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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. They do prefer it as it means less work for Them, i.e. less documents to check etc, and in most cases does not require checking by their head offices in other provinces,
  2. Not if you send all your money in one go, my uk bank charges me 20 pounds no matter how much is transferred.
  3. Yes and so did Thais all around the world, WITHOUT being treated as lower than Soi dogs, with no need to 'register as a foreigner' or show any ID or visa status. Thailand was the ONLY ! country in the Whole World ! to treat foreigners this way, having to give all personal details, on a site that was VERY user un-friendly.
  4. And those stinking Foreigner's can go take a jump, we will continue to hold prejudices against them, and be as racist as we can, so get back behind the Soi dogs in the Queue.
  5. Same here, but about 4 yrs ago when extension rules were changing, I visited my local IO for a list of requirements, It was given to me in Thai ????, I then asked "how many Thais need an extension ? you need to have a list in English !" 3 weeks later when I went again, the assistant there, came running up to me with a well translated list, with a beaming smile. That list has stayed constant, but as I always apply one month in advance any changes will be pointed out. There is the last one on the list that always makes me smile.
  6. Plenty of room on top ! As this country needs workers give them jobs ! I grieve for their plight, to escape their murderous Dictator.
  7. They stopped using those opaque bottles where I live a couple of years ago, now they are clear (with a blue tinge), I may add any plastic bottled water left in direct sun tastes of plastic.
  8. Now wait for Pray-out to declare fraud was involved.
  9. There is no 'gear' par-sa the prop runs directly from the crankshaft I would suggest it was the Throttle control 'equipment' that failed, or pilot error.
  10. Most Doctors I have met are quite accommodating, I would ask the Doctor to also write a letter stating '' You are being treated by them, and can not travel anywhere'' just as a back up with your other documents. good luck.
  11. I don't know if it applies to yellow books, but the law changed quite recently for Thais ID card/blue book, they can now use hospitals in Any Province irrespective of their address on the 30b scheme. Allegedly.
  12. Not sure of what that certain age is, but mine which i got aged about 65 does not have any expiry date and is for life.
  13. Up till this paragraph I had enjoyed your post for once, and then you carried on and spoiled it.
  14. No where in the article does it mention any hospital bills, she is Thai therefore it is a 30 baht fee, and recently, it now does not matter from what province your from, private hospitals have to give emergency treatment and bill the government. This is about RESPONSABILITY and in Thailand it does not exist, losing face does. Just had some sliding windows fitted to my veranda, they are all out of square, and don't close properly on complaining i was told "your house not straight" ????
  15. one in ten, That is just the tip of the iceberg, you'd probably X 6+ that with unregistered guns here.
  16. first reason is the same as the second reason. I would be grateful she doesn't want you to meet her family, most always think Falang is a good catch, and we are all multimillionaires, with endless cash to hand out. When I met my missus, I told her not to tell her extended family that she has falang BF as they will only want money ( already had experience on that one and lesson learnt). To this day some 15 yrs later, she hasn't told them. Only her kids know me and her step-mum. Those up in the rice farm still no nothing, but very occasionally they still ask her for money. "Solly me no hab" end of.
  17. These cross bridges are rarely used, most take their chances crossing the road, especially school kids. climbing high steps in the heat of the day. They need pedestrian subways with ramps up and down. but .........
  18. One day you little wipper snapper you may grow old and infirm, or maybe infirm before you get old, I live in hope.
  19. This has been my point all through this nonsense, his Thai passport was cancelled. He now (IMO) has another countries PP and is a citizen of whatever country(s) that is, how can the Thai government extradite a person who does not have a Thai passport and is a citizen of another country which has no extradition treaty with Thailand, or even issue a red notice against them ?
  20. I would certainty have a problem, if <deleted> up neighbours were keeping me awake at 3am with loud music, when you are sleep deprived it is easy to become seriously angry. been there done that luckily no one shot me when i vented my anger.
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