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Posts posted by time2093

  1. OP must be a new driver in Thailand as speed traps have been in use all across Thailand for years now, every city even in Issan. There are signs of a camera with a speed limit on it at most highways these days. If you follow the rule and stop speeding you wont get fined.

  2. 2 hours ago, n00dle said:

    Thai kfc is and always has been <deleted>, same in the Philippines.


    Anemic slimy chicken.



    No way its the same, In the Philippines the KFC menu is huge with lots of good selections, crispy fries, chicken pizza wraps, all kind of chicken mash potato cheese bowls, brownies, unlimited gravy dispensers and more. The Thais dont even know what gravy is.

  3. KFC in Thailand is very sad and disappointing compare to other countries, very limited small menu compare to Philippines and Japan KFC. Their product is absolute <deleted>, from their cheap tasteless french fries that taste like a bag or frozen chips from Big C to their bland old chicken they use. Texas Chicken is way better but majority of Thais only know KFC especially in Issan and smaller city's where they dont even have Texas chicken and think KFC is the one and end all when it comes to chicken.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Hans Rayong said:

    You should let foreigners who have children with Thai citizenship to come back.

    There are 10,000's foreigners who work abroad and have family in Thailand.

    They work hard for a period and then want to stay with their Thai children in Thailand.

    Why is it considered more humane to let people with work permits come in and not fathers to Thai children?

    I would think that paying government tax for work permit holders contributing to Thailand has something to do with it as its sad but Thailand looks at dollars and cents before humanity.

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