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Paradise Pete

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Everything posted by Paradise Pete

  1. You're right. We can truly see what a horrible human being he is.
  2. I took it to mean that's how the law is worded. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. I wouldn't trust him because he's stupid enough to conduct an ongoing enterprise he was certain to be arrested for.
  4. Really. What was she wearing? Maybe she was asking for it. 🙄
  5. For blockages, start with a stress test. That's where they put you on a treadmill while hooked up to an ECG. If there's a blockage that test will show that something is wrong. The next step would be to see where they are. They inject a substance that will allow them to observe your blood flow. The next step depends on the severity. Often one or two stents will be needed to open the blockages, but if the problem is bad enough then surgery might be required. My own experience five years ago was this: 1) I had a stress test at Pattaya International Hospital. Cost was 4,000 plus 1,300 for the cardiologist. 2) Scheduled the injection test at Phyathai Hospital in Si Racha. 3) Test showed a 65% blockage and a 35% blockage. Doctor recommended 1 stent. 4) I agreed and he immediately installed it. I was awake and alert the entire time. I felt nothing except for the entry point on the wrist. 5) I spend the night in ICU there for observation, but that's just a precaution. I felt fine and there was no issue at all. Total cost at Phyathai was 220,000. For one comparison, Bangkok Pattaya wanted 400,000. The doctor was Dr. Ekkhalak Koonsiripaiboon. About 40 years old, sharp and spoke excellent English. In hindsight, I wish I'd have asked to stent the 35% blockage as well. Normally it's not done for only 35%, but considering that I was already there on the table the extra cost would have just been the stent itself (not cheap, of course. From Germany, I believe. "The best on the market," said the Doc.) Here's my before and after images:
  6. I've always given 20 baht to anyone who asks. I don't judge them first to see If I think it's a legitimate request. I figure I've done my part and now the burden is theirs if they're not actually needy. I've had plenty of times in my life when I needed a break.
  7. He should have quoted these words:
  8. I don't know the answer, but I tried to find an example of a 6 year-old getting a sex change operation. I couldn't find any. It's probably just my poor searching skills, so would you mind posting a few examples? Thanks, that'll be helpful.
  9. It's much worse than that. He's a Trumpist.
  10. Juries convict, judges sentence. Two different things. Surely you've heard the phrase "convicted by a jury of his peers". You might argue that Trump has no peers, and I might agree with you, but not in the same way.
  11. Inflation is the rate of change. If after rising prices stay the same then the current inflation rate is 0.
  12. Out of Trump's entire White House staff all but four refuse to endorse him for President. They're the one who know him best. Others who have come to know him well are his secret service detail, and it appears they collectively decided to let that kid get off a few rounds first before taking him down.
  13. He became a convicted felon the moment the jury said so. Whatever sentence is handed down does not change that.
  14. Inflation is a trailing indicator. Supply chain disruption, covid handouts, and opportunistic pricing all led to that inflation. No matter who had been president it would have happened. The only thing left was to bring it under control, and this administration did that.
  15. After the only time I've ever fallen my helmet looked like this. That would have been my face instead.
  16. The length of time varies by state, but yes you can.
  17. At only 29 I'd guess he was going to use the money for a hair transplant.
  18. They'll still blame Biden for that, and then say that's why Trump needs a third term just to straighten it all out. Ginny Clarence Thomas will write the court opinion.
  19. Private insurance drives a lot of the problems with health care, especially in the US. I'm currently in a clinical trial for tirzepetide (Monjauro). They're trying to show that it reduces the chances of cardiovascular events among older people who've already had some sort of event. I'm not obese, but I have a stent. That, along with other factors, qualified me for the study. Right now insurance companies don't want to pay for the drug, but if Lilly can show that it does that then it will be standard for cardiologists to prescribe it to those patients, and insurance companies will cover it. by charging $1,000+ per month now, when it gets approved for that use they will have a gold mine. Their incremental cost per dose is apparently about $5, so it will be extraordinarily profitable for years. The drug itself is, in my personal experience, amazing. My blood pressure is now excellent, my a1c is very low, and my LDL cholesterol is well down. It's likely that I will remain healthy for longer because of it. fwiw I haven't experienced the side effects that some people do. There are two sides to big Pharma - the researchers, who are generally brilliant and really do want to help humanity, and the corporate side, who want to squeeze and squeeze every last dollar they can.
  20. Fake? Do you think they made it up? It may or may not be right, but that doesn't make it fake.
  21. You forgot "What was she wearing? Maybe she was asking for it"
  22. You missed an opportunity to blame the vaccine. It clearly promotes stabbiness. "get the jab, yearn to stab"
  23. To be fair, I've heard the cold bothers his bone spurs.
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