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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Was it armed ? or a blank dummy. Dear boss, "I need another 37 million baht to replace the Dummy torpedo i just fired, please find enclosed a stamped return brown envelope"
  2. There was an accident 50+ years ago in the UK a garbage truck did the same thing unfortunately he drove under a railway bridge, the raised body hit the bridge catapulting the cab into the underside of the bridge and crushing it, one dead and one maimed for life. We then made a gate on the gearboxes of all tippers, so no gear could be selected if the power take off was still engaged. The driver had lowered the body at the tip but didn't disengage the PTO.
  3. Normal action by Prayout and his gang to try and lock up any opposition, leaves out of the global juntas guide book, if you can't beat them lock 'em up to shut them up.
  4. You are correct but they do have a "challenge 25" policy if you don't look 25 then you may not be 18. I just googled it.
  5. I have to go to my favourite bakery some 20min away earlyish morning so they are not sold out, do other shopping at the supermarket and can't buy alcohol before 11am, ridicules situation to have to drive the car twice.
  6. My mates Thai wife in the UK was refused a bottle of alcohol spirit or wine (can't remember) in a supermarket as she didn't look 21 when in fact she was 34, she was reduced to tears as she thought it was prejudice to Asian. 21 is/was the age in UK supermarkets for some reason 7years ago.
  7. To my count that is 20+ immigrants killed by incompetent Thai Drivers this year alone.
  8. And what part of this building is a military infrastructure ? 300 kids dead so far in the Ukraine blood is on your hands Putin. You may win this WAR but you will never, never win over the Ukraine's people or the rest of the World. Your Destruction of civilian homes and lives, will never be forgiven ever !
  9. All those places have have Russian Churches as with MANY others around Thailand, let the Ruskies camp out in them, and give the Ukrainians 5 star hotels. There needs to be an investigation on who owns these churches, who paid for them, and follow all the money trails on these tax free entities. It wouldn't have anything with money laundering would it Nah not in Thailand. As for you Tomikhin they can smell your pants burning all the way back in the Ukraine.
  10. Seems like another imported American thing. very rare in the UK and mainly only Rugby clubs.
  11. Seem someone paid to advertise go fund me on this site a few days ago, when i clicked on what i thought was a story i was warned ''go back to safety'' so i did.
  12. Will they be allowed to ask questions ? Alcohol sprays at the ready. Who finances all of the none tax paying expensive Russian Churches in Thailand ?, would be my first Question, and can we see the Audits and money trails of where the money came from ?
  13. I would like to ask the Transport Minister what he is doing about the carnage on Thai roads, if anything at all.
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