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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. Well I never....policemen cheating, who'd ever thunk it?

    "In the latest tests hundreds were cheating out of 1,000+ who sat the tests.This high rate of cheating suggests that some external agency was selling the exam or answers in advance i.e. corruption in the RTP on a massive scale.

    So pretty much everyone taking the tests were cheating. 

    What about the enablers who facilitate the cheating?

  2. 1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

    Chomp, those are good questions. I will try and answer your two messages here, if that is OK...


    First, regarding Putin's ambitions. They are limited by his military capacity. The Russian Army cannot carry out offensive operations anywhere too far from the Russian border. They do not have airlift or logistics capability to operate at a distance.  So no I am not worried about him invading another country. Where do you think he will target next?  I can't think of anywhere.


    Again, "let's arm Ukraine" sounds lovely but it is actually very simplistic. We need to decide what the endgame is, and what is acceptable as a compromise solution that does not set off a larger conflict.  


    "Let the Russians take care of Putin" again sounds good. But... who comes next?  I cannot see a Russian version of Barack Obama on the horizon. Chances are the next guy will be even worse, with fewer scruples and more aggression. Better to deal with the devil we know than the one we don't. 


    And to answer my own question about NATO intervention, I would say no. No under any circumstances in Ukraine. IF Putin attacks a NATO member then all bets are off.  How about you?

    You mention the endgame. The US's problem is that it never thinks through the exit strategy and endgame. The sort of question like "what does success look like?" is never asked or answered by the Pentagon. All of which means we have had such a series of huge successes following America's lead into wars......look at after 20 years of war, the Taliban on Tuesday banned all education for girls.....Libya a total disaster, the richest African state 20 years ago now a disaster; Syria, the US are actually stealing (it is totally illegal) Syrian oil; Iraq still an unstable success where going to the market may get you killed after 30 years of American war. I could go on and talk about the so called so called successes like Kosovo....once touted as a success and which is now slaughtering ethnic Serbs, provoking a reaction from Serbia....not a single one of these wars had an endgame. How can you win wars when you don't know what your objectives are?

  3. Straight from the horse's mouth.

    If you just love doing paperwork then go the marriage route. It has zero advantages over the retirement route (except less money in the bank) and you get to jump through thousands of bureaucratic hoops every year.

    If you have the cash to afford it, best way is retirement option but you need to lodge 800,000 (vs 400,000 with a marriage visa) baht in a bank account with limited access for a few moths a year. The other benefit is that if you have Non-O A visa you need medical insurance if you go by the marriage route. (Your wife becomes responsible for your medical fees).


    If you don't have the money, in this case, an "agent" is the best but costs anywhere from about 15,000 to 30,000 per year inclusive. But if this is the case it is questionable whether you can afford too live in Thailand....it's not cheap here.

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