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Posts posted by NaamGin

  1. I had a container shipped over when I moved to Thailand. I wished I had either sold, gave away or threw away everything I brought over. Tools / electronics were the wrong voltage, all the clothing I brought over was too heavy to wear in the climate here, the rest of it was just clutter from my old life that I no longer am interested in with my life here. The things that really mattered to me would have fit in a single shipping box. 


  2. 43 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    They are not bus drivers.  These are highly trained professionals who operate multimillion dollar high tech machines and who have responsibility for the  safety of  hundreds on board and thousands who may be under them them when in the air.


    The pilot responsible for the incident has a known history for his behavior and has been untouchable to date. Don't blame all the TG aircrews because he is a jerk. In any case, the passengers in question were upgraded. They did not pay for the 1st class seat, nor were they legally or even morally entitled to the seat. It had been provided as a courtesy only.  It is no different than when a no show shows and a gate upgrade pax is moved back to his/her seat. Every frequent traveler knows this. The only people who make a fuss over this type of event are infrequent flyers.

    You are talking to an "educated bus driver".  I am a commercial pilot with an ATP rating, so I think I know what vernacular pilots use within the industry. The term "educated bus driver" is an inside joke with pilots as these days that's about all we are. 


    There is an old joke about pilots of the future. There will be one pilot in the cockpit and a dog. The pilot is there to monitor the instruments and the dog is there to bite the pilot if he touches anything. In today's aircraft, the pilot is only there to monitor the systems, nothing more. The term "educated bus driver" applies more today than ever. 


    This was not a simple case of upgrading pilots that were dead-heading back to Thailand. The Captain held the flight for 2 hours until the 1st class passengers relented and gave up their seats. At least that's the way it was stated in the article I read on the topic. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I don't care what game you are playing.

    This is not a nitpick at all. You're pushing FALSE INFORMATION of a very major kind.

    It would be a BIG DEAL if Thai immigration required full import of claimed income into Thailand.


    That is a fact.

    I have looked at retirement visa regulations of many countries and they all have different features.

    Some of them in fact DO require full import of claimed income.

    Most do not.

    THAILAND DOES NOT and that is a FACT.

    IF Thailand decided to change their policy and become one of the nations that did require full import of claimed income, it would be a massive big deal.

    Massively more significant than one embassy stopping issuing income letters.

    BEFORE if and when that major change might happen, let us please stop broadcasting FALSE INFORMATION of changes that have NOT HAPPENED. 

    The requirement is 800k in a Thai bank account, seasoned for 3 months -or- 65k baht per month of income -or- a combination of the two... The regulation is to assure that you have sufficient income COMING INTO THAILAND either by bank balance or monthly income. If you divide 800,000 by 12 you get 66,667 baht per month, which is the intent of the regulation, proof of sufficient income coming INTO THAILAND to support your lifestyle. If you assert that this is not the intent of the regulation, you are gaming the system.



  4. 1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

    It says no such thing! There is no such Thai immigration rule about the claimed income needing to be deposited in a Thai bank.


    People should stop MAKING STUFF UP. 


    How does statements of income into a bank account in another country convince a Thai immigration officer that you have sufficient income to live in Thailand? The purpose of the regulation is to assure Thai immigration that you have sufficient income, coming into Thailand, to meet the minimum requirements to be approved for a visa...


    You want to split hairs, I am not playing your game... 


  5. The answer to this is simple, too simple actually. 

    Thai Immigration needs to adhere to their own published rules on the topic:

    either 800k baht in a Thai bank account seasoned for 3 months


    proof of 65K baht per month being deposited in a Thai bank account


    a combination of deposits on account + income deposited to a Thai bank account


    No where in the text does it state anything about having an income affidavit from your home country's consulate. It states that if you can proof 65k baht per month being deposited into a Thai bank account, you qualify. Now we just have to convince Thai immigration to follow their own published rules. Good luck with that. 


  6. 19 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    I'm sure they will continue to issue the affidavits, the issue is whether the immigration department will accept them or not.


    I received an email from my visa agent a few months ago informing me that any of their US customers using the Income Affidavit method for visa renewal must also include supporting documents that match the Income affidavit amount moving forward. This was in CM, so it may be a specific requirement just for this immigration office. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, impulse said:


    That may be so (couldn't be bothered to look it up), though some Scandinavian countries may protest.


    But socialist aspects like infrastructure investment, state paid health care, and safety/environmental rules are the only things keeping some "fiercely capitalist" countries on the rails.  While benefiting the 1% at the public expense.



    No one is arguing that certain social services should be provided by the government; fire, police, education, in some cases health care (disastrously), protection of national sovereignty (except in the EU), etc.


    The true socialists want government take over of business, equal pay for all regardless of skills and nationalization of industry. This is where socialism falls apart and greed is a human nature that cannot be countered by the best hopes and wishes of people wanting equality for all. It is an admirable goal, unfortunately humans are not capable of pulling it off. 



  8. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    Democracy 'Thai style' isn't democracy. 


    The man in power has had over 4 years of absolute power to enable Thailand to become a democracy. To lay the foundations. Checks and balances, etc. What's he done? 








    Thailand IS NOT a democracy. Do you not know that? 


    Thailand is a Constitutional Monarchy. 


    When the politicians run the country into the ground, the Royal Family sends in the military to take control and to tell the children to behave. Nothing new here and it's been going on since 1932. 




  9. 54 minutes ago, baboon said:

    The UK is pretty far from socialist as you are well aware.

    However I shall resist the temptation to ask you what the weather is like in Nizhny-novogrod at this time of year and instead cordially invite you to continue this discussion elsewhere, before the moderators make Thaivisa great again and suspend us...


    As long as the conversation does not cross the lines, then Scott will let it proceed.


    I find it funny that you accuse me of being Russian when Russia itself is no longer a communist country.  Is that the best you have, other than wanting to kick my butt because you don't have an argument? 


    Let's try this, if you dare. Can you define "social justice" and what that would look like to you? 


  10. 50 minutes ago, Oziex1 said:

    It's not about that it's about a little less greed and a little more opportunity for those who miss out while the corrupt steal the loot.


    And to state what I really think of those who support the creedy ways is <deleted> YOU


    Great argument, I have to remember that one.


    Here is a little test smart guy, name ONE (1) socialist society in the history of mankind that has been a success. 

    I'll give you the answer so you don't hurt your head, there are ZERO, NUCNA, NONE, NADA. 


    BTW, <deleted> you too!!!

  11. 5 minutes ago, baboon said:

    Ahh, those wonderfully convenient alt-right phrases and talking points, wheeled out and debunked time and time again...

    Exhibit B - The UK.


    First, I am not alt-right, which is the favorite slur used against anyone that actually has an argument against the lunatic left. I am a member of the largest voting block in the US today, Independents. You know, people that actually think instead of relying on some talking head to tell them what to think. 


    Thanks for letting me know that the UK is a socialist country. You learn something new every day!!!

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  12. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Posting facts about how "trump" has massively degraded the image of the USA in the world is entirely legitimate and something Americans should learn about if they didn't already know.

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Just like the media glossed over the continuous crimes of Trump's predecessors going back to GHWB.  


    You know you are over the target when you are taking flak. These people do not want the truth revealed to the people as to just how corrupt they were. It doesn't fit the narrative being fed to the MSM in their 4:00am call every day and with most people getting their "news" from the MSM and social media, what is the point. 


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