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Shocked farang

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Posts posted by Shocked farang

  1. 2 hours ago, damascase said:

    Where do you read that international flights will be allowed from June 1st? The current ban might well be continued for a while.....,

    They will be allowed, I have an international flight booking with Air Asia for June 1st from a neighboring country to DMK (Dom Muang international airport). But I just wonder like everybody else what the requirements will be. The Air Asia office in the city where I am is actually closed at the moment and their web site does not mention the requirements.

  2. On 4/27/2020 at 2:59 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    Still trying to figure out how they managed to get here 14 days ago. Were not all flights stopped unless you met certain restrictions, like being a diplomat, pilot, a Thai national or had a work permit.  If so how did these two get into the country and into quarantine, unless they are also American born Thais who have Thai nationality...But with those dreadlocks I doubt they are Thai.....

    There are plenty of dreadlocked Thais on Khao San Road and at the Full Moon party on Koh Phanghan island.

  3. 9 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    I have been that annoying passenger for many years. On boarding any aircraft, before seating I wipe down the headrest, arm rests, tray table and back of seat infront of me if in economy.

    Holds others up, momentarily, but my safety has always been paramount. Always concerned about nits from headrests, and once found a really dirty wet tray table.(on TG)

    Nowadays doing this is a piece of cake as there are wet wipes in a package and all you have to do is to open it and start cleaning. Planes do go through a process of disinfection but this isn't after every flight segment. So we can count on the surfaces to be contaminated with different germs, bacteria and now unfortunately perhaps Covid19 viruses.

  4. 8 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Living on the Darkside, in Pattaya, I will be watching from the bleachers, beer in hand and not a care in the world. I've no doubt that it won't affect me in any way.

    You don't know what you are talking about. The day they decide they can bulldozer all the stupid beer bars in Pattaya in order to bring "respectable tourists", they simply will and they won't give a <deleted> about your baby cries! 

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  5. 5 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

    It took my wife 9 years to figure out I was from Australia, not from Austria!   And that's after 3 trips down there!  It got tiring explaining Australia is between Indonesia and New Zealand......and Austria is next to Yermany. 

    Wow! And how do explain that to your family and friends back in Oz? She is geographically illiterate? 

  6. 2 hours ago, bangkokequity said:

    For residents of Thailand ... Thai National and Expat .... guess what ... we see YOU as a "Plague Carrier."  Just off a long international flight, happily heading to our hotels, restaurants, taxis, mass transit ... etc ... unable to even determine for 14 - 24 days if you are contagious.  News Flash:  Being white does not make you immune to disease .. in fact ... from what i see in casual observations ... farang have an arrogant confidence that defeats precautionary measures.  Many are filthy, using toilets without washing hands with soap, coughing into their hands and just going right ahead and putting their hands on the next thing, shaking hands like that is not an ideal way to spread a virus, oh ... and spending "quality time" with girls whose day consists of "very close contact" with foreigners from all over the world, and on, and on , and on.  Just stay in Frangatopia and come back next year.  "Thanks"  

    I just wish that most Thais were as sincere as you. Unfortunately you aren't this sincere either, when in the presence of farangs you would never make your point this clear! <Frangatopia> Great place where people actually speak a language with clear cut grammar and pronunciation rules, not some kind of tonal mess!

  7. 23 hours ago, lujanit said:

    The ordinary Chinese in China are suffering too.  Many businesses have not opened yet as they fear contracting the virus.


    On a minor note I have noticed the downturn here as I order things on Aliexpress and the majority have not been shipped.  One order goes back to Jan 16.


    You really cannot blame these people as they are sh!t scared and the Chinese government is not telling the truth about the situation.  The true situation is far worse than reported.


    I was watching a video a couple of days ago where the presenter is married to a chinese doctor (until very recently they lived in China).  He asked his wife why the death numbers were not much higher.  Her answer was if a person is admitted for another ailment and subsequently dies from the coronavirus it is not counted. A lot like here when a person involved in a vehicle accident and subsequently dies in hospital is not counted as a death from the accident.


    And then there is the case of the chinese civilian reporter who was telling like it really is suddenly disappeared.

