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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. Hi, 

    First of all if i do believe its a fat lady messed up your passport. I observed her work many times. she is the reason why i stopped going to non imm. If it was not her.. sorry


    Second, you totally no need to get a new passport. They did a mistake and refuse to fix it. Thats totally illegal and thats why she wants you to go and fix the problem for herself because she knows it is problem for her and she doesnt want boss knows!


    The boss name of Non imm is BIG JOE. talk to him. he is a great guy, he will fix it. If she act like doesnt know the name just ask her you want to talk to the big boss. thats all it will take 20 min to fix all


    Now little bit more... if i were you i would report her too. she deserved that. or who ever did the mistake. Do that. dont let it go.

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  2. I would say no for sure like few years back. 


    Now this is the technical thing: you get your work permit from the name and info based on your passport. What i mean is your passport is the proof of who you are. So imagine you are going there with 2 different names... so how they can know its you? BUT what can help you is.. You need to go to your embassy for diploma certificate.. your embassy need to stamp your degree telling that its real. So here you can mention them to help you

  3. hi

    yes sav is the easiest way but not for long. Because Vientiene embassy started to do some long paper work and need appointment, so all ppl will start to go to sav soon and im sure sav will do the same things very soon.


    - wife ID copy

    - House book

    - Marriage certificate copy and real

    - your passport copy

    - 5000 baht

    - form


    thats all


    i just did it a month ago. Now there was only a small detail and happened to me first time since 3 years... when i came back to thai imm border, she took my passport and looked for 2 secs and asked me why you dont extend this visa but keep coming and take a new one every year? I told her i dont have 400K in the bank so i cannot, she laughed and said ok. Well it was easy moment but the thing is.. she asked me this time..


  4. hi

    I did my run many times at that border.  and yes is a great place to do. and only 3 hrs from BKK

    there is a big issue here also: they dont accept any muslim countries or muslim from this border. you need to get a visa from bangkok.. which you need to show a plane ticket ????

    So this border is the very best option for the non-muslim ppl living around


    BUT, your info is correct and wrong. Or the IO info. First it is correct that IO need evidence to reject you entering country.  Which is very very easy to find one. it is not correct that you CAN enter the country if you have any kind of visa. IO has full right to reject you at the border. thats why they are there. 



  5. 22 hours ago, Pravda said:

    Savannakhet doesn't have this silly system yet, correct?


    Not yet. but i have a friend there who works in the thai embassy.. He told me they will take actions like vientiene embassy too because they scare now all farangs will start to come to savanakhet.. Well we all know this.. People who are lazy to go to Vient. will go to Savanak. and then savanak will do the same procedures same as vientien..

    So... i believe it will take another half-year for Savan. to start this.

  6. hi

    as Ubon mentioned all options.. no need to say more.


    Suggestion: I would come to thailand with a tourist visa.. find a job (dont use any agency they will get your money and salary and not pay you nothing. Thats a well common known info) Plus its always better to walk in any school and apply. After got the job, do the paper work. Also you dont need to leave thailand. You can change your tourist visa to non-b


    good luck

  7. 13 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Not sure but might be for years.

    I cannot see how he could be charged for theft since he informed the owner that it was confiscated by police. I don't think the owner would have the ability get a charge of theft without some solid proof of it.


    hi Ubon,

    this is something i was thinking. If i read and understood the story correctly... the bike taken by the police... And it looks like they..lost it... So the bike kind of stolen from the police park area... things are wrong here... 

    yes, its OPs duty to get back the bike and pay all fees. But its the police station lost the bike.. So i think at this point OP has nothing with the problem. I would take 2 written and signed paper from the thai police that they lost the bike in the parking area. 1 original and copy to the rental office... 1 original for me just in case.

    • Haha 1
  8. 13 hours ago, RickBlaine said:

    That's good to know. Looks like I'll be doing mine next month. What time did you get to the office? I don't know whether to dash over there from the hotel as early as I can (I'm 61, with an arthritic knee, so I won't be first), or wait for the rush to go by and stroll in about 10am.

    Also, does anyone know if there is secure parking at Mukdahan bridge?




    you should be at the thai embassy before 11.00 am I suggest you to be there around 09.00 if you think you cant make it. But bare in mind the later you go the tuk tuk on Laos side will charge you higher because they know you want to go there before 11.00 Normally its 200 baht.. crossing the bridge by bus is 50.

    There are 2 parking near the bridge:

    - this one is free and kind of inside the immigration or border area. Now if you are going to spend a night in sav. dont park here. They will break your windows.

