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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Are they just to replace those Thais off to Saudi ? That should bring in a few more $$$$$$ for this so called Government then. And those business unable to pay will continue to suffer, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
  2. Well done Tony ! still able to sort out Thais problems from afar.
  3. Prayuth to find Thai workers for Saudi Will they be press ganged and get a royal shilling ?
  4. You can buy a suction cup on Laz that comes with a variety of different camera fittings 115 baht looks like it may fit. (This is a shot from shopee) Lazada ; 153db0a463f27fb597f4532b19960f3e.jpg_400x400q75.jpg_.webp
  5. I would add to that list for a FULL check, maybe an MRI scan 10,000 baht.+
  6. PLEASE Do not give them petrol money ! Take an A4 and write 1178 on it in bold, and stick it somewhere prominent. They have only ever asked me once. I calmly said "you wanted to come, I didn't invite you, and you don't pay for your fuel " Off they went, dog snapping at their heels, '' Good dog ! " she ran back to me with a smile on her face and licked the cats face ( I miss that dog soo much. rip ). TRUE story. that was 4 yrs ago and I have never been asked again.
  7. Looking at her phone no doubt, and the poor kid had no floatation aids. Sorry for your loss but a warning to all parents, BUY your kids some cheap arm swimming aids, not perfect but could save a life and cheaper than a couple of beers.
  8. The RTN already have a few days on the beach regularly on Koh Chang but don't go around picking up the trash, although they have been known to take out the trash hearos in their boats so they can clean beaches on some other of the island.
  9. Why does the RTN not have oil spill control booms ? Instead of spending money on subs. Mr Prayuth ?? I'm sure your mates could get some kick backs on the purchase.
  10. If the package box is damaged I tear back the part damaged and peek inside, i don't pay till i have seen its ok.
  11. I am really interested to know what you ordered at such a high price, I personally would not buy something so expensive on-line as with electrical goods especially. Unless of course it only ships from 'overseas'.
  12. I do try to drive within the law, but there has been a couple of times, at the same junction, I drove straight through a red light, silly me I was looking and concentrating at the road ahead, and not 5mtrs up in the air where the lights were. But hey I will never ever get a ticket sent to me, for any traffic violation, my postman NEVER delivers stuff all !
  13. They are listing Opium as category 5 !, surely this can not be correct, it is a HIGHLY addictive drug and should only be used as part of medication in hospitals.
  14. Ah there we have it 'A civil society' Thailand is not a civil society it is one run by the military.
  15. In the UK if you have one foot on the crossing, then vehicles are obliged to stop by law, plus there, they have flashing beacons to warn motorists of a crossing, but here zero zilch nana.
  16. I resent "Most of you" but there are certain extenuated circumstances when for no real fault of their own, have lost all their money. I can only give one example of my friend, who is severely disabled and even unable to use an ATM was on a marriage extension, his wife managed to steal ALL of his 400 K <deleted> off and left him. He was left with no other option than to use an agent for a retirement extension.
  17. Sorry I haven't read all posts but, most of the crossings here have no warning beacons at all, as for example in the UK, no zig zag lines before to prevent parking including, in the middle of the road, to give drivers a warning of upcoming crossings, and at a lot of them the white paint has faded. These issues need to be addressed first, but that will cost MONEY ! is there any left after subs and fighter planes ? There will be a clampdown maybe for a month at most, then all will be forgotten again, until the next well known or wealthy person is hit again.
  18. Region 7 chief promises justice will prevail - Says a lot of the Thai police and the Thai justice system, for them to actually have to make an announcement to this affect.
  19. Typical poster not reading the full story before commenting. The FEMALE driver was 27. SHE !
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