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Posts posted by time2093

  1. Its really pot luck which immigration office you go to as mine IO gave me a choice, they said you can extend your Non O by 60 days or the 12 month extension before sept 26. Of course I will try the 1 year extension and if denied as Im doing the 40k 2 monthly transfers from abroad method, I will do the 60 day option they gave me which will buy me some time.

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  2. Just now, lemonjelly said:

    With the high amount of outbound flights being cancelled, what’s going to happen to foreigners still in Thailand after 26 September if their flights have been cancelled? I can’t understand the Thai government’s stance of kicking them out of the country in these terrible times.

    From my understanding is that those who will still be stuck in Thailand after Sept 26 will need an a letter from their embassy explaining why they cant go home, be it medical, flight cancellation, home country boarder closer etc. will get a further 30 day extension by Thai immigration.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Based on what? If the borders are still closed and no-one is allowed in, nothing has changed since March. So why would the provision to stay be ended when the situation remains as it has been to justify the two extensions so far? That makes no sense at all.


    26th September is a long way off and plenty or nothing could happen between now and then. I'm doing nothing now regarding my ME marriage situation, especially as the visa is valid until November anyway. If my mid to late September it looks as if the amnesty won't be extended then I'll have to hand over 1900 for a 60-day extension which should see us out of the border lockdown.

    I see your a gambling man Barry taking a chance till the last second thinking the boarders will open by end of November by doing nothing. I'm in the exact same predicament as you and I'm sure many others, Visa valid till November with the option to get 60 day extension before September 26. I'm just not going to take that kind of chance as my local IO made it clear to me to extend my visa for 12 month permission to stay or I will be on overstay if the boarders dont open up which in my opinion wont happen till next year.


    The 400k option is not possible for me, I will try the 40k method and hope do the current situation with this Non O visa holders that are stuck in this bubble, that immigration will show some compassion and flexibility regarding the financial part of extending to the one year.

  4. Just now, Tanoshi said:

    In short and I regret sadly the answer is no.

    If they ask for the proof of source of income, many IO's will only accept proof from a Pension statement.


    You need the proof of overseas transfers from a Thai bank.

    OK thanks, guess I have to go back to my local immigration office again to ask them if they only will accept a pension statement as source of the transfer as that's not possible and to see what they can accept instead as the proof of the origin is not the problem as I'm sure my bank here can prove that along with my bank book.

  5. 1 hour ago, Peter Denis said:

    NO, they are not same thing.

    When using the +40K monthly income transfer method, you need to provide evidence of its foreign origins, in other words that the funds arriving on your personal thai bank-account were sent from a FOREIGN bank-account.  Providing evidence for that is a PITA but it is just a nuisance.

    But IOs can on top of the foreign origins of those monthly income transfers, also require that the SOURCE of that income is proven (to avoid you recycling the funds, or at least make it more difficult to do so).  And some IOs only accept a pension-statement as proof of source of that foreign income.  Some even require that such pension-statement is certified as genuine by your Embassy, or an official translation of it when not in english.

    When not receiving pension, or when being a US, UK or Australian citizen (of who the Embassy don't issue income statements anymore), it is not possible to use the +40K monthly income transfer method at those offices.

    In that case you are confined to using the 400K funds-in-bank method when applying for the 1-year extension based on your Non Imm O Visa for reason of marriage.

    When using that 400K funds-in-bank method neither the foreign origins nor the source of those funds, needs to be proven.


    OK thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm not of pension age yet so that's not possible even if IO want to see something regarding that. What if I have savings in my country abroad and I get my family to send me 2 transfers of 40k, a copy of the bank transfer from abroad plus a letter explaining the reason of the transfer as savings from previous businesses I had years ago which have now all defunct or them paying me back money I lent them or something in that nature. Do you think that will be acceptable with immigration here.?

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  6. 36 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    (but be aware that you would need to prove both the foreign origins of those +40K transfers as well as the source of your foreign monthly income).



    Aren't proof of foreign origins and proof proof of source of income pretty much the same thing as the IO just said to me they want to see where the money is coming from?

  7. Just now, Peter Denis said:

    From what you wrote I deduct that you are here on a 1-year ME Non Imm O marriage Visa fo which the 90-day permission to stay obviously already expired, so you are presently on the Amnesty extension.

    You are lucky that your Kalassin IO confirmed that they would be willing to accept your application for the 1-year extension of stay, even with your permission to stay expired and you now on the Amnesty extension.

    And that they have no problem you waiting for doing that application till just before the 26 September Amnesty dead-line.

    So you have plenty of time to meet the financial requirements.

    It is correct that you cannot meet the 2-months seasoning requirement anymore when applying directly for the 1-year extension of stay using the 400K funds-in-bank method, as we are already 29 July.  But you could of course when you prefer that method, first apply for the 60-days extension of stay which will start from 27 September and will give you time till 26 November to do the application for the 1-year extension of stay.