    Mr Wiston has asked me to tell you to stay awesome and stop slandering both Thailand and China. Mr Wiston is from South Africa and he used to be quite different from his present persona! Aha!

  8. On 1/29/2020 at 10:49 AM, buick said:

    i've read similar warnings which also say to be very careful when removing the mask.  don't touch your face during the process (carefully use ear straps only for removal) and only use the mask once (that is for the standard surgical mask which as noted above, isn't 100% reliable in term of protection from the virus).

    The surgical mask only works as a protection if the person wearing it coughs he will not spread around the particles coming from his mouth/nose. Anyone looking for real protection should look for better and more expensive breathers that come with the code N95, they look like a standard mask but have a breathing valve and it forms like a seal around the face. I have one that I got in Vietnam that works really well.

  9. The Chinese Wet Market is so filthy and disgusting that I don't understand why they still allow it.

    It contains under the same roof all kinds of creatures that can be killed on the spot for consumption and many of them already dead. Among them there are: Pigs, Chicken, Dogs, Bats,

    snakes, all kinds of fishes and creatures from the ocean such as turtles, lobsters, crabs, etc...

    Now the specialists are saying that this new corona virus probably originated in an animal such as a bat and then jumped into the humans and now it can spread from human to human! 

    The government in China must educate the uneducated on virus transmission and eradicate this cruel Wet market forever.

  10. 6 hours ago, shadowofacloud said:

    As a happy digital professional, working remotely from TH for a few months every year*, I say: come get me!


    It really would be a fun experience, something to write about in a few years, plus the maximum fine of 50k isn't a major issue (most likely 5-10k under the table would solve the problem anyway).


    [*] on tourist visas, of course. If the indolent authorities came up with a proper visa+work permit scheme for digital professionals (say, 1k usd pa), they would already be a few thousand USD richer.

    It's impossible to actually catch digital nomads or digital professionals working in the Kingdom.

    Basically you are only using the connectivity available in Thailand but all other transactions don't involve Thailand at all. Some years ago they raided a co-working space known as "Punspace" in Chiang Mai but I think it was a total flop, they discovered the hard way that the digital nomads don't leave anything traceable in the Kingdom. LoL

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    It is a shame that the Thias aren't as passionate about democracy and politics as the Hong Kong citizens.


    Perhaps in another generation or so. 

    You must be kidding! There's freedom of protest in HK, you don't get arrested for just protesting. Thailand is a completely different story, since the last coup, the freedom of protesting has been suspended and then eliminated. Anyone suspect of protesting will be arrested and who knows what might happen to this person. 

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  12. 6 hours ago, SammyT said:

    I'd be interested to know what it costs the Thai government to house an individual prisoner per day in the IDC. For example, if this guy doesn't have money for an airfare, Syrian government doesn't help, how many days does he have to stay in the IDC before the cost of accommodating him exceeds what it would have cost for him to just be chucked on an airplane and sent straight home as soon as possible. Particularly for those who come from very impoverished backgrounds - a $600 USD one way airfare is always going to be pretty unattainable. 

    Keeping in mind that sending someone back to Syria could very possible mean a death sentence...

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  13. On 6/15/2019 at 9:36 AM, Tounge Thaied said:

    Auto-Erotic_Asphyxiation... the only question now is, was he set up and killed or was it really a sex game gone bad. I am sure those crack investigators are on it. ????

    It seems that the lack of oxygen makes the orgasm really strong, many teenagers have died already masturbating with a belt strangling their necks. But you know, when you are a teenager and is just discovering your sexuality is a totally different game from this old guy who should know better. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Emdog said:

    Who you gonna believe? Your lying eyes and nose or tourist promotion board?

    I've lived in Jomtien 15 years and have never gone swimming in the waters. I'd prefer a dip in my toilet: I know who put the stuff in there.

    I used to wear sandals til I got some nasty skin aliment that produced holes moving across top of foot. Very very difficult for doctor to clear up. Now I wear socks and fisherman's sandals, avoid sand somewhat too...

    Thank you for the feed back as I was contemplating buying a condo in Jomtien...Pattaya and Jomtien are both dead, let´s face it!

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