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Shocked farang

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Posts posted by Shocked farang

  1. 15 hours ago, roo860 said:

    According to the local paper she was a passenger. And wore a helmet. 

    Sorry to say but most helmets in most shops are a complete joke and don't give any protection. They are just a formality to comply with the law. I'm very sorry for what happened to this woman, maybe some rich Thai tycoon could help to pay her hospital bill. She is in my prayers, I hope she will recover soon. 

  2. On 12/3/2022 at 6:16 AM, cdemundo said:

    Here are 9 and 10 year old boys living on the street with no parents and the big issue is that they are smoking ganja?

    Let's treat the symptoms, maybe the cause will go away.

    Exactly. Homeless kids take drugs to ease the pain of being homeless, having no parents. Why isn't the government providing shelter and food for them? 

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  3. 12 hours ago, VinnieK said:

    Well..as a Chinese he can blend in easily and yes maybe he can buy himself out of trouble.

    Asians can play the system way better than a dumbass, high-moral-ground farang 

    I wonder how these millions of Sino-thais got to live here in the first place 

    Seems there is special treatment for Chinese here.

    Thai IDs (for a price) etc.


    The Sino Thais are a different category as they came in different waves of immigration many generations ago and are now perceived as part of Thai society. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    There has to rule Even in countries where it is legal, there are still rules about the sale.  


    Also, it is a taxable sale in countries where it is legal.

    The catch to all this is that there were no restrictions put on the sale and there was no set agreement it seems that the people that wanted it legalized had set parameters.


    Anutin in his stupidity and following along with all the great things he did with covid just said to hell with it lets take it off the books and let anyone sell, smoke, grow and harvest,


    YOu can not do that there need to be rules on where how, and who can sell.  Not only to limit the sale but also to ensure the quality of the product.


    The last thing any country needs is someone selling <deleted> pot or pot with a kick. because something else is in it.


    I can remember buying what I thought was good stuff only to find that it was twigs and <deleted>.  also with the level of THC these days there needs to be a control.


    Thailand has enough trouble with drunk farang that it really does not need to deal with the pot head-stoned farang


    Again I am not against legal medical use I am just against some kid sitting on the side of the street selling it to whoever wants to buy not knowing what they are buying.






    It's too late now for the state to intervene. The amount of intervention is also limited to the budget that a developing country like Thailand can have. Even in the Netherlands where Cannabis sales have been legal for decades now, the state does not intervene on the production side of the equation. In fact production there is a gray area, the coffee shops are legal and theirs sales are taxable (even though in my experience I have brought grams without any sales record). The production ends up in the hands of people who are willing to break the law. So in this respect Thailand is ahead of the Netherlands! 

  5. 2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    None, but danger to society does not exclusively mean that someone can OD on a substance. There's lots of other ways a drug can be a danger to society. In my opinion none of those apply to cannabis, though. 

    Exactly, that's the logic of liberalisation of soft drugs and strongly opposing hard ones that really demage people. 

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  6. On 11/12/2022 at 1:00 AM, kwilco said:

    just shows how even "educated" people can be stupid. As a recreational drug is is conclusively shown that it is relatively harmless compared to such things as alcohol, Whereas cannabis for medical purposes is practically useless.

    I don't think so. I have known of quite a few cases, people with pain, migraines, people with insomnia, glaucoma etc... 

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  7. On 11/12/2022 at 6:13 AM, SenorTashi said:

    I agree with everything you said there and I was saying the above to my missus last night. I also said, just because the Buddha didn't enjoy the ganj, doesn't mean it's not sacred. It's very important to me that the plant is respected at all times. I've felt like that since my first experiences with it in the 70's. I've never ripped anyone off or ever sold any mouldy weed etc and if anyone ever rips me off, I get more upset me that they've disrespected the plant, than the fact that I've lost some money. 

    I agree that it's very difficult to police THC levels. I just think it's a shame that they increased the power of it in the first place because as you say, it's been used for millenia without any problems. Most of my older friends don't want to smoke the newer, stronger strains because it does their heads in. Like you, I used to enjoy the stronger stuff for the buzz but I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole these days. 

    I've been making my own edibles for years and almost every time I'm making cakes, I end up eating too much by licking the spoon and I've had some very intense and frightening experiences over the years. During one of the worst episodes, I honestly didn't know what life form I was for a while then when I'd calmed down a bit, I couldn't work out which hotel or town or country I was in, then I got very paranoid that I could be robbed at any minute.


    I ended up totally naked and pouring with sweat, crouched in the corner of the hotel room and holding a large knife, which I'd been cutting the fudge into squares with. Suddenly the door swung open and the hotel manager said "And we have this room....' saw me crouching there, looking wild eyed and naked with a large knife, then quickly shut the door, saying, 'My mistake. Someone's in that room' ...lmao

    I went back there several times over the years but we never talked about that.  

    Based on what you described I would say, you'd better keep away from Cannabis, it's definitely not for you! 

    • Haha 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

    This American clown with a serious MINORity complex never misses an opportunity to:
    - try to make headlines
    - writes letters to the sitting prime minister

    If Heineke is serious about it, why not just starting in this hospitality empire of overpriced while more than average accommodation and then present the overcharges with big fanfare to whomever he wants. 

    It is foreigners like him giving the non-Thai business community an undeserved poorer reputation. Yes, he sits on a Thai passport but he is as much Thai as a green-painted penguin is a frog! 

    Well he is still considered a farang by most Thais, the main advantage is that he can actually own land and properties in the Kingdom. 

  9. 14 hours ago, nigelforbes said:

    Sad, he should know better than to propagate two tier pricing.

    Really, it's do stupid to propose such a thing. Of course most foreigners can afford this but people (like me) hate to be discriminated on the basis of their nationality. Many times I go to an attraction like a national park or a water fall and when I find out that only farangs are charged, I lose interest on the spot. I refuse to pay, not because it's going to make a difference in my pocket but I just don't want to feed this absurd! 

  10. On 10/31/2022 at 3:26 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    They never caused a problem in Pattaya that I was aware of ( unlike those from a hotter region ), and their totty is generally of a high standard.

    Except that when they go to an "all you can eat" buffet restaurant, they make huge piles of food on their plate that there's no food left for anybody else! 

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