't drink this poison.
  9. I am very worried about Thailand's banks. The deposit insurance is down to 1 million baht per person, per account, per bank. It is pitiful. After the last crash in 1997, deposit insurance covered your entire deposits to attract foreign investors. I am going to start to withdraw my deposits, transfer some back to my home countries, keep them in the safe deposit box at the bank or buy physical gold.
  10. Laughable.....all those industrious Thais will be hard at work on their computer generating god knows what level of increased productivity. What's not to love about this plan?
  11. Throw her in jail and throw away the key.
  12. End conscription now. Those enlisted end top cleaning toilets and gardening for the 2000 generals in the Thai army. A ridiculous waste of resources to flatter the vanity of the well connected. Meanwhile let's have a law prohibiting army (in service or retired) from accepting positions in the Senate.
  13. Simple bribery......kill this guy's career, he's a cancer in Thai politics.
  14. Please, please, please Chuwit, ramp up your campaign. Anutin is the scummiest of all scum, the capo di tutti cap of scum. His tenure as head of Public Health has been an International embarrassment with his no-nothing science and constantly U-turns......a bit like the cannabis campaign where he constantly misleads the public on the differences between hemp and weed. Now look at the state of the nation.....thousands of people have in vested in businesses selling cannabis, hoping to make billions of baht....what's going to happen to these businesses. And it is all down to the stupidity of Anutin. Chase him, harry him, stress him.....kill his party in the election.
  15. Sad to say that I've never heard of John Wick or his 'franchise' but the actress certainly looks lovely. I wish her well and hope being associated with a Hollywood movie doesn't damage any serious acting intentions that she has.
  16. Funny....I read on the other thread that he had died. But if not, then it still doesn't change my cruel view much. The family should be planning to have the plug pulled and let nature take its course, and then have him buried here. Frankly, if you or your family can't pay for the treatment, then pull the plug. Why should Thailand or the insurance company pay for this 'treatment' when he has minimal chances of ever making a full recovery and ever being able to earn his living again, to repay the debts caused by his foolishness, law breaking and arrogance.. For me it is all about odds. If the chance is less than 90%, that he'll pull through then go for it, raise all the money you can and I'll even donate.....but if the chances are 10%, then pull the plug and let him die. It may sound callous, but the guy had been drinking, wasn't wearing a helmet, was talking on the phone with his g/f etc etc. He or his family, who seems so interested in grifting for money should pay, for the treatment and if they want transport him to die in the UK let them pay for an air ambulance. If they can't find the money, sorry but life is tough and sometimes you have tough decisions to make. The family said they wanted to be with him.....well 200000 quid goes a long way to keeping his parents here in style for a good long time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with dying here in Thailand and this avoiding the excessive, expense of air ambulances. The begging is really unseemly and the longer it goes on the more the price goes up. It started out at 30,000 and now is up to 200,000. Personally I don't wish them good luck in raising it. This guy is not a victim, except of his own stupidity, and society should not be coerced by sob stories to bail idiots out. It maybe cruel or callous....but that is what I believe. Frankly, as the father of 5 kids he should have been much more responsible and not go out drinking, driving while talking on the phone.
  17. My sense is that this technology will be misused by the powers that be and be turned into a giant propaganda machine. I can't see me using it much....indeed can't think what I'd use it for?
  18. Bury or burn him here....only a couple of grand for the monks.
  19. You forgot about endless appeals on bail
  20. I am willing to bet his creep will never see the inside of a prison cell. Probably won't even lose his job. I like the way the Chinese deal with official corruption......death sentence and maybe reuse of organs to pay society back for his filthy corruption and useless life. Only in Thailand could anyone offer such an explanation and expect to get away with corruption amounting to $100000. It is taking the pi$$.
  21. Well Rooster, and here's me thinking that motorcycle taxis driving was a specialised job reserved for ex cellist Thai drivers who demonstrate their skills on the road every day and die in large numbers. Take extra care, Rooster....and remember the 'lifesaver lookback'.
  22. Another meaningless statement, It is not backed up by any enforcement and will not result in a single drink less being drunk by anybody. Plus the wise RTP are allowing 4 drunks in the back of each pickup, by suspending the law that disallows it.....ask yourself what law in a first world country is suspended for holidays??????
  23. To be honest I much preferred the forum when it was Thai Visa......seeing the same 'news' every day for weeks doesn't do it for me. I'll be leaving too.
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