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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. It's raining and i've run out of things to read, is my reason. didn't read past the first mention of scrabble though. ????
  2. Why is it that in Thailand they just use cheap paint on crossings that fades really quickly? rhetorical question of course, around my area there are no signs erected at all ! even in the picture here only visible from the left ????
  3. No it won't, climbing & descending stairs in the heat people just don't use them, and what about the disabled ?
  4. I suggest you look at the vid, to see what is was like BEFORE it was gutted.
  5. Cambodia visa on entry is available on line, so they can't overcharge you, but be very careful to make it on their govt site some are 'agents' and disguised as govt site, the 'fee' for not staying overnight used to be 300b at Klong Yai.
  6. Oh you don't like it, well tough, the longer you don't pay the more you'll owe, what do you expect. next they could sell the debt to 'collectors' woe betide you once they start turning up, they can find the debtors where ever they are. I should add they don't give a toss about the bike it's the MONEY they want.
  7. I stayed there and found it very good, back in 2020 it was only 500b and has parking for car.
  8. A lot of Japanese despised him and cheered at the news. just saying.
  9. 52,900 baht !!! while most agents are 15k-20k Jeez
  10. Prayout Chaired the meeting, and will need final approval by the Thai Cabinet which he also Chairs oooh wonder how the vote will go ????
  11. That's what i was thinking, or if we both turn up what are they going to charge 75% of full rate. another scenario if a high end hotel pay a girl short time to check-in win win situation. ????
  12. Well the cops didn't actually find him, it was a "whistle-blower" so i'm guessing someone who new him or he did it again
  13. Well i just read the full story it sounds like he was hiding out in the temple grounds, but translation may be wrong sounds like he is still working as an electrician and then it goes on to say " I used to befriend THEM take Them to a rented room and then let THEM go. so maybe he's been up to his tricks there hence a whistle-blower.
  14. Was Granny, granny to the kids or his wife ie Yorns Mother in law ?
  15. We need more speculation on these pages, there is never enough
  16. they are not sand-flies but sand flees or sea lice nasty little critters can barely see them with the naked eye, Mossy spray around your ankles works. In the past I had some 'din' delivered full of the dam things and if you pick the lumps then infection sets in, still have scars from years ago. I didn't feel the bites until the next day. Only encountered them on beaches at night while sitting around tables.
  17. Bingo, shove a coin, pin ball, Imagine going to a fairground and asking the 'Gaffs' to use a card, bag of chips on the way home.
  18. Of course try going in a small pub or fish& chip shop or any small business and use a card.
  19. And the rest of the WHOLE country it's no secret. This is why prostitution should be made legal to stop these thief's robing bar owners etc, so they can have a 'room' outback for sex workers. As if the entertainment venues have not been through enough with covid, then this lot come along and rob them.
  20. Yes I think it is but don't head into Ban Chang follow the duel carriage way towards the Mapta phut Trading estate, then a left back onto highway 3 before the estate, you'll avoid Ban Chang Centre going that way, Then Rayong, Sundays it's fairly quiet or num 36 bypass. I stopped using the 36 as roadworks were ongoing but I've heard now finished.
  21. Yeh i'm sure that'll work. will the Chinese be classed as foreigners too or do they get family rates. .
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