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Everything posted by Stevey

  1. Didn’t a nurse come out and say she was involved in the Boris near death experience and say it was overblown? I saw loads, like my self who are ‘ 4at 8astards ‘ Who went thru the whole thing unscathed. Take Steve the Electrician in 2020 at the dangerous heights in the 1000 worker food factory I worked in. He had one of those bellies that hangs over his belt then down like a massive hot water bottle. He got Covid like everyone else and came back in unaffected. I believe that it’s just a coincidence that being fat is a contributing factor to death. When so many people these days are fat it’s only statistically likely that when a patient ends up on a table with tubes in ‘im for breakfast that he could be fat. Next you’ll be banning fat people from driving coz they are involved in more car accidents.
  2. You’re not him are you ? Jesus Christ how much longer did she need to go on for. He put her sad demise down to Covid killing her. He omitted the fact that she will have been ancient which was the main issue. If he had not shown a profile pic similar to Benny Hill showing that he would never see 60 again putting her near to 80years old we could have been fooled that she was a 50 year old half marathoner mother mercilessly cut down in her prime. This guy I described, like you, was more than happy for the world to stop and lives to be ruined in an attempt to save his late seventies mother and her friends. Like you he was probably drawing his pension and likely didn’t give two hoots for the destruction of lives that you and him were rooting for. I'm alright Jack. Tell us how Africa was largely unaffected by it all with no vax ?
  3. No mid to late 40’s engineers are dying from Covid or the effects of contracting Covid on the life threatening condition they already have. I remember at the height of the propaganda when most people had masked profile pics displayed an idiot in a Thai travel FB group I subscribe to decide to blast me for my push back through the whole thing. He said “ I’ve watched you from afar with your heartless comments making light of this terrible dangerous disease. My Mother has just died of Covid “. This guy had a profile that showed him to be well over 60 and by the shape of him he was luck to be still alive. So his mother who surely would have been late seventies had no rights to be still alive anyway.
  4. And both the debates he held were attended by only a few MPs. The rest of the MPs that were elected to represent their constituents stayed away by order of the goverment whips. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour by MPs who we elected to go to parliament and speak and listen on our behalf of the constituents who put them into the job in the first place. The MPs who did not attend were looking out for their own interests so as not to rock any boat that might hinder any future prospects in the future. Cowards.
  5. Anyone who went along with it all was a mug. No Vax here and never wore a mask unless impossible to carry out my business. Got Covid once at the start on the day of Lockdown 2020 in the UK and one week after Omicron was talked about in South Africa in Thailand. Most over blown load of rubbish and still it’s silence about the ‘above average death ‘ still being massive in now in 2023.
  6. It’s his own fault. Shouldn’t have been Norwegian, shouldn’t have been in Sattahip and shouldn’t have been riding the กayest scooter available.
  7. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Don’t really get the context of how this clip relates to Isaan harridans but yow cor beat some Monty Python
  8. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Well I’ve been in the land of Smilers for a few days after 6 months at the UK coal face. The break was essential. I think that living in close proximity to these people with not enough interaction with Falang is a recipe for trouble. Fortunately the Mother to the family next door has passed away a few months ago. She was the one who had an elderly German partner who came here in the hottest weather ever and died after being here a few days. I posted a thread about it asking how he could possibly die and be in a casket so quickly and then go up in smoke. It was an interesting time. There’s a very strange German guy I see from time to time around the village and it worked out he was friends with the deceased. Trying to get some answers I chased after him when I saw his truck going down the road around the time just before the burning. I followed him to the out skirts of the village and down a track. Where to my surprise and also his I saw him in a small building that appeared to be a full wood working workshop. He was mega shifty and when I asked him some questions about the old German guy and didn’t he think it was weird he was getting burned so quickly? He did this weird slipping in and out out being able to speak English and then not being able to understand a work I was saying. Obviously he was worried about me seeing his secret furniture workshop where he probably makes bespoke pieces to order for the local German expats. Anyway the old harridan is gone now and I doubt one person is sorry, including her son. She was an absolute nightmare after the Lao Kao was opened. And she Always insisted on talking to me in German even though I told her I can only count to ten in German.
  9. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Fictional Wife and Daughter?
