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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Maybe they were looking for 'a message in a bottle' soo many others come to mind, 'Secret journey' 'Murder by numbers' and in the current climate 'Don't stand so close to me' 'Every breath you take' (i'll be watching you)
  2. When I was taught to drive (HGV), i was told when stopping at lights (or similar) always apply handbrake and select neutral, never stop in gear, with foot on the clutch/brake because if someone nudges/hits you from behind your foot could easily come of the pedal and forward you will go. I still do this to this day, even with an automatic, you can sit there and relax and as the lights here have countdowns plus no amber before green, and or Thais seem to take an age to move when green I prefer this method, plus I feel it relaxes the auto drive when in neutral and not in drive.
  3. March 20th 2020 was the day they 'closed' the country for people entering without covid test, entering. I was in a hotel BKK waiting on my daughters arrival, Messaged ''Dad i've checked in and through security" ''now at at gate'' ''Sorry dad they will only let Thai residents board, I have to have Covid test and can't get one at HLR'' .........
  4. Mr. tu tu, we all know how to make civil servants hasten their work ! But as you are in denial then I guess you wouldn't believe me.
  5. Mr Prawit ,Who get the funds already allocated for the barriers, ? What ME a cynic Nah.
  6. I am not complaining as i got my first shot yesterday at my local hospital and staff were very good and organized, It's sooo normal here with appointment times, although only 40 in my que yesterday and shaded area provided, we all had the same time, 1pm out by 3pm so only 2hrs as with the govt hospitals pre-covid everybody's appointment is 9am. Some people don't turn up some are late
  7. So what is classed as residential use ? would that include 1 ria with a bamboo hut on it ? and 40m for 1 ria ? Yeh ok then bargain.
  8. Why would multimillionaires be Bovered about owning land, when tax on alcohol will be reduced. Sarcasm mode off. I see another U-turn coming up soon on that one too.
  9. It makes me suspicious, as in the past they were posted, as to what commission the VFS get from agents. Nah that would never happen would it.
  10. I'm to lazy to comment.
  11. I also felt nothing when I got my 2nd Pfizer shot. The following day I was quite sick, it lasted 2 days, so I was reassured. I had my first Pfizer shot yesterday, and i didn't even feel the needle go in, so far no reaction, but a little bit tender around the site, no sign of any blood, now after reading this news well ...........
  12. Ask Mrs Joe, she's selling luxury cars. But 2m might be below her standard.
  13. You should be able to do it at an ATM take a photo of the slip and upload it to them. This is how I pay for my expat food on-line that don't except C.O.D. You don't have to show your A/C number in the photo.
  14. From what is written here, it sounds like you are asking if you can rent a car for a Thai friend, nothing in your post about traveling with them.
  15. I agree probably hocked with a bank or worse a loan shark !
  16. I also registered with expatvac, and did not get a reply, then low and behold got a phone call from the Doctor at my local hospital on 16th, I go today at 1pm Pfizer. seems that is what is happening now, no emails. May I suggest contacting your local healthcare volunteer they may know what is happening.
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