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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. Half a million young people seeking jobs prefer admin to tourism https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/economy/half-a-million-young-people-seeking-jobs-prefer-admin-to-tourism
  2. According to Toyota website 1st service 6months or 10,000km which ever comes 1st for the 2.8 GR Sport 2WD or 4WD should be 1528.28 Baht https://aftersales.toyota.co.th/
  3. All NEW Toyota Yaris ATIV ( saloon) to be launched in Thailand on August 9, 2022
  4. No you apply for your Non O extension as normal your application will have requirements missing such as insufficient money in account you pay your normal 1900 baht fee, your application will be rejected and you will be given 7 days to leave the country
  5. According to this article the most popular boy's name in the UK is Muhammad is the most popular name for boys born in the UK, it has been revealed https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/baby-girl-boy-names-2022-unusual-popular-b2119785.html I must admit I don't know many Muhammad's that are Christian maybe you do
  6. Very unlikely only remainers believe in magical fairy tales The EU wants to see stability and at least a pro eu vote of 75% for a period of 15 to 20 years At the moment the EU is more than happy that it got rid of one of their pain in the backside members there is at least one more member state they would like to see the back of.
  7. silly billy The French border officials Doug Bannister, CEO of the Port of Dover, blamed border control officials, Police aux Frontières, for failing to provide sufficient numbers to staff the passport booths. Only four of nine booths for the French border controls for travellers leaving the UK were reported to have been staffed on Friday morning, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/23/dover-travel-delays-who-is-to-blame
  8. From your own link A deal has been struck with the French border force to man 50% extra passport booths, which are being installed before the summer getaway weekend of 22-24 July. https://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2022-07-20/port-of-dover-installs-more-border-control-booths-in-attempt-to-reduce-delays Port of Dover could have 50 booths but if the French border force only agree to man a certain number then the rest would be useless
  9. You do understand this link is from the Port of Dover themselves not some media outlet https://www.doverport.co.uk/about/news/port-of-dover-introduces-new-measures-to-get-summ/13686/
  10. Its quite normal when a business is asking for someone else to fund their business operation to request more than what it actually required
  11. And all of the above will be redundant under ETIAS ETIAS – European Travel Information and Authorisation System https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/etias/
  12. old news 12th July 2022 . To help keep waiting times to a minimum, the Port is installing 50% more booths for use by French border control to enable greater passenger throughput, with installation to be completed before the key summer getaway weekend of 22-24 July https://www.doverport.co.uk/about/news/port-of-dover-introduces-new-measures-to-get-summ/13686/
  13. Concern from member states follows a December decision to put back some of the individual timelines that make up the 'interoperability' plan, whilst keeping the overall deadlines in place. https://www.statewatch.org/news/2022/april/eu-biometric-borders-half-the-member-states-see-high-risks-for-entry-exit-system-plans/ As you can see from the above document delays are due to concerns within the 27 member states in the EU
  14. No Regard to the 5 million plus EU nationals living and working in the UK then, schools break up childcare very expensive so they decided to take children to stay with grandparents living in the EU during the summer hols
  15. visa exempt is for 30 days only and can be extended for a further 30 days If and its a big if Covid extensions are still available in December 2022 you could apply for an 60 day Covid extension
  16. Make sure your wife has her British passport before she leaves the UK
  17. If you wish to work in the United States for a temporary period you will require a nonimmigrant work visa. You cannot work on a visitor or business visa, or under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Unlike some countries, the United States government does not issue work visas for casual employment. https://uk.usembassy.gov/visas/temporary-employment/#:~:text=If you wish to work,work visas for casual employment.
  18. Only citizens of Canada and Mexico are eligible for a nonimmigrant North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Professional visa to work in the U.S. The NAFTA Professional visa classification is TN and grants the holder temporary entry into the U.S. to work in business activities at a professional level for an initial period of up to three years. https://www.usa.gov/visas#item-213287
  19. EU Feb 2018 the requirement to repatriate all DPRK workers abroad within 24 months, subject to applicable national and international law. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2018/02/26/north-korea-eu-aligns-sanctions-with-latest-un-security-council-resolution/ No longer legal in Poland or anywhere in the EU
  20. North Korean forced labourers in the EU working in Poland https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-8-2017-006243_EN.html
  21. When you make the reservation make sure that the date you expect delivery is written into the reservation also be aware around this time of year some brands will do what they call minor changes where they will change the specs normally the build using old specs to a certain date and after that date all builds are built using new specs
  22. In the 1975 United Kingdom European Communities membership referendum only 43% of the electorate voted yes that's also a minority.
  23. Because the majority of British voters don't trust them
  24. You haven't really been given a meaningful date what you have been given is a date that the salesperson thought might be acceptable to you in order to secure your reservation. Its unlikely that your salesperson at the dealership would know total number of orders allocated to the production line that will assembly your car, its also unlikely that a salesperson at the dealership will know which weeks car's designated for Thailand will be built or what priority sequence for different paint colours. Personally I see the Volvo app as a value added product that provides their customers at what stage their order processing is at I suspect Volvo doesn't provide a definitive end date until the car has cleared both outbound and inbound customs and is on the delivery truck to the dealership. Brands that current have long waiting lists you have to think how much resource and costs for the resources for both the local dealerships, in country head office and parent company head office is trying to provide the end customer with the information that they are seeking. I suspect Volvo have done their homework and found they can reduce those costs by providing the app
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