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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Utter nonsense ! Russians don't just look at their own media, Does any ex-pat/tourist only look at their home country's media ?
  2. Well what did they expect after that non press conference allowing propaganda i.e. fake news speech, all there should have walked out , wrap yourself in a Ukraine flag go demonstrate outside your embassy.
  3. Depends on the term really by that I mean if only one year and how far into that it is and with probate taking around 3 months there might not be any term left.
  4. And parents spend much more on their devices, jeez there's a young mum near me, stares at her phone while driving a motor bike with her 3 yr old clinging on the back, EVERYwhere she goes.
  5. If her "friends" were also actors then they have learnt the script. Did they carry out drug tests on all ? my point being if they had all been taking class A drugs then that could be the reason they didn't report the accident immediately.
  6. Let the Russians sleep in their churches, maybe they have cellars with a few camp beds.
  7. The safest place is anywhere without roads or cars. Worst time to travel anywhere.
  8. Not so many will survive the return trip though.
  9. So does that exclude foreigners ? not really open only for test and go, sandbox, and other quarantine schemes.
  10. The crossings i am referring to have No lights, buttons or any road signs whatsoever, just very faded white paint barely visible, and if you are a stranger to the area there is no way you'd even know they were there.
  11. And Many NOT reading the full story before commenting as per usual ????
  12. Going buy the full story it is not permanent and one injection lasts 3 months and needs to be administered every three months at a cost of 10k per shot, the offender will wear a ankle bracelet.
  13. The REAL World : You pay for it, with the right paperwork you can live there till you die even with a new partner if you divorce, a very good reason to never build in your wife's village or any where near it. Getting any money back well good luck.
  14. Alcohol is a demon and one needs to moderate as with any drug, i have seen/known more friends who have died here, when you see someone in a hospital bed thrashing around and hallucinating with the DTs you'll understand. Never had a problem with ganga smokers though.
  15. Sorry to say this and not condoning what happened but there are plenty of mothers around here who are also alcoholics, the older ones chew something like beetle nut.
  16. What with all the hoo haa recently about the death of a doctor on a crossing, in a 20 min drive today, on a regular route and knowing where roughly most of the crossings are, about 8 in all, most outside big resorts, not one of them have a warning sign, and the white paint barely visible on a clear sunny day. Who is responsible for signage? Just wanted to get that off my chest.
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