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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Many many missleading ads on Lazada. I ordered rear brake 'shoes' for my car as clearly shown on the Bendix box displayed. Brake Pads are what was in the GIRLING box i received, along with some free chewing gum .
  2. I saw a report yesterday that the Chinese have their own 'Police stations' in several countries to 'persuade' dissidents to return home to their 'Familys'
  3. Sorry i missed the bit where it says ''illegal establishment''.
  4. That applies to the East coast as well, it should be common sense in monsoon season.
  5. 10,000 baht Wow how generous, isn't that the fee for attending one committee meeting ?. Hope the insurance pay out if they had it.
  6. There is NO Beer made in Thailand, just fizzy larger, the worries on controlling smaller breweries is simply down to corrupt officials turning a blind eye on production procedures' and quality control. There would be no problems if officials did the job they are paid for not what anybody else pays them for.
  7. This lethal Lao Khao they make is sold at most Ma and Pa shops, it is deadly and yet it continues unabated. from 10b a small MI I5 bottle, so many die from continued use. But the local police do nothing except maybe take a backhander.
  8. Untrained crane operaters all over Thailand. Just to point out a 60ton crane means it can pick up 60 tons, boom right in, direct lift from front of cab stabilizers out full and correct counter weights fitted. any other lift has to be carefully calculated by the operator. maths is a must, even when reading the manual. Oh and strict rules near power lines, in the real world. ex crane technician.
  9. Yeh i'll move to Pattaya for a while and get a BG, is this recomended by TAT ? jeez.
  10. Thanks for that, but i notice the buses have a number on them, unfortunately not shown on this map.
  11. I don't live in pattaya, but if they all run the same route, why would you need to change bus ?
  12. Where's the vid ? has it been taken down.?
  13. I notice they all run different routes, are there any 'baht bus route maps' ?
  14. It could well be the fan motor, its sensor, or its relay. when the temp reaches normal or slightly above the fan should run, it should also run when you first turn on A/C. When the car is cold, remove the rad cap, to see if it is full, run a while with cap off if your worried about air locks, you can normally see the coolant circulating .Water pumps normaly leak when nackered. just to add, i once brought a fan motor from Nissan lasted only 15k klm 6k baht ! Brought an after sales motor from GT battery shop still works after 3yrs 2k baht.
  15. Lucky there were no elections happening during the 'Cave Rescue'
  16. Thais can change their name in 15 min, but their ID number always stays the same on their new card. I don't see any reason she can't change her name to yours. Names don't count, they are just a number, thumb print and photo (taken by the Amphur).
  17. That does in no way mean ALL Customers took drugs, and nothing in the OP states that !
  18. In the real world bag searches etc are carried out at the door before entry. Hopeing to drug test 200 is just pure stupidity.
  19. In my area and many others it's a 2mtr rule from house to boundery, but that does not include any roof overhang, as long as the rain run off does not go onto other property. I'm not sure how this rule applies to 'high' buildings though.
  20. Poor old Prayuth, will he become homeless if he is not PM ? or will he continue to live in the barracks ?
  21. Well i think it all depends what your budget includes is it just you and your wife or, the whole extended family ?
  22. Or he played by the rules and had all IDs checked on entery.
  23. It is half as much. A member of my family just paid less than 600 pounds return, direct, Feb-March 23. 2flights a day. They also told me contacting Thaiair direct was more expensive
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