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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. And Yet immigration are unable to to do a marriage extension without 60 A4 copies even though you have lived at the same house with the same wife for 6+ years.
  2. I would have thought quite easy to find this perb, as he is walking and what looks like a bag of shopping, I think he must be a local, so start with the closest shops show them the photo, to see if they recognize him, maybe a regular customer, and check their CTV. Oh no i've used logic forgot where I was.
  3. Why use Toilet cleaner (acid) when bleach diluted 20% will do the same after a 15min soak.
  4. Thank you for all your replies, Breaking news ! After sending them a secure e-mail, and a message to their complaints page, and a message on one other page, over the last few days not that they have answered any of them except an auto generated one giving me a 13 13 number that can not be used outside Oz, I have tried yet again and successfully made a transfer, just waiting now for SMS from BKB.
  5. I do use their webpage on my laptop, the reason I mentioned an app was that if you want to up your daily limit from 10k you must download their app which you can not do outside Oz or at least without an OZ sim. You can send a lot more over the phone with only one fee of 18 aud but last time i tried after 30 min of being sent round in circles i gave up and so did my phone credit, and up until a few years ago you were not allowed even to do that if you were not in Oz. But i will try FB if i really must.
  6. Not condoning DUI or leaving the scene, but was there any rear lights on M/C or especially the sidecar, I rarely see any lights on sidecars front or back, not even something vaguely reflective.
  7. Until Immigration stops using photo copies and all offices use the same rule book then any talk about this kind of 'Digital Transformation' or Thailand 4.0 is pointless IMO
  8. Why wait until June 9 it will still be just as illegal for personal/recreational use as it is now and who wants to smoke or eat HEMP but I suppose the fibre might help some with dietary problems.
  9. 12.62% chose Prayuth because of his Honesty. April 1st is not until Friday.
  10. Has anyone else had the same problem. 3 days spent trying to use their internet banking site to transfer money to my account in Thailand where i live. There is a box to scroll down what county the scroll down does not work so typed it in, clicked the ' I agree box' and all other relevant info. Press continue, and it just returns to the same page. You can not download their App unless you have a Oz number. My address with them is here. They are very anal retentive about anyone not in OZ. Phoning them is also a waste of time and money as they send you round in circles until your credit of 1k baht is depleted, this always seems to happen when the exchange rate is in my favour. Anyone with similar experience with ANZ ?????
  11. I lived in Samut Prakan in 2020 my car was covered in black soot every morning.
  12. What no pointing, when will the re-enactment be ? Nothing in the story to tell us why they were traveling there, or were they transporting cops to inactive posts ?
  13. I have ordered 4 card readers in the last 18 months not one has arrived, I contacted Nationwide who tell me they don't give a tracking number as they are auto generated. My postman never delivers anything for at least 2 years but came with a COD from lazada moonlighting postman he is. ????
  14. You could try doing it yourself 270 baht for 3mtrs on Lazada light blue or silver but i don't see white. If you change the colour of a vehicle it also has to be changed in the book. On a side note vehicle radiators are all black as it radiates more heat.
  15. Thai's should export hemp to China for the only use it has, fabric and rope.
  16. Why bother Prayut had none. But learn the lessons from Dad don't reduce the military budget as he did, they don't like it especially the very highest bloke whatsisname.
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