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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. '' Other banks may differ'' they sure do, the Bank of Ayudhya (yellow bank) takes about 40 minutes and pay 1.1% interest. Why does the BKB take so long ?
  2. other reasons; to open some bank accounts, register a vehicle.....
  3. Such wonderful community policing they deserve an international award for excellence and a jolly to Dubai . Oh wait they already got one in the top award for crime prevention category. reported here 18 March 22. ????
  4. So how come there are still any police left ? will the last one please turn off the A/C and close the door after him.
  5. I had a friend who had been in a long term relationship with his male partner, he made a will and all thai assets went to him, on his demise. The worst for him was waiting for his remains to be returned from BKK autopsy (he didn't die in a hospital) before the funeral could take place.
  6. Koh Chang sub-office; hand over passport, wait 3 min, passport returned with new slip, not even asked to sign.
  7. Why on earth should Russians get asylum they are not in danger and have homes to return to, unlike the Ukrainians who's homes are being reduced to rubble while they try and take shelter living and dying in fear .
  8. So is their embassy paying some, or all of the cost, or zilch ?, don't suppose we'll get full disclosure on what that 'collaborated' really means and I notice from this poorly reported story they don't seem to be 'collaborating' with the Ukrainian Embassy.
  9. I M O it could go back to incest being acceptable like marrying your first cousin and revered as a god for example like...... Oops
  10. This just goes to show how childish they are, and often giggling like kids when they make a mistake.
  11. Not to sound derogatory but, Just what 'valuables' would a pregnant nurse at work have on her worth stealing anyway, sounds like a desperate drug addict or in debt to loan sharks, sadly Thailand is becoming worse and more violent by the day.
  12. I met it this bloke in a bar, gave him my money to invest, and you'll never belief this, is was a scam
  13. Not true the "poor" mother demanded 30m baht in compensation, from i think the boat operator and others involved in this incident.
  14. How dare they broadcast news against a military run country. Said a junta somewhere.
  15. Between 11am - 2pm it is allowed.
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