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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Absolutely, Like bank letters have to be the same day (although not stated on their list), Trat want 6 photos . Witness must attend etc. So I'll ask the OP again WHAT ! office ?
  2. So how does that work ? I was under the impression you give your passport to the agent.
  3. Ice you buy is made from reverse osmosis water not plain tap water.
  4. At 0.2% you'd have to chain smoke all day and the only thing you'd get is a bad cough, wouldn't get a fly high.
  5. One day in the far distant future they may legalise Marijuana, I would not waste my time on caring and growing Hemp at 0.2% THC, waste of time and energy.
  6. Thai galvanize/zinc should be painted with silver oil based enamel gloss out of a tin, first coat will etch it, then apply a second coat.
  7. But this poor demented stupid fool of an official thinks otherwise.
  8. There is an Owner near me a 'Falang' who lets his dogs run free when out for a Walk Sh!t. A couple of months ago it bit a 12 yr old girl neighbour, he goes to the hospital and pays the bill, then two days ago his dogs running free as Always, bit another neighbour stiches needed, off he goes again to pay the bill, I berated him in no uncertain terms lots of F's at full volume on how stupid he is. He thinks paying money will solve the problem, WOE Be him if it bites me or the missus, my missus would take him to the cleaners.
  9. Total BS ! There was one of these "Charities" took my very sick dog to the vet, tumour, told no, vet can not euthanize, I watched her slowly die for 3 weeks, hand feeding her. Fast forward ; took my cat to the same vet, for medication, I talked to her about my dog, and was told 'yes i would have put her down'. Dog are not a protected species, unless you benefit from a 'charity'. IMO
  10. None of the issues in the survey. Irresponsible dog owners, dangerous incompetent drivers both Thai and 'Falang'. People that comment on subjects they know nothing about and giving uninformed information., and of course this military government.
  11. Some people drive on their brakes, others use engine to slow down, but salt is a different matter.
  12. I thought they were keyless start. key fob in the car press the brake and start, it must be in park or neutral. Put The Key in the ignition ? is that still a thing for a modern saloon car?
  13. The Key can be removed from the fob and you can physically lock the door. Hold the fob up to the start button, and you can start the car even with no battery in it at all.
  14. I've been cold stone sober and slipped on wet tiles in bare feet.
  15. Shameful that a pawn shop set up by the government to help the poor should be charging interest. maybe put it into the education system
  16. I'm sure there'll be someone there if they know a plane is due, if not the mini-bus then may be other transport to a Mini-bus pick up point. Just did a google the Bus Station is around an 80 baht taxi ride from the airport, which is 700mts from the train station. so up to you have a good trip.
  17. Seems like there is a lot of old cobblers in Thailand then. Ok i'll get my hat. ????
  18. Yes good to hear, but 6,000 a month is not that 'cheap' in reality. Cheap if "Most are still working remotely'' though.
  19. Hello Lucky, I am an extlemely Hansom and Sexy Maan, Me widower, i am waiting for money come plobate on my dead wife, so if you can send me 10,000 baht i can come see you for Lomance and Lub. Hope to hear flom you soon. Love Vespa.
  20. Did they check under the bed, of course he knows where his wife is, some people would murder for that amount Bank accounts can not be opened in nick names, she is a trader and would have known the real name of who she was paying surely.
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