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Shocked farang

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Posts posted by Shocked farang

  1. 1 minute ago, HaoleBoy said:

    In Brasil you can get Pfizer and Moderna very readily now.  So why would you take Sinovac <deleted> vaccine?  Or maybe you were one of the early Sinovac guinea pigs there .... 

    You misunderstood me, I got Pfizer but it was sheer luck as you cannot choose vaccines here, you show up and take whatever is available. I know many people who have taken Sinovac and feel protected. Brazil currently uses, Pfizer, AZ (locally produced and imported), Jansen, Sinovac and very few from that Russian manufacturer that I don't remember now. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Havenstreet1940 said:

    Where there's life there's hope!


    Having read yeterday that the vaccine rollout was in first gear, I decided to do the rounds in KK to see if my luck had changed.   And yes it has - no longer am I told 'falang must wait' instead I was overjoyed to know that it will be 'soon'.  I asked what 'soon' meant and was told 'soon'.   


    To be honest I was offered Sinovac, but as it is my plan to go to the UK within the next 6 months, I declined as my family tell me I wil not be allowed into many places (Restaurants,pubs,cinemas etc) if I do not have a UK recognised vaccination.


    AZThailand will be acceptable I am told and the liklihood of this  being confirmed shortly is re-assuring.   MrNA vaccines are also medically a no-no for me.

    To be honest, I'd take Sinovac now and then AZ once IN the UK. The risk of being unvaccinated is just too great, specially now with the Delta variant. The virus will find you... 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 8/4/2021 at 4:50 AM, DefaultName said:

    So, they booked weeks ago with certain expectations, but the rules have changed, and they're not allowed to do those things now.

    That'll play well when they get interviewed after they get home.


    Anyone who books any holiday abroad at the moment is, IMO, asking for whatever happens to them.


    Al least those who are using this as a way back in will get what they want.

    Not really, there are countries like Mexico, the Dominican Republic or Croatia that are thriving in tourism at the moment. 

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Most digital nomads I know are either high-school or college dropouts who are self taught coders and system builders. They started out making their own computers, designing games and web pages.  So none of them would qualify even though they make more than the needed income stream.

    Good luck trying to explain this to the Thai generals who rule the country now. 

  5. 6 hours ago, internationalism said:

    so that goes hope for a limited import of some few thousands per months starting from August.

    they PM have already said around 20th of May that they are buying for $34,

    after that came anutin tax 11%.

    and vax insurance 100b 

    and 300-500b for each jab.


    those promises of 20mln pfizer will end up as bad as moderna.

    just talk, and in the meantime forcing people to get sinovac


    Sinovac is a great vaccine and it has just been approved by the WHO. 

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, AlfHuy said:

    That's all a scam.


    I saw a girl advertising:

    Hello, my name is Song, I am 24 years young, attractive, educated, lovely.

    I am 162cm tall, 49kg only.

    I worked in a beauty spa as Head massage therapist.

    Due to restrictions, I can't practice my art anymore at our premises and have decided to do home visits.

    Please give it a go and I am sure it won't be your last booking.


    Thai massage 300/BHT/hour

    Oil massage 450/BHT/hour


    Extras can be added.



    Sounded lovely. Good hearted as I am, I thought I have to support this lady.

    Took my phone and gave her a call. Lovely voice she had.

    I booked for the same evening and told her that I would take 2 hours. 1hour Thai and to relax, 1hour Oil.


    Booking was for 7pm. Shower taken, nice underwear on and here I was, waiting for Song.

    At 6:40 I went down to the lobby, maybe she comes a bit earlier.

    At 6:58, a pick-up truck arrived and soon, driver was calling my name.

    Here she was, Song, the lovely massagist.


    Baby elephants are soooo cute! 

  7. 3 hours ago, Redline said:

    Centralized public health systems have a much easier task regarding vaccinations, and the Thai people don't follow the mantra of freedom at any cost~face saving does work in certain instances.  Don't forget the denier that was president through most of the pandemic~he said don't worry, and said that if you wear masks, you are not on his side

    Face saving is a great Asian discovery that works in most social scenarios, the only problem for a Western is to find out the true feelings about a situation. Sometimes the true feelings will never be revealed... 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    My sentiments are the same as yours when it comes to the futility of mass lockdowns.  This strategy has been pretty much proven to be totally ineffective and at the same time devastating for a country's economy.  Thailand's "Seal and Bubble" makes MUCH MORE sense and seems to work well.  Other countries such as the US could learn a thing or two from the Kingdom IMO.


    As for vaccines ... the fact is, vaccines offer the only viable way to ultimately stop the spread of the virus because even if they only have a 50.4% effectiveness, that will lead to herd immunity.  Further, just like the flu viruses, as mutations develop, vacciners can be adapted to cope with that.  The whole idea behind vaccines is to lower the R-naught.  If it takes new vaccines to deal with mutations, it's just a game of numbers keeping the R-naught below 1.0 on an ongoing basis.


    I mean, the virus is probably never going to go away.  It's here to stay just like the flu virus.  The goal is to keep it from spreading.


    I totally agree but at the same time I am worried that governments and media are not showing the true nature of ALL THE VACCINES: They are experimental. It usually takes between 5 to 10 years to develop a new vaccine. These were developed in about 1 year! So, what's missing? The insight into the long term side effects. Nobody, I mean nobody knows if an self immune disease could develop in the future for people who received any of the vaccines. Fact. I will get vaccinated though. 

  9. 1 minute ago, curlylekan said:

    You mean just like China asked the world to come together at the beginning of this virus then when Australia asked for an investigation into its origins, China bullied Australia in every which way and China did not make the WHO job easy or help to make it through. 


    Yes, the world needs to come together, but governments can never be trusted; western a little more than most cause we try to be transparent, but governments fight too much for self-preservation and not citizen/human preservation

    The CCP cannot be expected to comply with an international investigation into its own country. It is very naive to expect that! 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 5 hours ago, lujanit said:

    Has Sinovac been approved by the relevant regulatory authority in any country?


    I recently heard Dr. Norman Swan (Australian physician) on the daily podcast Coronacast) give a very short abrupt 'no' to a question about Sinovac would be used in Australia.  He didn't elaborate.


    Australia intends to vaccinate everyone currently in the country (including tourists, asylum seekers etc) for free.  An enlightened viewpoint which other countries should follow.

    They have no choice as they are not letting anyone out of the country soon. All these tourists, asylum seekers, lost souls are now locked in Australia... 

  11. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    Being chaperoned around Thailand with an official from the TAT or the Health Department sounds like a true dream vacation. Might as well add in tours of the local hospitals, clinics, and government offices to boot! Lots of fun to be had by all. 


    A covid vaccination, using one of the top vaccines, like the Pfizer or the Moderna one, should be adequate. The authorities should be begging the tourists to come. Free, unlimited visas, 10,000 baht hotel vouchers, and free meal vouchers. Our people are out of work. We really need you. An immigration officer will come to your hotel to renew your visa, if you decide to extend your stay, to show our appreciation for your support. Half price air tickets for domestic travel. Princely treatment. Thank you so much for helping to rescue our economy and our people.

    Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not available on demand. They still have to figure out how to scale the production for their home countries. Thailand should be considering both, Oxford/ Astra Zenica or Sputnik from Russia. 

    • Thanks 1
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