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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Our beloved Military Chief is not wanted anywhere except by other coup run countries.
  2. That would have put a twist on "Open all Hours''
  3. I reported this number on here weeks ago.
  4. Blah Blah Blah So just where and how was it issued to Tourists ?, they should force all rental companies to display the warning and hand a leaflet to renters but they will loose custom, so it will never happen, this is just a repeat of what has never been enforced and it never will be.
  5. It would be enough to make one's hair stand on end and curl just to walk past.
  6. Simple just get rid of Prayuth job done. They have someone in charge of traffic matters came as a surprise.
  7. I leave my clippings. I would go for the Briggs and Stratton, self drive, side Shute, or use the bag collector, and spares are available. I brought a Bison mower much the same and no spares available, I even had o make my own single cutting blade.
  8. But you have to push it,.
  9. Will they wait for it to come out the other end to sew it back on. To top it of it will be him that has to pay falang price at the hospital.
  10. Always new one's, ''Oh you have new fridge'' said an eagle eyed I O. true. why risk it for a couple of hundred baht. i will have to re-apply again 6mth after last extension as new passport coming, i asked can use same photos ? "No everything new again" ????
  11. Breaking National News 13 cops do their job, by nicking ONE pickpocket, and it only took a few months.
  12. And if you don't believe that then its off to the re-education centres again. Her General.
  13. Thailand needs to get it's priorities right. Means of monitoring deforestation already exists, while hospitals fall into disrepair.
  14. Even the courts don't know the law, "....However it turned out that the Constitutional Court cannot claim reputable damages.... " luckily he had a good lawyer.
  15. Put the money where it is needed most not on more military equipment for YOUR army , I am currently in a government rural city hospital, it looks great on the outside fresh paint beautiful gardens, but up in the wards is another story, grim old beds, toilets no flush, floor not slopping to drain, just the old bucket and bowl, some fans not working and I have to pay top rate. staff are great and feel sorry for them having to work in such bad conditions. to top it of the 'Health Minister' could be the next PM.
  16. I Love 'tators not Dick. ????????
  17. Not if I had met him or her, at a party, and had brought, or was given ecstasy by them.
  18. Not if I had met him at a party and had brought/given ecstasy from him or her.
  19. Even so there is not much effort but into blocking of the entire hole unless they drove straight into and through those plastic barriers which incidentally should be filled with water, but hey that would take time and effort every day to secure it adding cost to construction and nobody wants that.
  20. Yes the 3m ! deep hole was only for pedestrians to fall in.
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