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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. well, it took 5 min for me and many others. Maybe you need to check your internet connection? with the email they send you they accept your register and then will send a second email with username and password then all you need to do is use that name and the password in the app.. no need to go any website..
  2. do it via mobile app. So easy. takes 5 mins. not asking tm6 did mine with mobile app. i suggest screen shot all the thing. accepted by CW not even reading it and was so easy
  3. sorry i was replying 2 posts, this one i wrote wrong. I corrected it.
  4. or tell them you are here to check for a land to buy and will spend 40million baht for that.
  5. I think you are right. I think police were walking in that soi and yes randomly. But when i think of now i didnt see they checked any other but there were 5 of them and no motorbike or car were around.
  6. i dont know i was not close to the scene, but watched from a distance. i dont know that was the video or not on tiktok i didnt check the user name or else. The story happened as i told and thats all i saw. Maybe there was some other things in the story which i dont know between the girls and the police. i told the story how it looked like from where i was walking. But i clearly saw the marijuana roll coming out from a marlboro box. i think there were 2 because the cop clearly raised it to the air so all could see and then took the pictures with their passport. then i left the scene because had something to do. it was evening time, probably around 19:00 ish
  7. i saw it and its on tiktok too one of the girls was recording them
  8. well.. if you are a common visitor, why dont you try to get the proper visa instead of visa runs? why abusing the system? So people doing things here to the book needs to do more things because of these kind of things you are trying to do?
  9. well.. my neighbor and my really good friend is the highest police officer where i live. I will not say where. But he is the chief of this area. (tamruat phom tree) And he told me faking anything with the paper work or likewise you are presenting to any official place is illegal. About visa or not. Any fake documents. Please note that he is not an immigration officer but the biggest police in this amphue. and i explained him about the situation and again he told me its a crime. well of course i kept details. i always use 'what if'. but still it seems these agencies are really illegal and against the law.. you cannot do it. the main point is.. you are bribing an official government worker via agency or not. so i was wondering... if this is real.. why we can talk or even advertise about agencies? this forum can advice or suggest something illegal? if so.. why many things deleted about this but not about agencies?!
  10. I think 2 or 3 days ago. I was at Sukhumwit and saw cops were walking around and randomly checking farangs bags and everything.. yes, everything with no reason. They stopped some farang ladies and started to search their bags.. everything they have on them. And yes, found 2 marijuana in a marlboro box. Cops take the bags from them, give back their IDs and likewise things in the bags, but kept the other stuff. Gave back the marlboro. And gave some kind of an official paper to them and told them to come to the police station to take back the things. Took their pics with passport and so on and let them go.
  11. i see.. thanks for the reply and the answer.. but i was thinking.. if it is not a real ticket (seems so) and its obviously created a way to avoid immigration in the world to show a ticket.. So i was wondering why it is not illegal.. or is it but no one say anything? Why illegal doesnt come into it?! Also im sure immigration aware of these tickets too.. so doesnt it look more suspicious? please dont get me wrong, im just trying to understand few things thanks
  12. So, many people use visa agency because they don't have money in the bank or no insurance, not because visa agency can provide you fake marriage certificate or marriage visa or tourist visa, etc. Because they cannot. I never seen one doing it. Maybe have, but really never seen. Actually they all want the paper work really properly and check everything same as immigration office. A person using them actually give them all the proper and legal paper work. So, lets say 80% of people who are using agency, using them because they dont have 400K in the bank (married people) or they dont have 800K in the bank (retired people).. Basically this visa services magically create the needed money to do the visa in your bank account in 1 day and hold the money there for a day or so. And paying the biggest money to the immigration police to let you go under the table. And visa agency call this 'help with your visa' and take your 35K. And this is how they work, we all know. Base on the above explanation, is it legal to use an agency? Seems its not. So how many laws a person breaking here? What is the consequences both for the person and the agency? Is it ok to ask an agency name or suggest one in this forum, because if im not mistaken it is not allowed to suggest or show a way for illegal things in the forum.. Did i use an agency, yes! i did. But im not anymore. Im not trying to argue it is good or not good to use them. Im not trying to start an argument or a campaign against them. Im not blaming them. So please dont make comment about these.. All i want to read about the real topic, and the questions mentioned in the post please. thank you
  13. you are correct, so i was wondering it is legal or illegal to use this service...
