Took my mate on friday for his appointment, following the GPS, looking at the enterance road it just looks like a huge builing site, and it was closed, the next entrance was through the building site with traffic light to control trucks in and out. Nothing on the main road to indicate where the embbassy is, no flag no temperary sign, even the postie was looking for it, 15min early was seen and then the jobsworth started, my mate had got the photos done buy a proffesional photogrpher, all done to there specs, "you need to go get more photo, this may be rejected at Canberra, if not have enough pixles or the right paper'' he told her they were fine. filled the form and paid told to sit and wait, 30min later he goes to the counter, "why am I waitng?" "reciept computer not working, will you take a wrriten one ?" 'yes' waits again she has lost her stapler off she goes looking for it, comes back later and has forgotten to bring a stapler with her. it took over 1.5 hours before he left.