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Everything posted by Pedrogaz

  1. My brother-in-law asked to borrow a large sum of money when he was behind on his car payments and the bank or whoever was threatening to re-possess. We sat down and went through his regular expenses and his income, which was about 6,000 per month less than his ordinary expenses. Then asked the question..,..if this is the situation how will you find the money to pay me back? Answer: silence. My answer, if you can't pay it back, I will not lend it to you. I guess he went to a loan shark because still has his car, motorbike, etc. He has an IQ in single digits, so it's only a matter of time before the debt collectors come calling.
  2. I carry my driver's licence. Same as the US where you need photo ID in the event a cop stops you.
  3. I was told it was 6 months at the Licensing Centre, but that was some time ago (about 5 years ago). I would suspect there is some leeway with COVID. I had a renewal appointment on July 20th, but the office was not doing renewals any more because of COVID. They told me to try in 2 months time. I asked about insurance (because your car is only insured if the driver has a licence).....but the said, ask your insurance company, (I didn't bother as I can't do anything about it anyway).
  4. Throw this scum and all like him in jail and throw away the key. Indict his boss and his bosses' bosses.....all the way to the top. Seems Prayut isn't worried about corruption, but is only concerned for the image of the police. Well their image is already stained inky black, so do something about it that does not involve cover ups or white washes. Clear up the Boss situation....why has it taken so long?
  5. Not me....got a rejection form because the registration program does not let you put two items in a box, and they wanted passport & visa in one box. I sent the missing info two weeks or so ago....heard nothing since.
  6. Concrete roads are much better in hot climates especially where truck drivers carry huge loads.
  7. I say ban the sale of alcohol everywhere for the duration of the pandemic.
  8. Thinking like this causes businesses to go bust quickly, usually due to cash flow issues. Capitalise the business properly or don't invest in it.
  9. PR stunt, PR stunt. But also Thailand needs to pivot away from tourism. Destroying the environment and natural beauty of Thailand is too high a price to pay for tourists by the million on package holidays paying next to nothing for a hotel room and driven around in buses.
  10. Well if police are not above the law, who is? (Apart from hiso's, rich people, politicians, army generals, army colonels, retired army generals, senators, people from the prime minister's party etc etc)
  11. In my experience the cost of an ISP doesn't guarantee quality. What I have found is that cheap and relatively expensive providers start out well but the service declines over time and you end up with outages several times a week.
  12. I have read that over 90% of new infections are caused by the delta strain. This being so, and yesterday results from a study comparing Pfizer with Moderna were released (albeit not yet peer reviewed). The result showed Pfizer to be markedly inferior to Moderna......why give these front line people an inferior vaccine???????
  13. I do wish the Shinawatras would come back and rectify this sinking ship.
  14. I'm sorry for the confusion I have sown. I actually got my SS early when I was 62, so it is actually six years since I opened my Bangkok Bank account....i.e around mid 2015.
  15. These motorcycle delivery driver are a menace on the road....they are incentivised by their companies to drive a quickly as possible from call to call to maximise their income....so you have motorcycles driving like ambulances through the street. They need culling and reining in.
  16. It may have changed in the past 3 years, but at that time SS in the Philippines would only send SS payments to Bangkok Bank. This was because of FACTA, and Bangkok Bank was the only institution to comply with FACTA. FACTA requires financial institutions outside the US to send details of every US citizen's accounts. It apparently was a lot of work, and most banks refused to do so. The result is that if you open an account at any Thai bank now, you have to swear that you are not a US person. The account with Bangkok Bank that you open is special and limited insofar as you cannot have a debit card and must personally visit the bank to withdraw money (a head ache). This is to prevent your wife or SO carrying on collecting your SS after you are dead.
  17. I recently bought a Pansonic Double Inverter model to replace a 10 year old Samsung unit that had been peeing out water. The double inverter is a step backwards.....the unit is more costly and is cool not cold and whereas the old Samsung, whether peeing water out or not, cooled our large room very well. Sorry I changed.
  18. I'm unimpressed. I registered with both Intervac and expatvac (68 with T2D uncontrolled). Received acknowledgements with promises of appointments within a few days......still waiting....and waiting.
  19. Entirely foreseeable outcome....an entirely likely outcome that was not even considered by TAT or the generals. Shameful.....urging tourists to spend their hard earned money on a trip to a sandbox full of COVID delta.
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