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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. She can not be serious including Thailand in that mandate. Our industrious glorious leader has his own 20 yr plan so better come back in 2034 and see what's left. I'm dreading the Photo ops already, better store that uniform away Tu Tu till she's gone.
  2. She could also ask why did you make Brits (& others) wait to last and jump through hoops for vaccines, when we gave vaccines to Thais and any other foreigner without Discrimination as you did. She could also be given an Honorary inactive post.
  3. And you presume all legal boarder crossers will all travel in pick up trucks Oh of course buses a mini busses never drive of the road, hit trees, or power poles do they ?
  4. 84 arrested on outstanding warrants, so up to now the cops did FA. I think in a line up these 2 would stand out. But it does remind me of a Scot who entering OZ, was asked why he had not declared an outstanding warrant in the UK for fighting, he simply answered '' i didn't think it was that outstanding '' with laughter all round they waved him through.
  5. Even if they entered legally, they would still be risking there lives with a Thai driver, taking a bend down hill. init
  6. Just another dumb Thai driver who can't drive downhill and i have no doubt a curve was involved.
  7. I'm guessing it wasn't a Thai that came up with an easier workable way.
  8. Out of interest what type of car will you be renting ? why is is so important to have a particular type of car to transport boxes and a dog. Anyhow just drive it and pay the fines if caught (i'm guessing less than 500b) . Solly me falang me no understand, No i not speak Thai, here is the phone number of the hire company.
  9. They should also give those 'stay awake pills' to the cops.
  10. Like the Ferry from Sattahip to Bang Bao Koh Chang it never did materialize.
  11. Why only PIGS ? Will that not include, cows, poached wild boar, deer or black panthers. Meanwhile still out of jail and getting govt. contracts is
  12. Not read all posts; Constantly ? Really ? the only thing that has changed to my knowledge in 15 yrs is the money in the bank, pray tell us of all the other changes. 15 yrs and not found a nice girl to settle down with, you have a 2m home, is that a house or condo ? if house who owns it? i do the marriage extension myself even with all the hoops to jump through, it only takes a day 7am start 3pm finished. after the first time even that is a walk in the park, i do the 90 days personally and fit it in with shopping it takes 5min, although i am lucky to have a sub-immigration office 15 min away. Sounds like you are lonely to me. Still plenty of adventure to be had here if you seek it.
  13. Police urge caution while sleeping and driving. OK then thanks for that insightful Info. i'll see what I can do. Note to self; do not play lullabies while driving.
  14. Coming to a military TV station soon; Prayuth's Friday night cooking show, with him crooning ???? Scarborough Fair ????
  15. Stupid me I always thought they were herbs & spices. Where would i be without Prayuth's knowledge of agriculture, can you ask your buddy how can I grow flour ?
  16. I'm sure their fortunes will stay intact, whatever the outcome.
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