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Posts posted by MARK74

  1. 46 minutes ago, Jane Dough said:

    Just to be sure Thaivisa asked the FBI to do a cutting edge video enhancement of the shopping in his bag at the checkout. Marmite, Lea and Perrins, wet wipes........and out of date full cream milk on special. 


    We rest our case. 



    mustn't have had enough for the 500g box of yorkshire tea. all starting to make sense now

  2. 6 hours ago, smedly said:

    yes he has retired to Thailand at 35


    is it any wonder they don't want the police involved 


    I could have a very good educated guess

    probably a couple of boiler room phone monkeys arguing over some girl, or maybe not, who knows and who really cares? bib don't seem to bothered, just hanging in there hoping there's a payment coming ????


    “Before the attack, there was a dispute over Ms Sudarat as she has two boyfriends at the same time,” Col Nikorn said.

    “Just before the stabbing took place, Ms Sudarat’s other boyfriend made arrangements with Mr Goodwin through LINE application to meet at We Cafe,” the police chief explained.

    “As Mr Goodwin and Ms Sudarat parked up and got out of their car, Mr Goodwin was attacked.”


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  3. 1 hour ago, mikebell said:

    Good question.  

    'HEALTH insurance has been made mandatory for foreigners aged 50 years and above seeking long-term stay in Thailand.'


    I am 76 on a UK state pension frozen for eleven years.  I can no longer afford to keep 800,000 untouched in a Thai bank for five months AND compulsory Health Insurance.

    aren't you doing extensions? apparently it doesn't affect you if you are

  4. "It would seem that this may be occurring sooner rather than later as Pacific Cross have recently published their Health Insurance Plans for Long Stay farangs. See the link to their policy herewith ( https://www.pacificcrosshealth.com/en/health-insurance/longstay-visa/  )."


    they along with a host of other insurers have been providing these types of plans for years, nothing to do with anything immigration or other authorities may or may not be planning.


    nice promo for pacific cross though ????

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, moonseeker said:

    What a respectful and caring culture. Surreal. M>

    what's culture got to do with it?

    Look west and see how many gang attacks happen in hospitals with the perps running amok with knives to finish off someone taken to a hospital for treatment.

    <deleted> to do with culture, surreal that you think it is.

    the fact it is in the mainstream news and in the west it probably wouldn't even make the local papers might lead some to believe it is not as big a problem here as it is elsewhere

  6. 12 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

    If as stated that it is farang owned then all the comments about it the Thais just loving the money and not caring about safety standards should be directed at the farang. Doubt that people will do that as most posters on TV just want to bash the Thais at every opportunity they can get.

    funny you should say that, i told my mrs about this story and said thailand really needs to sort out it's safety record for these kind of pursuits. she said she has been there for a team building thing with her company and a farang runs it. 

  7. 52 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    It is due to them stating at first the you would have to apply online for the visa starting on April 1st but that has been changed to May now without a date. It is mentioned here on the page for applications by post. http://www.thaiembassy.org/london/en/services/7742/84397-How-to-apply-visa-by-post.html  It is assumed that they might let you mail in your passport and supporting documents after the approval but that has not been stated yet.

    thanks Joe. seems to me like they are just modernizing the application process. i suspect once it is fully up and running it will be just as easy as doing it all by post. maybe once someone is registered and have used the service once, their details are stored and subsequent applications will be easier. it looks like they are ending postal applications to introduce a more modern system and are trying to make it easier as far as i can see. the post i replied to didn't point out that they were introducing a possibly better alternative.

  8. 19 hours ago, BritTim said:

    A two or three day trip to London by someone trying to live on a budget is not a minor expense. Do not assume that everyone in the UK lives in London. Some are lucky enough to live close to an honorary consulate and can get tourist visas while they wait. For others, the best solution is usually application by mail to the embassy, but there is talk of ending that (and possibly honorary consulate applications) in the near future.

    getting visas from London by mail is easy and quick, usually only a week. i have a friend living in south london who does his by mail just to save time going up to victoria. Could you let me know where you found the information of the 'talk' of these being ended, i can't see that happening.

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  9. 1 hour ago, wisperone said:

    No sympathy for a murderer.

    As to why publishing the article now...its a common political move, worldwide, to draw attention away from current issues that may be hampering those in power. And in this case, perhaps confirming about nasty foreigners, to further push the political agenda.

    Phoebe Cooke from the Sun has a political agenda in thailand.  ????

    • Like 1
  10. not sure if this has come up already and slightly off topic as for bangkok.

    my friend who's on retirement extension went to chaeng wattana last week to get RC.

    He took his paperwork and they saw him and booked him an appointment to go back in 1 month.

    They gave him a receipt with the date to come back and boxes ticked for why the letter is required, in his case for driving licence. 

    i thought before you would go there once with 90 day report, address proof etc and they'd post it out to you.

    Are there new rules there does anyone know? 

    as it stands he can't legally drive in thailand for another month as he's already reported 90 days. obviously the way around that is the embassy letter at a cost which would be quicker but first i had heard of the month wait and a second appointment at chaeng wattana

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