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Posts posted by dode57k

  1. I work offshore UK and the oil companies are forcing me to spend two weeks in the UK before mobilisation. Effectively stopping me going home as I'm on a 3/3 rota so I'd be home for around 5 days. This despite the Government withdrawing the advice re category 1 and 2 countries. So unless these <deleted> change the rules I'm trapped in the UK until this is over.

  2. Although I live in Thailand I'm not quite financially secure enough to retire yet, so unfortunately I still have to commute to the UK to work. When the day comes that I can finally say "enough" I won't look over my shoulder at this miserable, grey, xenophobic, expensive <deleted>hole. Give me Thailand with it's glorious weather, friendly people, affordable lifestyle every day of the week. Despite the perceived problems we read about on here, for me they pale into insignificance when weighed against all that is good about Thailand. The moaners will moan wherever they live.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

    In most cases Grab adds an additional fee to or from airports.  Also, Grab is location dependent.  Fore example, I find Grab much cheaper in Chiang Mai than Pattaya.

    What he said. Depends where you are and where you're going. Sometimes dearer (not by a huge amount) many times cheaper. I don't use taxis a lot but when I do I always check the price on grab first. If I think it's value I'll book them. As has already been said you know the price up front, can pay by credit card or paypal and no haggling with stroppy taxi drivers. 

  4. Havent read the whole thread so apologies if a little off track but thought I'd share. I have 2 accounts with BKK bank and rely on the app heavily as I'm out the country a lot. Its a pain in the ass to be honest. Crashing loads and requires to be uninstalled and reinstalled many times.

    So thought I'd try SCB. I was given the usual "no work permit no account" by girl at the door but asked to see the manager and presented him with...

    Passport with thai elite visa.

    Rental agreement.

    Thai driving licence.

    Marriage cert.

    Wifes ID card.

    Wife's tabien baan.

    Wife's bank card from his own branch.

    My BKK bank details.

    Showed him my Buddha round my neck ????????


    And with a smile said "how can you refuse me"

    He laughed and opened an account for me

    The app works beautifully btw ????????????


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

    I am not religious so Christmas has no connotations for me but...I do put up a Christmas tree and give out a few bits & pieces to people I know. The reason for me is that most of the year it's 'this & that' so I take the opportunity to wish people well.

    So whatever you do I hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas.


    Same to you sir

    • Like 1
  6. For most of my adult life I haven't even been aware of dreaming far less remember them in the morning. Strangely for the past year, which has maybe been the happiest and most contented year of my life I'm aware nearly every night of dreaming. Although I don't remember them in the morning I'm left with a feeling of weirdness, dread almost. Doesn't bother me and as I don't believe your dreams mean anything I just ignore it and carry on with my day. Bit strange though!

  7. 8 hours ago, Henryford said:

    There is no high season in Jomtien. Pretty much the same all year round.

    I live there and whilst it couldn't be described as crazily busy there is very much a high season in Jomtien. Right now the beach is very busy and the bars are enjoying increased custom.

    To answer the question...low season in Jomtien still has everything you want.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 hours ago, Guderian said:

    I had a private pension with Standard Life and took the tax-free lump sum when I hit 60 three years ago. Maybe all private pension companies are difficult to deal with, I don't know, but I found SL to be very annoying indeed. They seem to do everything they possibly can to prevent you from cashing in any part of your pension. After weeks I'd managed to find my way through their labyrinthine bureaucracy and filled in and returned the forms that were necessary to start converting my pension pot into a tax-free lump sum and a new investment vehicle for the rest of the money I made the mistake of mentioning that I was spending most of my time in Thailand. Fortunately I seemed to be dealing with one of the older, more-experienced guys there and he made it clear that if I was going to use any overseas details at all, like address or bank account, then that would open up a whole new world of bureaucratic pain for me. The proof they were asking to make a payout to a UK-based customer was bad enough, but it was ten times worse for a foreign resident. I quickly back-pedaled and told him it was just a holiday home where I spent a few months of the winter, and my UK details were the same as I'd given him and he should use them, my UK address and bank account, and after a bit of pee-taking on his part (that's funny, sir, I could have SWORN I heard you say that you LIVED in Thailand!) he let it drop and a week or two later the tax-free lump sum arrived in my Halifax account.


    What I'm trying to get across here is that SL is nice as pie when it comes to paying money in, but getting it out is much, much harder. And if you can possibly avoid it,  don't mention that you're living in Thailand, that will only make the whole process even worse than it already is.


    Exactly my scenario. Basically had to lie to get my money. I know this doesn't answer the OP's question though. My expectation when I cash the lot in will be that as you say, taxed at source then claim back from the tax office, regardless of where you are living at the time.

  9. 15 hours ago, elviajero said:

    They are not “tourist visas”. They are a Privilege Entry Visa. 

    Once the visa has been issued you’re not going to get denied entry for any of the reasons serial tourists are. It’s a long stay visa.



    The Thailand Elite visa is very much a tourist visa (1 year stay per entry, with 90 day reports required) as I've been told more than once by TE themselves. If you choose not to believe that you can I'm sure email the very helpful people at TE to be told the same. However, because you are escorted to fast track immigration by a rep on entry to the country and he/she hands your passport to the IO everything goes smoothly. There is also no requirement to have 20,00 baht on your person on arrival.

  10. 9 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    I've never done a TM30 and I got my last extension 2 weeks ago no problems. No mention of the TM30 at all.


    In fact, a friend of mine went to do his WP a few days ago. He went with a company lawyer. Again, no mention of the TM30, nor did he ever do one, and he's just returned from overseas. 


    Me thinks the TM30 has been put out to pasture. 

    1 year in BKK and 2 years in Jomtien. Leave the country 8 times per year and whilst here travel extensively. Never done a TM30

  11. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    I admire you for making the move instead of just talking about it.  I do wish that farangs who are unhappy with their life in Thailand simply go back home instead of whining/whinging endlessly on TV.  They may realize that their unhappiness really has nothing to do with Thailand but more their inner self.  And if it turns out that they are happiest at home and never return, even better.  Everybody wins!

    Post of the year. Well said.

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    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

    Seems many people fear that they might lose their passport ( or, inexplicably, that they might loose it). Others keep everything from their primary school grade reports to their Tinder password on their phones and appear to feel it's a competition to state all the things they actually do or not carry with them but have archived on their phones or on different cloud sites and/or portable drives. 


    I feel so inadequate. I just carry my passport. After decades of doing so I've never lost (or loost) it. Cant recall ever losing my drivers license or any credit cards or social security card, etc. what do some of you get up to that particularly puts your passport at risk or makes you feel better than others because you can access a copy of your birth certificate or dog's license within seconds of a photocopy of it being urgently required and sufficient?



  13. 9 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    It seems many people need something to complain about. Maybe the neighbors, the laws, the traffic, the food, whatever.

    And when those people move to somewhere else they will still complain.

    Because when they complain they basically want to say: I would be happy if this and that would be true.

    But they are never happy. So if anything gets better and they could be happier they will sure find another reason why they are not happy.

    I try to avoid those people.


    Sure for all of us there are real challenges from time to time. We can complain, accept what can't be changed, or try to change what can be changed. It's our choice.

    Maybe a little look at Buddhist teachings would help some?

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