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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. What really angers me about this? Well, why does it take 4 cops to arrest this 56 yo woman. Why are police wasting time on this nonsense crime? It's one plant for goodness' sake....she's not exactly Pablo Escobar. Wouldn't police be better travelling the road and handing out tickets for atrocious driving? Wouldn't that save lives, as opposed to this useless stunt?
  2. Lots of laws here that go unenforced and ignored. Does it surprise anyone that almost all Thais wear masks???? If they disobey most other laws, why do they obey only this one? I saw a woman put a mask on a child she was going to ride with on a motorbike........no helmet, but a mask? Why don't mothers care about kids heads and brains, but obsess about masks?
  3. One wonders why the government doesn't mandate a 1 meter wall on balconies......do it with all new builds.
  4. Great....about time. You should have done the same during the pandemic to the bandits who fadeout like bandits then.
  5. Well done China and Russia standing up to the US. The last thing the world needs is more sanctions. How about some dialogue?
  6. To achieve this target, you need a workable plan. The implementation of the plan becomes the strategy. The Thai government doesn't do plans......it makes meaningless statements about hubs, crackdowns and targets (like this one). After the 50 prior statements about reducing road accidents, somehow I have little faith that it will be achieved.
  7. This whole thing makes me sad. Kevin Spacey was such a brilliant actor....and now this.
  8. First sensible thing I ever heard him say. Yes to sustainability; no to US sanctions. Make Asia independent from the US. We are not US vassals, we are a free people.
  9. The only way to peace is to have a clear winner here. Funnelling more and more weapons into Ukraine, weapons that will end up in ISIS's hands, is not the way to peace. Halt the weapons supplies it is prolonging war, killing of more civilians and innocents, and more destruction of Ukraine. It will look like the US have been there, like Syrian or Iraq.
  10. Why did Ukraine mine all the ports? Seems to me that Ukraine is at fault here....let the grain ships take their chances. All this talk of EU and British navies coming to escort the grain ships is also bogus. Warships cannot pass through the Bosphorus now and Turkey have been very strict about implementing the treaty that controls the passage of warships.
  11. I had a smallpox vaccination in 1978. It was after the disease had been declared extinct, but a lab somewhere let some of their stored samples loose. I was travelling to Italy in the October and needed a smallpox vaccine to get there.
  12. Get these people off the road. I will willingly pay higher fuel costs if it forces these of the road. I saw a driver in pink yesterday actually driving carefully and not ignoring red traffic lights etc....the sight of this driver compared to her workmates shocked me......but as I looked closer, she was typing on her cell phone.
  13. I don't think will go to jail.....a few wais and he'll be off to beat up a few more women.
  14. I must confess that I am one who has not sought a booster. After having severe long term side effects after the first two doses, I am reluctant to have a third shot in case it kills me, or ruins my health permanently.
  15. In my opinion 'genocide' is a term, as in your quote, that is thrown around far too causally. There is absolutely no evidence of genocide in Xinjian. 'Genocide' used to be used in the sense that people were being killed with the aim of exterminate all of their race, creed or other characteristic. Now it is used immediately someone or other is killed in war, or where people deemed to have broken internal laws get locked up (the latter being the case of the Uighurs in Xinjiang). Speaking relatively, the Uighurs are in much better shape than the Rohingya where the label 'genocide' is real and actually refers to their reality of homes being burned by the army and monks, being killed by the army and monks and at best driven to seek refuge in Bangladesh.
  16. All this means is massive increases in the price of medicines. This will be a very thinly veiled enforcement of US IP. We have cheap medicine prices here because the government can use TRIPS to break patents if the medicine is needed by the public and is too expensive. Look for medicines to become unaffordable.
  17. So about $50 million over 8 years meaning 4 million a year, to tackle such a huge problem?
  18. Don't be silly, the US don't want peace in Ukraine. The are simple using Ukrainian lives to degrade the Russian military.
  19. I think that the quality of leadership, especially in the West, is deplorable. These are people not even qualified to run a lemonade stand. The EU is particularly bad, where there are not competent leaders and the unelected Commission are self serving and don't give a toss about the citizens they are supposed to serve. A senile idiot former in the US....and an overgrown lying toddler in the UK. Scott Morrison who just recently threatened to invade the Solomon Islands, who just did a deal with China he didn't like.....and Trudeau....what can you say after his deplorable and illegal treatment of the trucking protest. Damn them all.
  20. The first is racism here. It's deeper than the usual racism in Eastern countries. The vaccination program was a classic example....the authorities had to be shamed into doing the right thing and one senior individual made several references to (dirty) foreigners, not wearing masks, being the cause of the problem. Second issue is the immigration department and its awful bureaucracy.....the constant changing of rules; different rules in different places; and the general lack of clarity over any announced change....the poorly thought out and translated announcements creates more confusion....why not get an English person to read the announcements before they go out.
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