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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Normally Alcoholics. Same as smoking addiction, wake up light up.
  2. And no one heard or saw anything. Home build gone wrong ?
  3. I am baffled by your statement, as in the FULL STORY vid it is raining.
  4. Spot on. the certificate is the same size and beige in color.
  5. Did he have a stand-in ? the change of the 'Light Brigade' coming your way soon.
  6. Well at least this doesn't ruin the reputation of the RTP. ????
  7. ???? Thought I'd cut out the wild guessing.
  8. Are you sure you mean VOArrival or VOEntry ? what passport are you traveling on? if you don't mind telling us.
  9. I agree, it is a really longwinded, but international signs in Thailand ? but it specifically says Red Cross. 'Organ donor' would be more simplistic, and as Thais normally carry ID cards, it would be much simpler just to have it on their ID cards.
  10. I have been told its illegal here to drive without a shirt. ????
  11. Before buying a new mower check to see if you can get the spares, Briggs and Stratton seem the best, with side discharge if wanted. I brought a Bisson, I have to make the blade myself, oval center and side holes, single 21'' blade, and converted it with a Honda carb.
  12. No they will not fall apart, ever.
  13. RIP young man. on first reading the headline i thought he 'fell' from the roof top, but he 'fell' from a window. lived with his dad, no information on his mum, maybe missed her to much.
  14. Going by the OP it sounds like he got a ticket, hence the OP's question 'should I pay the 1000 b fine' unless he is still with the cops awaiting our fantastic advice
  15. I forgot to add if you go down the lost PP process that will involve making a police report.
  16. You HAVE to make an appointment, my new PP took 7 weeks and 4 days posted back to me EMS, as i had my old one cancelled. It also finishes 23 jan. As said if you need to leave the country or it finishes before you get the new one, you will have to leave, then you had better not cancel it, especially with Embassy holidays xmas and new year. Someone else can also collect it for you with a letter from you and their I.D. I found their online booking easy.
  17. It makes no sense if you were married in Thailand, why would anybody register their marriage in their home country ? I was lucky at my district office, no translations were needed of anything, but it was the office we got married in.
  18. That makes no sense if you married in Thailand, From where ? Outside of Thailand ?
  19. I don't think anything has changed. one month Visa on arrival but if you want to save a whole page of your passport then imo e-visa is better. No problem with Thai passport, i would spend at least a week in Laos, especially now they have 'the train', some lovely spots up north Vang veng, on the Song river and Luang prabang have stunning scenery, on the Mekong.
  20. The first full moon in November signals a season change end of rainy season hence 'Loy Krathong' weather is cooler and no rain since 8th on KC.
  21. read the article ! I did read it, he was found guilty IN his ABSTANCE ! sorry if you don't understand abstance but should be spelt absence.
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