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Posts posted by WalkingOrders

  1. 6 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    I wouldn't be so sure. According to a nationwide survey published in The Hill in January:


    Now, that doesn't mean those people would vote for Biden (that wasn't what they were being asked) but it shows that if there's any Democratic candidate that Republicans might be likely to vote for, it's Biden.

    Honestly polls are meaningless. Especially now. Meaningless. Common sense though should tell anyone that Democrat Victory lay in getting out the vote....or they could put the word out not to worry because Trumps base will vote for Biden.....yeah good idea. Get the word out!

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    cause now i'm confused.  i voted absentee, you said the state department needs to cut back on granting "absentee citizenship,"  (is that a thing?), and now you're talking about green cards.


    green card holders can't vote, absentee or otherwise.

    No but former Chinese citizens who live in China but are US citizens can vote, and before they become citizens they get green cards. 


    So I wish to curtail the practice of bucking the US system being used by the CCP against the USA for their own benefit. American Citizens in name only, who reside in China, that practice must stop! And yeah look it up....California is filled with them.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Politico.....yeah the same insanity makes the same circle-jerk liberal round of papers. Thats how they convinced themselves of Hillary's win last time. None of that bs makes Joe Biden more exciting. But it might convince Democrats they don't need to vote.... so yeah... keep spreading the news!

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  4. 12 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    is it?  he got my vote by absentee ballot to texas in the last election.  more of a vote for "not her" than for trump, though.  i had some hope he would be different, but in a good way.  i was disappointed.  i see him selling his soul to his donors, and we're still in afghanistan/iraq/syria/etc, and still regime-changing.  i was fooled thinking his blowhard, know-nothing public image was just an act.


    can't see voting for a creature like biden, not even as a "not him" vote.  if it comes down to those two, think i'll just save myself the trouble of printing off the ballot and expense of an airmail stamp.  what difference, at that point, would it make?

    Yeah the US Department of State needs to Tighten up on granting absentee citizenship. It's a Trojan Horse.

  5. 7 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    Good point as I do see the base does indeed support States Rights wholeheartedly. The part I find most interesting was trump saying he has an abundance of supporting evidence that he has the ultimate say over the States but offers ZERO proof of that. Big Joke! Constitution is VERY clear on what he dose have authority on.

    None of this matters man....everyone....the whole world... wants to re-open. People are suffering.

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