  10. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    So tell us how one finds a good girls and not in the bars. I can understand Thai and can speak with people who have no English, it’s actually easier. Where are these women of Thailand who have no connection to the Scene da la Bar but speak English to a standard that the average Falang could be in a relationship with ? I have met women who can speak English quite well in my time and I am 99% sure they were genuine. The last time was in a coffee shop where I got in conversation with an attractive mother and daughter, say 50&30, both teachers but out of town. I think you’d be very lucky to find a women with good English who had no latent connection to the scene. Let’s take Colin. I may of said this before. When I asked him how he met his Mademoiselle he told me he had met her on the internet ( good answer). So he was working in the offshore game prior to coming to Asia and meets her on one of those sites, but yonks ago. He then starts a web relationship and meets her in Bangkok. She tells him a half truth that she was importing T-shirts or something. Something had done on the side. They then start a relationship and she gets pregnant and it all begins. Now…. What he didn’t know is his wife was a ‘ one night in Bangkok ‘ era Soi Cowboy worker. I was told by someone who had a bar in Bkk at the same time but was sworn to secrecy, so don’t tell anyone. Surely he must have wondered why when she suggested getting a bar she managed to fill it with all her friends whom she appeared to have known years and all spoke English really well, but weren’t teachers ? Mental 🤔 Anyway like they they believe half of what you see and non of what your told.
  11. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    your definitely correct on leaving. I actually just put the phone down on her coz she was shouting at the little nearly 6 year old for being naughty, but not that naughty to need to get so emotional. I did leave her six months before I came back to England , a year ago. I put everything of mine on my Saleng side car , never bought a car as I’m just not sure enough, and left and stayed at my friends house for a week. I then realised all things I was missing. The little one and the dogs and the garden and the home and basically relented. I learnt that sometimes you have to put up with the rough to get the smooth.
  12. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    I started this thread back six months ago when I was coming to the end of 2&1/2 years in a village in Isaan. Me and my girlfriend of over 10 years on and off and we’re were going thru a lot of ups and down. She is mother to a boy who has known me as his only father figure since he was 1 years, now nearly 6. When I started the thread it had occurred to me one day that a lot of men such as myself when they first hit the bars saw these girls as angels and why weren’t our native women so lovely. In later years I ended up in the village where my girlfriend ended up after she got burned out in the bar where she worked that her cousin owned courtesy of her husband Col who had his bank account plundered of 6mill Baht by his wife while he was doing his last offshore trip in Indonesia, worked out it wasn’t his last. The more time we spent together the more I saw her as shouty and a fishwife when she wasn’t being lovely and caring or just not talking to me. The more I got about in the two and half years in the PhonPhiSai area NongKhai I saw how shouty all the women are and then I noticed how shouty the young girls were. We’ve all seen these women and we have seen how Thai Men are silent and hen pecked, a poster has explained that these men have a lot to lose if they fall out with the wife and this must embolden the females. Falang need to know that these women could turn out to be mentalists and it may be too far down the road by the time they realise they were tricked. My own father recently returned home to the UK after not being able to live with his crazy drunk wife and has left everything he built over 30 years and returned with only the 800k he had in the Thai Bank account and lives on his UK old age pension at 77years old.
  13. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Because he’s a nasty piece of work. Which is fine.
  14. Where are you getting you info that everyone is dying of Covid ? In the 2 1/2 year stint did 5months ago I never heard about 1 person dying of it. Also the villages of Isaan , PhonPhiSai Nong Khai were stacked out with old people when I arrived in Early 2021 that I’d seen the last time in Jan 2020 as talk of a deadly virus started. Everyone was still alive when I arrived in the village. How had they survived it with no vaccine rollout which did start a few of months into 2021. I’m amazed every time I look some one in the eyes in my travels currently in the UK when the discussion ever turns to Covid and I ask them “ Look you survived 2020 with no vaccine and you even told me that you got Covid also …. So why did you queue for a newly made Jab ? “ Every last one of them just looks at me with a look of gormlessness, confusion and shame and admits “ ……… I don’t know “
  15. @fredwiggy @TravelerEastWest you trying to lump everyone who didn’t consent to this injection that had at first had been predicted as ‘ gonna take years’ which then arrived after we’d all been exposed to the virus and developed natural immunity as anti-vaccine nuts. It has never occurred to me to be anti vax. The likes of RFK that say that vaccines are the reason that people of his age don’t have autism and children from a certain time onwards suddenly started developing autism now suddenly get the ear.. “ what he talking about about vaccines ??” I was recently in a UK hospital working a few weeks ago. The odd nut job was wearing a mask. The whole of Walsall Manor hospital (home of the pregnant smoker) was not wearing masks. If Covid was so prevalent and could be halted by a mask they would be mandated as an entry requirement. They are not.
