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Posts posted by NaamGin

  1. 5 minutes ago, rixalex said:

    Of course one vote doesn't preclude another. What you support goes beyond that. You want one vote to be ignored and another to be implemented. And then you have the cheek to accuse others of "denying democratic rights".

    Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    No, they just want to keep holding referendums until they get the results that they want. 

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  2. 16 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    But i geuss you went back two weeks later to pick up your new passport thats why they punched your old . Its not quit normal for them to punch your old if new is not done yet otherwise you would have no valid document for as long as you get your new and thats not normal .


    They took my old passport when I submitted the forms at the consulate when applying for the new passport, which I thought was odd for the same reasons you stated. I was without a passport for two weeks. When I received an email notification telling me my new passport was ready to pickup, I made an appointment, went to the consulate and picked up both the old, punched passport and my new passport. Good thing I didn't have any travel plans during that time or have a run in with the BiB. 


    I also got one of those credit card sized passports at the same time. I now carry that with me when I go out, avoiding having to carry the original or copies of my passport. Has worked a charm, so far. 


  3. can I get the passport renewal process started and get my extension at the same time?  Or should I wait get the extension first then apply for pp renewal?


    Get the extension first, then apply for a new passport or have pages added. That is if they will give you an extension with less than 6 months left before the passport expires. 


    Not sure where you are from, but it takes 2 weeks at the US consulate to renew a passport without paying for it to be expedited. And they take your old passport when you apply for a new one. 

  4. 15 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Are you sure your passport will punched when you apply for a new one? I know the US embassy has started doing it now.

    Best do get the extension first. I am certain immigration will not do the extension in a canceled passport.



    Just had a passport renewal and the US consulate in CM took my old passport when I applied for a new one. When I got it back 2 weeks later it was punched. 


    Can you get an extension using a passport that has less than 6 months left before expiring? 

  5. Cosby has been abusing women for decades and it was an open joke in Hollyweird, just like Harvey Weinstein. It's good to see that justice is being done and the courts found evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty and must serve time, irregardless that he is 81 years old. Too many other high-profile celebrities and politicians have been getting away with this for decades. Let's hope this sets a trend for the future where no one is above the law.

  6. 14 hours ago, sfokevin said:

    Then head out to Payap University... but as you started this post with “I'm not really that interested in a grueling schedule or work load either.“ I did not initially offer this suggestion up to you... :coffee1:

    I went to AUA for Thai 1 & 2, but for a variety of reasons I did not return. After asking around, the consensus in my circle of friends is that if you want to speak and understand Thai like a Thai, then go to Payap, so I did and am happy with my progression. Finishing the classroom learning process is just beginning as Thai idioms, slang, dialects and usage take years to master.  

  7. 2 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Each to their own...


    I'm a firm believer in the opposite of what you propose is a good way to live. I've lived "all shook up", and organized at various times in my life. I choose the latter. I don't need the stress of surprises and uncertainty, what you might call "interesting". Doing my exercise program 5 - 6 times a week, and trying to eat healthily is difficult when you're not organized. Give me your "rut" any day. It's a comfortable place to be. Happiness and contentedness are a state of mind. The "rut" can be a very happy place.


    Maybe you like to turn your life "upside down and shake very hard" so that you can more appreciate the good times when you're in that rut.

    And perhaps you just like boring. 

    To each their own. 


  8. I am a firm believer that people should periodically turn their lives upside down and shake very hard. I've done it a few times in my life and don't regret the changes. Nothing worse than feeling like you are in a rut, doing the same thing, day in and day out. Doesn't matter if you are an airline pilot or a doctor or a cook. After a while it all becomes a bore. Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes, it's what keeps life interesting. 

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  9. On 9/21/2018 at 3:25 PM, EL159 said:

    The new side of the road, going towards the City, only opened on Wednesday 5th September.  We sat in amazement at a coffee shop on the first morning as despite massive signs everywhere, traffic continued to try to go the wrong way both sides up and down both carriageways. Police were there in big numbers to be fair, and despite them blocking access roads to stop people going the wrong way, they still in some cases did all they could to dodge past the police to go the wrong way!

    People have been driving both directions on both sides of the road for some time. Confusing as hell and dangerous. 

  10. I've had random bouts of restless leg syndrome over the years, coupled with loud snoring and restless sleep. As part of a regular checkup with my doctor 1 year ago, I was advised to have a sleep study, so I looked into it and had one done at Bangkok Hospital. Turned out I had Sleep Apnea. Started using a CPAP machine and the restless leg syndrome went away, along with the snoring and was able to sleep soundly all night. I did some research on Sleep Apnea and found that a vitamin B1 deficiency could be the cause, so now I take a B1 supplement. My latest checkup with the doc showed that my Sleep Apnea has gone away, so I'm off the CPAP machine and sleeping normally. FWIW, YMMV.

  11. 9 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Dear old dad went to Normandy in the summer of 1944.  Didn't like it.  I went to Saigon January of 1968.  Didn't like it either.    Greenland is the country with the world's highest suicide rate. The rate here is 24 times that seen in the United States and that includes California and Florida. It's even higher than Canada! I don't think if I was a Rohingya I'd like living in Burma.  If I was Serena Williams I'd probably avoid Australia. 


    Just thought I'd mention those as food for thought and maybe the place is important in determining happiness. 


    As a wise old codger once told me, life is sometimes like a giant sh-t sandwich and everyone gets to take a bite. Can't always be were we want to be, doing what we want to do. In those situations, plan your exit expeditiously for greener pastures. 


  12. 1 minute ago, upu2 said:

    Just out of interest, and I am sure there are a million answers to this question, what exactly are people looking for when they decide to move to a new country? It seems from the comments they dont really know but that could be a very bad assumption on my part

    Greener grass? 


    I was on that path for a long time, traveling for work and pleasure. I ran though several passports during the process as I always ran out of pages for visas before the passport would expire, even with adding extra pages. The last 5 years I worked, I began to evaluate all of the places I had traveled to, with the eye for where I could retire and enjoy life. Thailand was the answer, for me anyway. If something happens to sour that opinion, I'll move onto somewhere else. No flouncing.  

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