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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. He'd heard about 'dogging' so thought he'd give it a go.
  2. He said it was all a tragic mistake, yeh sure it was. Now give him life with no parole.
  3. Mine number is written on an old biscuit tin lid attached to our house with double sided tape. When i handed them my new photos last year, the eagle eyed officer immediately said "Oh you have a new fridge". ????
  4. We both just filled out a 'form' at the embassy. we had already checked what we both needed before we went, no queues. or even cues
  5. No we stay here in Thailand there is not reason for me to register it with my embassy.
  6. Best news i've heard for ages AUD is up and rising due to a mining boom as China needs to import more resources, and Australia's debt is low.
  7. Change Banks, all done in 20min at yellow bank.
  8. All I needed was the 'free to marry affidavit' from my embassy translated, then back home to my local Amphur with a witness in tow, and got married. (free). I don't understand how an agent can help, you and your wife have to attend your embassy. a lot of translation places around but some take a day or two, think i paid around 500b. in Nanna.
  9. You can come on this site and whine about it apparently. ????
  10. That's the way it is please desist from whining. ????
  11. Party poopers, under 20 but was there anyone actually say under 18 ? or even 16.
  12. I'm so glad the mango tree was ok and i hope it gets over the shock.
  13. Yes, I am velly hansom sexy maan, 'cept high season of course.
  14. It had gone missing ??? how strange a bag just goes missing yep I think it was lucky they 'managed' to find the driver.
  15. well in this one, I don't see any in the photos, or maybe as he wasn't a paying customer so they just used the hose pipe.????
  16. It's obvious the bad spirits are still in control, lottery numbers coming soon. ????
  17. Now that sounds worrying. Truck or Helicopter ? This is Thailand, maintenance ? "not from MY budget you don't." said the boss of all.
  18. I'm very surprised that some wats still use wood for cremations, My local wats use electric or gas.
  19. Was his meter still running ?
  20. Why does it have to turn into a PR stunt, just give the bloke his wallet back and move on.
  21. No I will not desist it's called free speech, stating the bleeding obvious and my comment on it, is not Whining.
  22. And there was me thinking a Tuk Tuk only had 3 wheels,
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