  14. ohh. im so sorry. i was just looking at the latest posts. so didnt see the section it is in. sorry again
  15. sorry wrong reply
  16. Tbh i really dont know the real reason of this covid visa. But i know at first it created for the people who cannot fly back to home. Because there were no flights and all borders were closed. So im with you. I think its for covid..
  17. Well the question here is if they can make it non-o, why they dont. Whats the point of using covid extension.. other options, i think what you mean is the people who are trying to leave in the country without a proper visa.. well the thing is they should have the proper visa. This is very unfair for the people who are doing things legally and properly. And this kind of act is one of the reasons why these good people who are trying to do things right, must do more and more paper work! Thats the reason many people thinks they need to go back to their country and stop doing everything they can to find a way. It is simple, you need the proper reason or visa to live and stay in thailand like all other countries... and they also will stop waiting for the new covid visa extensions.. im sure its making them crazy too.
  18. Hi, im in nonthaburi area. i painted my car (ford focus, moon silver color) to a place which was suggested by a friend of mine. I never painted a car before but i tried to found out what things i should be aware and the most common thing was people keep saying it wont be the same color for sure because nothing can be as the factory paint. And i will see the difference and it will make me annoy. Well, i went to this place. waited for 10 days (paint and some scratches like that). I had mostly sun burn. YOU CANNOT BELIEVE the job they did and for a really reasonable price. I have 1 car detail expert and even he thought i painted it at ford factory. They did a great job and i highly recommend them. And when my friend tested the paint with some kind of instrument the reading were great almost original paint quality. If you are interested direct message me.
  19. I bought a new mazda cx 30 almost 10 months ago, i waited for 4 days to get it. I know its not the answer you want because its different brand but might give you some ideas.
  20. If no re-entry visa when leaving Thailand, you already lost your visa, cancelled automatically. So you have no visa at the moment.
  21. i think the most realistic and best answer to this post.. I dont understand why people are still trying to use covid extension thing!? i do believe almost all countries are opened and there are many flights. So, i cannot understand why one still want to use the visa but not go back to his own country.. The only reason i can think of is the home country has more covid cases or more dangerous than thailand. If so im ok with that, but if this is another abusing the system thing.. im against it
  22. OP, if it is 1 or 2 times.. its most likely no problem as @DrJack54mentioned also. I had 2 time overstay on my passport and non issues so far. I think this is the answer you need. But as @BritTim mentioned if this becomes a habit and often thing, there will be some issues soon or later. I had a friend with serious amount of overstays just because he was lazy to do his runs finally rejected from Vientiane for getting a visa, and they told him to go back to his country and try the Thai embassy there. But of course i dont know the exact number, i believe he had more than 10 times overstay. Not for long days, probably 3-4 days.
  23. Hi, I tried to find an answer to my questions but couldnt find it. So im sorry if there is but i couldnt see it. My friend is a teacher at university. He will extend his NON-B for the first time. His university is in Bangkok area, but home is in Nonthaburi. On the documents provided to him says To Chang Wattana immigration. It seems in the immigration appointment website only IT square immigration (not mentioning the type of visa though, only says visa extension, so not sure if a university teacher can extend or not) and CW immigration accepts visa extensions (here the only option is business extension though). So he needs to go to a website to take an appointment. From here: https://www.immigration.go.th/?page_id=20131 you need to choose date and time. Well for july all days are already fully booked and cannot choose a day. And August is also almost about to fully booked. There are some branch lists there such as IT square, Chamcuri square and even 2 bigC in some area. IT square has the date he really wants. - Is it possible to extend the visa in any other branches? On the web site for IT square branch says extension of visa/lost passport/lost TM6. Can use this one even though university documents addressed to Chang Wattana immigration or should correct it to IT square immigration? https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/ - If the answer is yes, how to use booking? i mean i know they will send a confirmation email, need to print the attachment. BUT his biggest question is when he goes there just go to the booked counter number and tell them i have appointment ignoring other people waiting there without booking? just like that? is there a queue for the appointment also? or must do something before just move to the booked counter. - if the answer is no, can he just go to CW or IT square and wait for hours if no have an appointment? - is there any ATK test or other things there i should to do or know before going? - also is the check list correct: copy of passport / copy of work permit / copy of his university degrees/ 2 photo for the form / fill the extension form / 1900 baht / documents from the university... thats all? any advice, suggestions are most welcome. thank you
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