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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Coming to a military TV station soon; Prayuth's Friday night cooking show, with him crooning ???? Scarborough Fair ????
  2. Stupid me I always thought they were herbs & spices. Where would i be without Prayuth's knowledge of agriculture, can you ask your buddy how can I grow flour ?
  3. I'm sure their fortunes will stay intact, whatever the outcome.
  4. Bcoz he thinks that will return happiness, and people will lub him too mut. ^money to the tourist businesses, and they will vote for him. It appears he does not give a fig about another outbreak. But lets see if vaccines can be administered to all before then. I'm waiting to Feb to see what will happen with covid before i do a long road trip.
  5. I can't think of anything worse than have a landlord watching your every move, it is an invasion of privacy ! and possibly illegal. Your living in a reality show no way, I'd be off to have a word with the local cops. sometimes they can help.
  6. Thanks for that BKB is 0.05 I forgot to add that with Krungsri no tax is payable and with Bangkok Bank only offering 0.50 % and i believe tax is payable (not sure) I am now thinking i'll just take the risk and put more than 1m in Krungsri. 1% no tax to pay & Customer friendly helpful staff.
  7. Just tried that, you have to download the PDF file and that is all in Thai translation not possible. Unlike the Krungsri site with no download needed and all user friendly.
  8. -----------Hypocrite ! Yet another photo op and a chance to be near these young girls to steal their limelight + more committees. yawn. ????
  9. Yes the way to do it, but be aware interest rates at most banks now are very very low. The maximum you'll probably find right now is 0.5% (minus 15% tax). (I believe Krungsri has a term deposit that yields a better interest, but still under 1%) I can only get their site in Thai. I am already maxed out 1m with Krungsri 1.1 interest at present, if you go above 1m then the interest drops to 1% up to 5m then 0.70 I don't really want to deposit more than 1 m with any bank.
  10. Can anyone give me some info of BKKB term deposit of say 1 m THB. Not needed for my extension as use another bank for that. When I go to the bank and ask all i get is double speak gobberly gook, last time they were trying to sell me an assurance of 10% interest which i was very suspicious of. I already have an account with them and I'm married. I am aware of the 1m 'guarantee' refund. Thanks.
  11. The only way this country can transform is to rid government from any military involvement.
  12. The only restaurants that will be able to sell alcohol have to be registered, I have a friend with just a small restaurant who just told me they can't get registered on that site, although they have tried a few times. But nothing stopping you from having a drink on the beach so far, No doubt the big business with connections have registered.
  13. If there is, they can't make you eat it we hope. a plate of chips and 10 beers please.
  14. Why are you standing to attention like a solider, oh sorry i didn't recognize you out of uniform.
  15. PM: Thailand Seriously Solves Climate Issues. seriously ? someone please give him a Glasgow Kiss .
  16. "Thailand has worked out its Relevant plans at local and national level.. " Said he who must be obeyed, but failed to say exactly what these plans are. I have a good idea; to send those water cannons to put out the burn off, and not the flames of those that want him gone. Stop the flow of brown envelopes too !
  17. They sound like ticks, they do appear out of nowhere seem like they are born on the wind, i had a huge infestation in my workshop, around the house and their nests on the patio. I brought some water soluble insecticide (Laz), and used a garden sprayer all over, kills almost anything, they never returned.
  18. I feel for you mate, i also had TB and the medication is awful, the first lot I got after 3 weeks isolation in hospital made me puke, back again for 2 weeks, they changed my meds which had to be taken for 12mth (not 9) the side affects gave me arthritis, my right shoulder was frozen, hot herb bag press and pressure point massage 'ouch, eventually cured it. Sorry but have no help about your visa. not related except years ago i had a tourist visa and needed a letter from the doctor saying i was in to much pain to travel immigration told me to phone them when i was with the doctor who then told the doctor what EXACTLY to write, 2.5 month extension was given.
  19. On a side note. I took a sick (high BP) disabled mate of mine to hospital Sun night, i had a quiet word with the doctor who was very professional in treating my mate for high BP who has MND she did some quick research, to understand this rarish decease 1 per million. And checked out his limb movements etc, I explained to her that he hadn't been able to register for expatvac, even though I had tried also, she made an appointment to see him the next day for registering for the FREE vax, now no Pfizer, but will have AZ, appointment made for Fri the doctors fee was 300 thb (govt. hospital).
  20. Does seem they are all hopeful, on Koh Chang yesterday, i saw one of the big closed 7/11s had the lights on inside, maybe to re-open, and a couple of bars being cleaned up, even more locals sitting at home in the evening audible from my home, with quite a few friends getting pished. (wish i was allowed to get away with that). some shops re-opened or being somewhat refurbished. Had a lot of local tourists the last few weekends. Their hopes seem to be high i can only hope for their sake they don't get dashed. Xmas will be the telling time. personally i will see what February brings before i venture out for a weeks road trip down to Krabi to see some family of Mrs B.
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