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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. No I believe that is the Agriculture Minister, Anutin is supposedly an engineer.
  2. Have they finished the roadworks yet on 36 ? been awhile since I used it, going through Rayong is OK on a Sunday normally.
  3. You could take a taxi around 3k to your hotel on Koh Chang, The Airport bus is running now again to koh chang and i noticed it now includes U-Tapao. But the drive here is fine and as said I trust myself more than a thai driver, the roads now on the island have been improved with new surfaces, and that new section of Num 7 is a dream, you can even avoid going through most of Bang Chang on duel carriage way.
  4. Ah so not paying it in to her own account may be the reason.
  5. Hi, Where do you have to get an Australian marriage cert married to a Thai Translated to Thai and how do you register it at your local/any Amphur. Asking for a friend so full process please. Thanks in advance.
  6. But it won't though will it. Have they closed the one in Brisbane ? There is also not one in WA last time i checked.
  7. Duelling it out with a 7yr old in the car, was it his driving? and her not wearing a seat belt and most likely sitting in the front that caused her to get 'hurt' ? Then drove with a broken arm ! Idiot !
  8. Agree having spoken about this with Wifey in the past, that if I got refused an extension for whatever reason, and being on a basic pension, I would go live in Cambodia (easier visa) or Lao, "Me not want live Cambodia dirty to mut'' she would however live in Lao, which I also prefer, better for her same'ish language , and close to Issan & siblings, direct rail links to BKK where her kids live.
  9. This is what happens when you don't spray reporters in the face with alcohol init.
  10. Apparently from a previous report I read, there was a laundry that let water flow out onto the road that caused him to aquaplane. No doubt that is still operating with immunity.
  11. They did this in our village years ago giving out free helmets, a few wore them for a couple of days and that was that. A complete waste of time and money.
  12. I am NOT stressing out (as i am already double vaxed), STOP putting words into my mouth ! I have no time for ant-vaxers, it does work by reducing my chances of getting chronically sick and putting more strain on the health system. End of.
  13. Well to the best of my knowledge this was the only country that treated foreigners as unimportant when it came to vaccines, I did not say anything about helping my country, which like EVERY country in the world vaccinated people with no prejudice to any race.
  14. This Is Thailand and written by Thais, they are racist to extreme, as with their vaccine rollout, Thais first any foreigners last if your lucky, they just don't give a fig its called Thainess.
  15. Its not so much speeding but the inability to read the road ahead, the traffic behind, and to the sides, curves in a road, undertaking you as you are about to overtake a truck and cutting in-between you and the truck, complete failure to indicate. Just pure INCOMPETENT Dangerous drivers without a clue because of the stupid driving test where the speed is about 15 kmh Pathetic.
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