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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. Ok.. a quick question please;

    i heard 2 things please confirm if true or not:


    1) you dont need to have PR for applying thai citizenship if your married 5 years. (im married for 6 years but no PR. I have all taxes from my work, etc.)

    2) you dont need to sing 2 songs if you are married with a thai. ( i have fobia about this. I cant sing a song. simple as that. I know funny for some ppl but its a fobia! )

    3) I should apply from my wife's home book BUT i can apply where ever i am at the moment.


    If anyone can confirm these 3 things... i will apply tomorrow.


    Thanks a lot for the answers.

  2. 13 hours ago, rimmae2 said:

    If you can speak almost fluent Thai then there is nothing to worry about on that score. There is requirement to be able to read or write (and this is not tested) unless it is has recently changed.


    I did not have show evidence of donating or charity things, but was asked at the interview what I did in this regard. As I had been donating to one temple in particular as well as a local charity for many years i just explained name of both and for first why. I did not submit any evidence of donations.


    thanks for the info about charity and donation part.

    Well, i really dont feel comfortable with a mic in front of people. Tbh this was the thing keep me not applying for a citizenship.. yes i know it might sound funny but its true.. I hate that.. its a fobia. But i think no need to sing in front of people if have a wife.. i will apply... Actually i really need some info about this from any proper website or other.. Im not sure if i go to a lawyer he will know about the song or not..



  3. 5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Actually it is not mandatory but you do get a extra points for Thai language. Also the singing is not required if married to a Thai.

    You can find lots of info about it in this topic. dbrenn's story of Thai citizenship application

    And PR here. Camerata's Guide to Permanent Residence


    hi Ubon,

    So are you saying that if i have a thai wife NO need anthem and the royal anthem???

    if so... i will apply tomorrow. Well, i can speak almost fluent thai but no writing or reading.. im married and working here... So... nothing stopping me

    But the link you posted mentioning singing i think... And do i still need that donation or charity thing?

  4. I thought stamp visa let you 28 days....

    9 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    A visa exempt entry (it is not a "visa") allows you to stay 30 days (29 nights) in Thailand. If leaving from one of the Bangkok airports, while technically an overstay, you are not fined for staying 31 days (30 nights).

    i thought stamp visa gives you only 28 days... 

    • Like 1
  5. hi and congrats on your marriage ????


    yes thats what 70% of farangs doing... and yes every year you need to get a new NON-O

    every 90 days just go another country (not Poi-Phet) and come back the same day get another 90 days. You can do this till your visa expires...

    Its a great plan but after 2 or 3 years you will notice that actually your spending more money doing this way... and from your nickname i think your in pattaya... so the nearest place for you is cambodia which thai border making lot of problems for 90 days.. So you will need to go somewhere far than pattaya... But your answer is yes, this way is the best if you dont have money in the bank also if you dont want to get involve thai immigration


    good luck ????

  6. Hi

    this happened to me probably 4 years ago. I was at pattaya and it was my 90 days time.


    i went to sri racha immigration. they told me i must go back to my registered city and theres no way they can do it here. I told them me and my company came here for an important seminar and its almost impossible for me to go back there... They think for a 5 min and decided to give me a new 90 days report with a note on it: this person was here for a business reason and he reported us. In thai of course. He explained me why he put that note: because they will get really angry and confuse when they see another city  report. So he really helped me. I do believe i was on his very good day tbh.


    You could try something like this. Dress your shirt and tie.. Tell them your school or company is here for a meeting and ask them to please help you... 

  7. Hi guys,


    i will get a new non-o at the end of FEB (married with thai lady) from savannakhet because its the nearest place to my place.

    But i saw a post saying vientiene started to give visas via online application.. So i was wondering if this is also for savannakhet too? If any one heard about it please let me know. The answer is probably no because i also saw a post telling he went to savannakhet like a week ago and all was ok. But need to be sure as you can understand, things changes in thailand in 1 day time..


    I will also try to update this post about my visa trip there so ppl can use the info later.


    thanks a lot

  8. 4 hours ago, lanng khao said:

    What documents did you need to show? 

    what visa do you want to get. For me NON-O (marriage)

    = 2 photo

    = Visa form

    = 5000 baht for multi non-o

    = Copy first page of your passport 

    = Copy of your wife's ID and she sign it

    = Copy of wife's house paper her sign

    = Copy and your marriage certificate (copy for the embassy / real for them to check.)

    thats all

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, danilay said:

    what about Learning Thai Language? 


    you can try to apply Faculty of Thai Language and Literature. You can check universities.. there are lot. Or try Communication Science... There are many you can apply.

    But be aware that prices are higher than normal thai citizen. If you apply to a normal level university for a BA.. it should be around 50.000 - 70.000 baht per semester.. and 4 year university has 8 semesters.. 

    So far the best option for you is this... to be a student. With this you also get permission to leave the country and come back.. All you need to be careful is attending your classes. If immigration understands that your not attending your classes, they will cancel your visa. Although you can fail 4 years. so actually you can stay 7 years without any problem via failing.. well in 7 years i do believe you can find a wife.... well then NON-O visa. Which will open new freedoms with new problems... ????

    many university have international college...  i think its around 53.000 per semester.


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