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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. These school pick ups are not a flat bed, they have seats just like all 'Baht busses' but are sometimes overcrowded with kids standing on the rear step hanging on. They are the only Taxis in Trat and Koh Chang.
  2. Imagine a hairdresser/barber forcing you to learn 'social studies' before cutting your hair. ????
  3. Just wondering don't you have to be here for the 'home visit' ?
  4. Before Covid at the local Thai market, and at a local Loy Krathong, 98% Thais a very tall large pompous looking police volunteer git standing with hands on hips surveying everyone, was making most feel uncomfortable with his overbearing look at me stance. Pathetic.
  5. What a Pleb, maybe increase teachers wages so they are not in debt, or free uniforms/bags etc etc. he is clueless beyond belief. Hopefully the public will get him out.
  6. Herr General and his gang has been misleading this country since 2014 and will continue to do so.
  7. So you can grow a cannabis plants for home use without having to seek permission, BUT required to register with 'appropriate authorities' and all this for 0.2% THC. All this kerfuffle for A Nut In government to get elected. A complete con and waste of time IMO.
  8. And only someone from the stone age uses that terminology. ????
  9. ????The only way I received any post for the last 2+ years was to complain to head office, I got 6mths of post in one day, only for this year nothing from previous years, no apology, or reason given or mention of a reprimand to the local PO none had EMS numbers some local post only a few miles away and one marked URGENT from an OZ bank posted 3mths ago. Thailand 0.04 ????
  10. He is completely off his rocker, also a paranoid schizophrenic, saying that Ukraine's need saving from Nazis and Hitler was a Jew A total disillusioned megalomaniac who needs to be incarcerated in a mental institution like Dartmoor along with other mad serial killers.
  11. ????Do these Stats include those that later die in hospital from gunshot wounds. just asking.
  12. If only they would print the dammed vehicle tax date in Numerals, i.e 01/06/22 ????
  13. So who pays the bill for those incarcerated ? 12 crew members of which Airline ?
  14. Yen but it got Anutin elected before the 0.2% THC announcement, just another money making scam IMO
  15. The Australian Unions got the law changed for drug testing, to Oral testing only, which only shows recent consumption, and what people do in their spare time is up to them, legal or otherwise, like alcohol consumption and getting stoned at weekends people working on shifts like 4 days on 4 days off e.tc. Urine and blood tests are no longer allowed on spot checks by employers.
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