  16. Look. I know that we all love Thailand and all that but as much as people like to say they are our intellectual equals? They are not. If you are taking advice on whether to wear a mask from the majority of people you see about you in Thailand… don’t. In some of the places I work , now in the UK, I mix with shelf stackers in shops and supermarkets. They are now skeptical about the whole thing but were the easiest to indoctrinate while the process was going on. No mask worn anywhere. Why are you taking the lead from strapper hangers on the BTS ? One thing I’ve been seeing in these supermarkets is people being off with ‘ Covid ‘ six times since it started. How are people contracting it so much. I’ve never been jabbed and get around fine only getting it the two times went it came the first and second times. No one is wearing a mask in the UK, apart from the unhinged, who is right and wrong the Thais or UK ?
  17. Look my friend. With in a week of even talking about Omicron in the media in South Africa it was in our village in Isaan. How do you think you managed to escape it ? I’m the whole 2 years I was in Isaan I never heard about one person who died of Covid.
  18. I haven’t been vaccinated and I had Covid in the UK on the day Boris announced for everyone to stay at home and subsequently destroyed the economy and countless lives telling us a 1000 people a day of differing ages, and to be scared. I then got it in Isaan a week after Omicron was talked about in the media. Just a cough for me. And strangely I have not been I’ll from any throat based illness since. Among various businesses i fix machines at are supermarkets. The amount of talk I hear about workers being off with Covid is ridiculous. One guy said to me, who had been swinging the lead for two weeks until he tested clear, that he wished he had not taken that juice. He has been off six times with it so far. I suppose my scepticism is born from working in a food factory in the whole year 2020 with 1000 international workers, where Covid was just not a thing. I left that factory in late January 2021. Completely sick of the lack of effects of Covid to the general public or those of us in the factory, or as I called it to test bed. I headed for Thailand for just over two years where I saw nothing to talk of either. People getting Covid and surviving with out medical intervention is nothing to report.
  19. Oz should be twinned with Wales. They literally went along with all of it. “ Going to work is not a reason to leave the house for the Unwakseenated” NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner. Scary place unless you don’t value you freedom
  20. I bet you loved the mask didn’t you ? I never believed any of it. Never wore a mask in a UK supermarket or anywhere. Only Thailand and the bare minimum. I get the feeling you would have been going along with everything in the 1940’s if you had the chance.
  21. It’s not normal to decide to go and hang out and socialise with school friends at the Mekong River of an evening with a full face covering mask. Would you find it strange if it became the norm for kids to get brainwashed into this trend in a European country? I see the odd deluded mask wearer on my travels here in the UK as I do a 1000miles a week fixing 5hit. Some are obviously bewildered old folk or genuinely lost so we’ll exclude them but then there’s that one burger flipper that’s gotta be the one whose still wearing a mask. Then a couple of days ago in Aberystwyth,University town, I saw a couple of lefties student types through out the day probably on their way to pay for a bag of chips with a cheque walking down the road with masks on. Students, another bunch of brain washed who can’t see they are just customers of the educational industrial complex who will be lucky to get a job in a Convenience store when they graduate. I was fixing a machine in the back of house at a supermarket yesterday and got chatting with an 18 year old shelf stacker mid A levels. I didn’t have the heart to tell him he would probably never leave the stacking trade. Although I did tell him stop all his education and learn to fix machines. Looking at how he walked I then thought to changed my mind and told him to enjoy Uni. Funny how I have never seen a fellow engineer wearing a mask. In fact I’d be interested to meet a mask wearer and challenge them to list everything they know of use, excluding how to get dressed, get on a bus and how to purchase food on a sheet of A4 paper.
  22. I’ve been back in the UK for a few months after 2 1/2years in Issan. In the same way I had to escape the locked down early 2021 UK for my own sanity I found that the ridiculous Thai public still 80% wearing masks in supermarkets as well as outside was similarly twisting my melons. I’m travelling the UK for work constantly and now and then you’ll see the odd mask wearer in the street or sometimes one staff member in a shop or McDonalds. These people are suffering from a mental illness.
  23. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    In a bar, where the majority of all come from.
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