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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. It's just a deposable plastic bowl and looks perfectly clean to me, just a bit missing off the lip.
  2. When I worked as a mechanic the boss's ex-wife used to bring her car in complaining it's not running well, boss said to me she never drives over 30 mph, take it up the Motorway and thrash it in all gears, nothing else was done, it ran fine, after, she was always happy after that.
  3. Yea that will work. I hate trying to use super glue. Also those hot glue guns are very useful I use it for all manner of things coat inside and out stays tacky for a while push together.
  4. May I suggest you change banks, The bank of Ayudhya aka yellow bank will pay 1.1% interest and this year i got my letter and statement in just 10 min.
  5. 30 day on arrival ? Accepting a tow rope also has financial problems, them taking it From You, not. rules of the sea oh I forgot rules here don't count.
  6. Most 'Captains' of large Yachts normally have a basic knowledge of mechanics, and put up a small amount of sail in rough sea to get to safety ????
  7. My Missus has told me she will stop drinking for 3 months ! she does this every year, she has been getting very pished every night this week in the lead up to that. And after 3 months, jeez she will be celebrating with her friends for days. ????
  8. Very expensive injection that has to be repeated every 3 months. More likely to do a runner before their 90 day report init.
  9. Your brother is a lucky man, we keep seeing you plastered all over the press.
  10. Maybe in BKK or Pattaya they may have 'one' sign on left of road, but mostly no signs at all in the rest of the country let alone on the right side.
  11. Agree with that, they would have to send it off again to be checked then go back again what they going to do check it yet again.
  12. Many people every year drown on Koh Chang in bad weather conditions, but never heard of an OZ, mostly Thais or people from Mediterranean countries. just standing knee high you can feel the currents/rips but sadly people lack this basic knowledge.
  13. I always do the same but....up to them init. not sure this rule could be invoked after you've applied though;
  14. And yet AGAIN foreign workers killed by a Thai driver. that must be around 25 so far this year and if you include those 'illegal' job seekers too, well .......
  15. Can you not remember if they checked money in the bank last year when you picked up your new extension ? I applied one month ago and just picked up mine yesterday in Trat and as usual they never checked money again.
  16. Did the cops tell the woman to be more careful, as it was the tenth time that week she'd lost her purse.
  17. Anybody going swimming in bad weather with high seas, and ignoring red flags are just crazy the storms on Koh Chang the last week have been very strong, yesterday the winds were like gale force. Also very strong rips. Unfortunately this story doesn't mention what beach.
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