    When using the 400K funds-in-bank method when applying for the 1-year extension of stay (in your case you would first have to apply for the 60-days extension to meet the 2-months seasoning requirement), there is NO need to prove the foreign origins of that 400K nor the source.  And after your under consideration period - which can take 3-4 weeks - you would then be free to use those 400K as you please, and would only need to top up to 400K in the 2 months preceding your next 1-year extension of stay application.

    Imo that's a more attractive option than the monthly-income transfer method, which would require you to transfer each and every month 40K with both the foreign origins and the source of that foreign income proven.

    If you prefer that monthly-income transfer method you still have ample time to meet the requirements, as it only requires 2 transfers done in the months before you apply - i.e. one transfer of +40K in August and one transfer of +40K in September would be sufficient to meet the requirements.  So in that case there is not even the need for you to make use of the 'intermediate' 60-days extension of stay application, as you have enough time to do those 2 required transfers (with foreign origins proven) in the months of August and September.


    Hi Peter, I will not have enough time to reach the 2 month 40k deposit as the deadline is September 26 to extend it for the year as I will have my first transfer from abroad next week August 5 so the 2 months will be October 5. The 400k rout is not an option for me. I guess I have no other choice but to get the 60 extension then apply of the one year.


    But can I apply for the one year extension if my visa expires on November 4 and my 60 day permission to stay will be good till November 24?

  8. I just got back from Kalasin immigration to ask them about my options of extending my Non O visa based on marriage if the boarders dont open up in the next couple months. Very friendly bunch working at that office I might say. I stated that it was not possible for me to have the 400k requirement in my bank account and that if the 40k monthly income option was available. The IO went to check with her boss and said yes no problem can use 40k option. She stated It has to be for two months as its my first extension, they want proof of source of funds, my bank book and bank letter confirming that the funds sent to my Thai account were from abroad which is al doable for me.


    IO said come back and do your one year extension before September 26. Now I just realized that I wont have the 40k in my account for 2 months before the September 26 deadline as my first months 40k transfer from abroad wont happen until next week. In that case is it possible to use my 60 day extension to visit my wife before September 26 as I havent used it yet and apply for my extension the end of October as my non O visa expires November 4th?

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Peter Denis said:

    >> I did PM you a document on how you (or in this case your family) can use TransferWise to transfer the money to your thai personal bank-account, and how to enure that you can provide immigration with the required proof of 'foreign origins' of the transferred funds.

    That document is also useful even when using another means than TransferWise to transfer the funds.


    Yes you did Peter and I thank you for that, but for me it doesin't look like Transferwife is possibility as my elderly parents who are not very computer savvy will have a very hard time figuring out how to use Transferwise as it does look a bit complicated to me as to appose receiving transfers to my Thai account from abroad the old fashion way.

  10. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I cannot imagine for a moment that if foreign residents with wife and maybe kids cannot leave and re-enter the country for a border run or to renew visas because borders are still closed after 26th September that they will be deported if they can't produce 40,000/400,000.


    The worldwide outcry at what many would consider a human rights abuse would kill stone dead any reputation that Thailand still has and encourage many, including tourists and more importantly businesses, to avoid the country like the plague. Who would want to have anything to do with a country that deliberately breaks up families for no practical reason at all, except for a distrust and dislike of foreigners. That can work both ways, Thailand.


    So forget any thoughts of unreachable (for some/many) financial demands and the threat of deportation. Ain't going to happen.

    Unfortunately I cant see immigration showing much compassion for what your saying. They made it pretty clear to everybody that has a long stay O visa to apply to extend it for the year.. I for one is in the same boat with many others here. I'm just not taking any chances on hoping that the boarders will be open by the end of September which I highly dought it they will open up again this year.


    I dont have the 400k to extend it and will try the 40k rout by having family transfer 40k from abroad for 2 months to my Thai account. Encase immigration wants to see source of income, I will have to figure that out some how.

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  11. Just now, ubonjoe said:

    Most people that are on longstay extensions would of already gotten their extensions.

    We were discussing those on 90 day entries from a non-o visa and a 60 day extension that are not considered as long stay. They would qualify for the special 30 day extension with a letter from their embassy.

    Thanks for clearing that up. My 90 day permission of stay expired already and I havent yet used my 60 day extension. Once I use my 60 day extension which I will do September 25, I will be good till November 24. As my Non O visa will expire by that time and if the land boarders are not open by then, will I qualify for the special 30 day extension?

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  12. 11 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    They do mention a special 30 day extension with a letter from a person's embassy.



    The way I interpreted that notice from immigration is the 30 day special extension if for short term visas only and people will have to show proof in a form of a letter from their embassy explaining such as illness, no flight to their home country. Its very clear that they are telling everyone on long term visas to extend it by September 26. I for one is not taking a chance as I highly dought any land boarders will be open in my case by November.


    Unfortunately I'm not in a position to have 400k in my bank so I will have to see if my local IO accepts the 40k income option and to start to arrange 40k transfers from abroad to my Thai account as that's the only sign of hope I have.

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