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Posts posted by dode57k

  1. 4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Nothing wrong with wishing, but what if you had to face the reality tomorrow when you retire and couldn't find an "affordable policy" that covers both emergency and Chemotherapy ?


    The way I see it is, if you are unfortunate and were dealt the big C card, at least with an emergency cover policy, it also covers elective surgery, which means you would be covered for the big C surgery.


    As for Chemotherapy being part of an outpatient policy, if one cannot afford both or chooses not to pay for both, I believe cover under an emergency policy outweighs not insurance at all, yes cover for both would be best, but it all boils down to affordability, and really, what are the chances of getting the big C, i.e. unless it's in the family tree ?


    My family tree are heart attacks, had mine at 47, 12 years ago, stent inserted and been fine ever since, maintain a healthy weight and eat well, and of course some exercise. Back in the old country government Medicare would cover me, waiting period if not an emergency, if an emergency, straight in, payments to Cardiologist for visits, about half costs recovered, Medicare payments from me today if I was retired back in the old country = zero.


    Unfortunately for me I don't have that luxury here, that said if I was working and earning what I was earning prior to retiring back in the old country, Medicare through a compulsory tax levy would cost me about the same as emergency cover here.  So it's 6, 2, 1, half dozen the other, now for me and the family it costs us about 120,000 baht per year, that said, one has to ask oneself, if one ended up in a hospital for either elective surgery or an emergency, would it be more than 120,000 baht for the surgery, stay, etc, etc and at what point do you keep paying, or take the risk and self insure saving the 120,000 baht per year, putting it aside in a slush fund and hope nothing ever happens and in 10 years you can say, hey I have an extra 1.2 million baht here that I forgot about and then just leave it there and don't put anymore aside or keep building it up, )%%#@&(* hang on a minute, I think I'm into something here ????


    You might want to start putting the money aside now into that slush fund before you retire, depending on how many years you have left, putting the maximum you can put aside, like $1,000 a month till you retire, so as to get well ahead, if you can afford $33 a day x 365 days a year x 4 years for argument would cover you for 8 and a bit years @ 60,000 baht per year if you took out emergency cover here  ?


    Just a thought/alternative


    Thanks for the reply. Given me something to think about. Appreciate it.

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  2. On 8/3/2019 at 11:38 AM, 4MyEgo said:

    Totally agree, while it's expensive for some, one has to ask oneself, are you prepared to pay big money out of your own pocket, or risk not being treated in a better environment if you had the choice. I also understand some cannot get insurance, fair enough. 


    I have insurance for emergency and elective surgery only, as outpatient is cheap enough for me to pay.


    The above said, 180 baht per day I do not consider expensive in my situation for a 1.2 mil US $ coverage and while I can afford it, I will maintain the coverage.


    I'm currently OK as covered by employers health insurance but when I retire God knows. Understand the need for "emergency" cover but I see Chemotherapy is "outpatient" Are people just taking their chances on cancer. Really wish I could find an affordable policy for just the "big stuff" both inpatient and outpatient

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, fourpack said:

    Really who cares currencies ebb and flow as they have always done.

    Get over it.

    I care. Paid in GBP and live in Thailand so a pay cut every month. Where's the pound just now? Ebbing or flowing? Will it flow back to 90 baht? 70? 55? 45? Of course it won't. There will be tiny fluctuations in the "GREAT" British pound's long term slide to oblivion. A <deleted> currency from a <deleted> country.

    By the way it's 36.65 baht today <deleted>!

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  4. 2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    It would seem that I'm guilty as charged, I have read every reply in this thread, what I sometimes don't do is to check who posted what, when I read your comment I took it as a baiting post suggesting I had an ulterior motive or hidden agenda, not so, so I apologise unreservedly. Okay. ????


    Apology accepted sir. These forums can be very strange places indeed. It's not always easy to fully understand the meaning behind some posts. ????

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  5. 15 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I don't have a problem with the replies so far, therefore I don't understand your comment.


    I wasn't looking for any particular type of comment, just that the conversation be kept civil with valid responses, unfortunately as far as I can tell yours doesn't fit that criteria, why would you say such a thing ? do you have an agenda ? Tell you what dode whatever unless you have something other than trolling in mind keep quiet please.



    Wow, that made me laugh. One of the strangest answers to a comment I've read in ages. Your opening post asked for serious/valid replies and what you seem to have is a load of people arguing. I'm on your side, at least I thought I was until I read your answer. I think you and I have totally misjudged each other.

    Just one thing though I won't be told to keep quiet by anyone. IF I break the rules somehow then admins can step in. Suggest you put me on ignore if you don't like what I say. Have you read my two previous post on this thread? Is that not what you're looking for?

  6. 2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    I just don't see the EU giving any quarter, they may well have the upper hand here, but other views are saying that without the UK then the EU is stuffed, I personally do not subscribe to that view, will the loss of 39 Billion GBP make a difference to the EU, I honestly do not know, maybe some of you slightly more politically astute members can fill us in, using a neutral standpoint of course.


    I would rather not see the mods close this thread because of extreme views or bickering members but rather gather views from those that will be affected, me included.

    Maybe not the replies you were looking for then? Pity ????

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Well done to all of you who were able to open bank accounts - my thread was specifically about problems opening a bank account when on an Elite visa.


    To reply to specific comments, Thailand Elite said that they couldn't help. My comments about the donations is to explain to the bank why I need the account. I'm not moving to Laos because of my banking problems! The regime for expats is a lot less intrusive (based on my own experiences when I lived there in 2012/13)

    Bangkok Bank absolutely open bank accounts for those on Elite visa. Part of the Elite visa service is to assist in opening bank accounts. I had two lovely assistants meet me at Silom BB headquarters to supply this very service. A few months later I went back to Bangkok bank on my own to open a second account, showed them my first account details and my Elite card and was out with a new account within 1 hour.

    Not sure how you are approaching the Elite visa staff or what questions you are asking but as you can see from the replies here it is doable.

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