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Paradise Pete

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Everything posted by Paradise Pete

  1. US Tech wants H1-B visa workers because they're basically indentured servants. Don't like your conditions? Salary? Too bad. Quit and get deported. Tesla in Texas laid off ~2,600 US employees. In an odd coincidence, that same year they also got ~2,600 HI-B visa workers.
  2. Have you ever taken an antibiotic? If so, why wasn't your immune system good enough? And how do you feel about Ivermectin?
  3. I'm not familiar with this DNA therapy. Can you explain further? I got the vaccine, which is not therapy and has nothing to do with DNA, but it worked well to prepare my immune system to fight off the virus.
  4. Surprisingly, marshmallows will ease the symptoms. It won't do anything about the underlying problem, but it might help you sleep.
  5. Some of us can't remember what the hell we ordered 😀
  6. Along with the other suggestions, if cost is truly not an issue throw in an angiogram to see the current state of your arteries.
  7. It's obvious that computers will become sentient far beyond human ability. If it's happening here it will happen elsewhere. Any alien visitors will be computers, not beings. That's why we haven't been contacted. Their computers are waiting for our computers. They don't want to talk to the meat.
  8. The upgrade to Category 1 is what matters here. Category 1: • Indicates that the country’s aviation authority meets ICAO standards for safety oversight. • Airlines from Category 1 countries can initiate new service to the U.S. and maintain existing operations without additional restrictions. • A Category 1 rating demonstrates that the aviation authority effectively regulates safety, including air traffic control, pilot certification, aircraft maintenance, and operational procedures.
  9. I avoid Windows, but you might consider this: • Open Settings (Win + I). • Go to Time & Language > Language & Region. • Under Preferred Languages, click the language you’re using (e.g., English) and select Options. • Scroll down to Keyboards, click Add a keyboard, and choose the Japanese IME or another relevant layout. • Test switching between layouts using the language bar in the taskbar or by pressing Alt + Shift or Win + Space.
  10. iPhone 5? Are they sure he hasn't been dead for 10 years?
  11. He's just repeating what Putin and Musk told him to say.
  12. He made a binding offer that was accepted. Then he decided it wasn't a good deal and tried to back out of it. Twitter sued Musk to enforce the agreement. That's what happened. As of October 2024, Fidelity Investments estimated that X is valued at approximately $9.4 billion, reflecting a 79% decrease from Elon Musk’s $44 billion acquisition price in October 2022.
  13. Musk tried to back out of the deal. Twitter forced him to go through with it.
  14. I've had 12 total covid vaccinations. Had my bloodwork done last week: 1. Lipid Panel: • Total Cholesterol: 118 mg/dL • Triglycerides: 58 mg/dL • HDL (HDLC4): 47 mg/dL • LDL (LDL Calc): 59 mg/dL • VLDL-C: 12 mg/dL 2. Glucose and Enzymes: • Fasting Glucose: 80 mg/dL • Lipase: 25 U/L 3. HbA1c: 4.3% 6. Apolipoproteins: • Apo A1: 134.0 mg/dL • Apo B: 55.0 mg/dL I'm healthier than I've been in many years. I also take rosuvastatin, which I'm guessing you're against.
  15. Why not order directly from Apple? Free shipping and free no-questions-asked returns.
  16. My guess is that boarding passes will still be issued. you just won't need them for routine purposes.
  17. Republican Strategists: "We need Pennsylvania. The Latino vote can get us there. There are 450,000 Puerto Ricans living there. I need ideas. Anybody?" "We could say we love Latinos." "Pass. Too obvious, too general. What else?" "We could propose a plan to rebuild Puerto Rican infrastructure" "Yeah right. Seriously, I need good ideas. Think outside the box." "We could have some guy on stage calling Puerto Rico a floating pile of garbage" "Excellent! Now you're talking! Let's go with that!"
  18. Only 4 weeks seems optimistic.
  19. Only two weeks left for that. And then two weeks + 1 day for the threads about Trump complaining the election was rigged.
  20. Eventually all the aging anti-woke people will be dead and then what's derisively called "wokeism" will be just normal human behavior. It's happened throughout history. Opinions that were once considered "radical and extreme" are normal now.
  21. As of iPadOS 18, the following iPad models are supported: 1. iPad: 7th generation and later (2019+) 2. iPad mini: 5th generation and later (2019+) 3. iPad Air: 3rd generation and later (2019+) 4. iPad Pro: 1st generation 11-inch and later (2018+), 3rd generation 12.9-inch and later (2018+) For what you're doing, though, I wouldn't worry about the latest OS. It'll work fine for many years after dropping off this list. They're remarkably durable. Apple will also sometimes release security patches for older OSes.
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