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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. 4 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    WHY do we get only 20% of the USA content?  How about that as a FIRST issue?

    Bob, you bring up an excellent point. I cancelled my subscription because of this. I hate Hollywood films and I especially hate Hollywood action movies and Disney-type stuff. I will be honest with you, I couldn't see anything on there worth watching. There are codes which are occasionally published in newspapers....if you input one of these codes you can access the whole of the Netflix library.

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  2. 4 hours ago, bang saen guy said:

    Do not know his background. Neeranam says he came from a wealthy family. Maybe he did and can afford a Lexus

    Yes maybe he can afford it. But the point remains that corruption is rampant in the RTP. It seems that most police officers are tainted, so maybe the Lexus came from there? Who can tell? We certainly don't know....but if I were a betting man, I know where I would be laying my bet.

    Also as I made the point before lots of wealthy Thais have many luxury cars parked on their driveways.

  3. One wonders at the point of this. Thais do not accept any ideas that come from abroad. Didn't they consult the Japanese about the Metro? Then we discover that the Bangkok Metro lacks any of the good things that the Japanese one boasts of. Designing an airport is not rocket science.....Japanese airports are pretty good, but there are better airports in other parts of the world. The thing is Thais need to actually use the insights in building their airports, and not just have a jolly and shopping trip.

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  4. 10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    1. An arrest means nothing unless it is followed by conviction, and imprisonment. 

    2. If this guy was serious, tens of thousands would be arrested. 

    3. The fishing industry was never cleaned up. Maybe a few low level guys were arrested. They likely still use tens of thousands of slaves. 

    4. The RTP desperately needs good PR, and he is thrilled to be their public face. The limelight is his favorite place in the world. 


    Do any of his actions  mean anything? 

    This 'convict-the-low-level-oik' has been going on for eons. I saw a German film called Labyrinth which covered Nazi war criminals and how few of them actually got tried and convicted (double digits out of 8 million in the Nazi party, I believe). The same thing happened in occupied Japan. The Americans tried a couple of senior commissioned officers high but saved their wrath for the NCOs, but even so the numbers convicted were pitifully small....and of course no Emperor was tried. 

    Chances are that this episode will end in nothing more than a slap on the wrist or 'transferred to another area' for a few of those charged. One does wonder however how long the RTP can carry on with all these scandals and retain the trust of those being policed. One can be sure that the judges will ensure that 107 officers are not going to see the inside of jail cells for long.

  5. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    A Lexus is relatively pedestrian compared to the list in Ferrari Joe's garage!

    Indeed, but he may have other cars as well. Rich Thais and corrupt Thais like to have a choice of several cars to drive and impress. Look, I don't know whether the dude is corrupt or not, but it is not outside the realm of possibility is it? Putting faith in folk from a notoriously corrupt RTP because you 'like them', seems to me naive.

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  6. More nonsense from the planners who can't plan. These plans never amount to anything. The plans come out with depressing regularity and then nothing changes, because despite being a 'strategic action plan' there is never any action and everyone forgets about the plan within 24 hours. 

    Attracting 160 million MICE visitors in 5 years is over 30 million a year.....close to the number of tourists. I guess there will have to be a hotel and airport building spree if we also get the number of tourists TAT's plan calls for. 


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  7. If I were you I wouldn't bother notifying anyone. It takes up too much time and the resulting piece of paper is only filed away never to be viewed again by any mortal soul. Maybe someone at some time in a few centuries time, will come up with a use for all the paper filed away in Immigration warehouses. (Irony)

    Think if they threw away all the paper stored in the huge warehouses, they could hold detainees and overstayers there for years on end, knowing that there would never be any overcrowding.


    Sadly I read today of the poor Uighur man who died after nine years in the overcrowded Bangkok detention centre . He was refused medical treatment by the detention centre doctor (a really well trained fellow who missed a simple diagnosis of galloping pneumonia). The story even made the Guardian keeping out articles about how no people of colour or gender dysphoria won Baftas.

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