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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Where were the cops in all this, allowing him to be taken away from the scene.
  2. I read that also weeks ago, Opium class 5 drug !!!!!! a very highly additive drug. I wouldn't get to exited folks on this announcement, it will be for medical use only, but to say opium is class 5 is just lunacy. more government miss-information IMO
  3. I wish I didn't have to do so many jobs around the house, i'm quite willing to pay to have work done, unfortunately not only do they make a bad job, they normally end up breaking something else. Thiis the latest F up of having new windows and fly screens fitted. I have done a diagonal measurement of the fly screens and they are 25mm out of square on ALL 4 screens ! ???? ????
  4. 30k service on a relatively new car ?? sounds like someone got ripped off to me.
  5. But why not just put a floor fan on the dog, it will become acclimatised soon enough letting it have A/C it will never acclimatise.
  6. They need educating in ALL aspects of driving. Just why is the Thai driving test taken on a test course where the speed of driving is less than 20 klm,? I mean why can't they implement a proper test on roads, roundabouts, hill starts etc. Just what possible reason could there be ??? maybe there are no testers capable of driving themselves. It makes no sense to keep having so many deaths on the roads, they can't even drive on a straight road in broad daylight sober.
  7. I took a French friend to a Thai Notary/lawyer for his 'pension still alive' document to be signed my friend could barely speak English, the Notary could but not read it, I explained what it was, he signed and stamped it, gave us copies of all his 'Qualifications' and off we went. 1k but many years ago now.
  8. Otherwise known as " Jimi the Slice '' You just can't make this sh!t up. The police say it must have been foreign hit men, why ? are Thais not capable of a professional hit ? probably not,
  9. The only thing i carried were travellers cheques The bungalows at KC resort 50b a night, shared toilets and showers, the old lady in reception sold bags of weed, when you checked in along with the key, you were issued an oil lamp, no electric, no lady bars, now KC resort is a huge concrete place. After traveling up and down Thailand all those years ago, and a few times after, I came back about 15 yrs ago and headed straight for KC been here ever since. Khaosan Rd was the place to head to on arriving, no minibuses picked you up from your hotel, you had to make your own way to a bus station, the Lonely Planet Book was your bible and the free bus maps. bamboo Bungalows at Krabi were directly on the beach with sand as your floor, I used to bury my PP and money in it.
  10. It should be who ever authorized the making of that shoddily made basket and those who allowed it to be fitted. maintenance on that should not even be an issue if made correctly, except every 10 years, paint removed from welds and all x-ray checked and only by qualified guys and any defects/cracks re-welded by boiler makers/ or similar qualified welders.
  11. I just zoomed in on the photo of the full story, as a former crane technician, I can assure you that cage is not a standard crane basket, it looks like some odd bod has made it, from incorrect too thin steel and the pigeon sh!t welding has failed, that would never pass an x-ray test as all crane welds should. Safe Trusted Thailand.
  12. No worries mate, after he (if) serves time he can go back to OZ and get a job in the OZ government, as his crime was not there, well that's how Thailand view crimes committed abroad even those who spent 4 yrs in jail for smuggling heroin can get high govt. positions. init.
  13. Sorry I don't understand this, do you intend to have the dog with you or not ?
  14. I don't think he will walk away completely as it was a respected Doctor that was killed, but had it been someone very poor then no doubt the victim would have been at fault.
  15. I used to work on Chinese large mobile cranes imported to OZ, even the air brake pipes were not connected in the right place, the first one we got it took 3 months of R/ D to make it safe for Australian roads and other safety issues.
  16. I'm not a Man's man, I more of a lady's man. The male friends i made here donkeys years ago, have either died or most turned out to be takers one way or other.
  17. I was thinking on taking a trip to Australia, I promise not to take too many masks, But I was wondering how much Flour I can take, I've already packed 3.5 kilos but can I take more. Asking for a friend who's into Agriculture. ????
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