    - another park is just before entering the imm area. It has roof and kind of redish color. you will see it surely. 500 baht for 1 night


    another option: You might find a nice parking spot in the city area. Get a tuk tuk or taxi to the border. shouldnt be more than 150 for the taxi and probably same for the tuk tuk


  9. On 1/5/2019 at 10:12 AM, justsignedin said:

    I'm just back from Savannakhet this morning (05/01/2019). I applied for multi entry non o based on marriage on January 3rd 2019. Collected my passport - complete with new multi entry visa on the 4th January. Nothing changed, same documents required - no need for financial proof of anything, costs 5000 baht.

    thnx im going there in 2 weeks

  10. On 7/12/2018 at 11:02 AM, Thai Expat said:

    Thanks joe is there anywhere safe to leave truck at border


    2 options:

    1) ask your hotel to leave it there till the next morning. thats what im always doing. they know me

    2) theres a roof parking place just before the border on the left. So easy to see. NOT THE OPEN AREA next to the border. You can park here but its 500 baht for 1 night stay



  11. 1 minute ago, GarryP said:

    I think you will find that the majority of people on this thread who applied for citizenship did it themselves without the need for a lawyer. Most of the documents you will need have to be obtained yourself anyway- the lawyer can't do it for you.  Also, there are not that many lawyers who know the process and most are as much in the dark as you are (regardless of their claims otherwise). That is, you end up paying a lot of money but benefit very little from it. If you are not strong in spoken Thai, you could get your wife to go along with you and then get the information in a face to face meeting with the SB officers. 


    thanks for the info

    i did some math based on scoring for thai citizenship.. well i cant get enough score just because of salary.. im getting 30K + 8K house... So no score from here.. It starts from 40k

    continue with NON-O.. damn

  12. 2 minutes ago, GabbaGabbaHey said:

    FYI points are organized this way:


    - 25 for Security of Profession (salary level actually)
    - 20 for Residence in Thailand
    - 15 for Educational Level           
    - 15 for Knowledge of Thai Language
    - 10 for Age    
    - 10 for General Knowledge about Thailand
    - 5 for Personality



    actually i was reading the same thing on other side... 

    and i noticed that my salary is 30,000 + 8,000 house acc. so.... i dont get any score from this part... For age i get 10 i dont have yellow book.. education 8 (BA) thai language... i can only speak (good level) which is 8.. cant sing, 0 from general knowledge because cant read (its a written test in thai), 5 from personality...

    so... no need to go to lawyer...

    but i all have happy time pics with wide... 13 years of tax payment.. etc.

    damn... continue with NON-0 visa.... damn

  13. 12 minutes ago, yankee99 said:

    think you need to consider how difficult it is to obtain permanent residence and how long it takes then wait 10 years to get the points 


    now.. thats.. yea make sense actually its funny i was thinking the same thing like 5 min ago.

    yea.. understandable and fair enough..

    Like i said i will find out the scoring on thursday.. if the scoring is same as on some websites.. well im around 60 without singing.. and if your 50 points you dont need singing. hehe

    another thing.. my lawyer asked me to bring lot of happy time pics with the wife.. but i didnt see anything asking for pics in the application form..


  14. 4 hours ago, GabbaGabbaHey said:

    No, as I said yellow book can give you only 5 points (if you have it for 5+ years, and even like this it's up to the discretion of SB to give you the points or not - from what some have reported earlier in this forum). Only PR blue book can give 10 to 20 points for the residency aspect.


    well again i think 20 points for this is.. just too high.. if you consider other documents you have to submit... interview at the police station... interview at the ministry. So when i think all the things you need to pass.. 20 points is really high.. then other documents lets say another 20 + 2 interviews 20? what else? If that books can give you 20 points.. then its so easy to get 50 and no need to sing.  Anyway im going to see this scoring list on thursday with my lawyer.. I will let you guys know

    but again thnx for the info

  15. 2 hours ago, GabbaGabbaHey said:

    Yes correct, yellow book can only give 5 points out of 20. You need PR for 5 years to get 10 points and PR for 10 years would give 20 points which is the maximum. 

    well this is what i heard.. if you get 50 points from your documents and oral test, you dont need to do singing.. Important part is oral test, if you convince them you can understand and answer basic questions about you and your life.. they can let you go without singing test.

    Now just a yellow book is 20 points... the rest 30 points is probably other documents (family pics, your work, tax) and oral test? like 15-15?

    When i talked with my lawyer, i told him i really want to skip singing part, first thing he asked me was if i can speak little bit thai and yes i can easly speak daily conversations and little bit more. Second thing he asked me about my religion.

    But now this yellow book score is 20... Its like almost half of the 50 i need... im about to change my idea to apply... grrr

  16. 19 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

    isn't one of the requirements to show a salary of 80k/month over the last 3 years?

    or so I remember, I could be wrong.


    no, that 80k is not for being thai citizen. It might be for retirement visa but probably im wrong


    They check your salary because of the tax you gonna pay. The higher tax you pay, the higher score. 

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