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Posts posted by time2093

  1. I just did my yearly Non O. I arrived to Mukdahan bus station 5:am from Bangkok and can confirm first bus leaves to the boarder is at 6:00am, got to the Lao side about 7:15am as the first bus was packed and took off without me so had to wait for 20 minutes till the next bus. Can confirm that the Visa on arrival window was open at at 7:am not 8:am. I highly recommend staying at Aura Residence as they let me check in when I arrived at 8:am unlike next door at Avalon which they make you wait till noon to check in.

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  2. 5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Going after those "agents" that charge like 10,000 to 15,000 baht to do the illegal extensions, i.e. for all those farangs that don't have the required 400,000 or 800,000 baht requirement, yeh right good luck, money talks all languages, where does he think the bulk of that money goes, to immigration officers, der....

    Those are prices from 15 years ago, I was quoted anywhere from 25,000-50,000 bhat these days from visa agents in Pattaya for under the table extensions as they all say its very hard these days not same as before lol..... Think IL stick with getting the Non O visas at neighboring countries.

  3. My Thai wife in Kalasin was one of the individuals who got her land deed back as we were in a bind at the time and needed to borrow money from these loan shark companies which operate in every city, town in Thailand as we knew the terms and rates when borrowing the money. She told me the whole situation as they missed the part on the news  that only the people who had the money to repay the loan in one sum interest free got their  land deed back."....


    I'm greatfull for the cops to come down on these loan shark companies and slash all interest on the loans but come on its obviously campaign season gearing up in Thailand and as Thaksin did the same strategic thing to help the poor in Issan with the free health and the rice scheme to gain votes this current prime minister is doing the same exact thing by basically wiping out the high loan shark interest rates and helping getting people back their land deed but its important to know that the borrowers still need to pay back the loans just without interest which is a big deal as these interest rates are beyond extortion.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Happy enough said:

    sorry mate, whats your nationality. shouldn't matter for activating non o visas except poipet and even there they will but have been known to refuse. unless i'm wrong and some one can point it out. 

    I can tell you that it does matter what your Nationality is when crossing a land border, I too am on a Non O visa based on marriage to a Thai and have a Israeli passport and was told by several Pattaya same day visa run companies that their Cambodia boarder crossing that they used will not accept Israel passport and assuming any other middle east, even Turkish as the OP. I had this confirmed by the visa agents calling their people at the border saying I will be denied. Fortunately I also live in Kalasin which is only a 2 and half hour drive to Mukdahan which probably is one of the friendliest land border crossing I experienced as never been denied based on nationality , no problems there.

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