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Posts posted by dode57k

  1. 8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    This is a post which highlights the false dichotomy between foreigners in Thailand... someone is either a 'Thai Apologist' or a 'Thai bashing Sexpat'....  with no balanced recognition of the full spectrum of beings making up the numbers.


    One could interpret from your post above that you are here suffering immigration policies and visa running just for cheap sex and if there were no cheap sex here, you'd be somewhere else getting it... 


    You are partly right, take away the ladies and there would be an exodus.... but only of those who came here for and are having to pay for sex.


    Because someone likes it here it doesn't mean they are a Thai Apologist - it just means they are capable of putting up with the negative aspects of living here along with the positives and there are more positives than just cheap sex. 

    Equally so, because someone has criticism of Thailand it doesn't mean they are a Thai-bashing-sexpat.


    We have both ends of this spectrum on ThaiVisa.com...  both ends of the spectrum are perhaps over represented, for most balanced minds tend not to be interested in discussing the flawed opinions of a handful rosed tinted luvies or over opinionated misogynistic bigots... unless bored and thinking, what the heck, I'll chip in !



    Post of the year for me. ????



  2. 21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Sounds like BS to me. I did mine there.

    This is the problem with asking advice on an online forum. everyone has a different answer depending on their circumstances. I can assure you it's not BS. Happy that you had a trouble free experience but Banglamung has now to be avoided if you want a quick in and out.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, jellydog said:

    What a load of crap. Football is about the fans. Period. "What fans want or think doesn't come in to it anymore...". You should have your mouth washed out with soap.

    Football, (in the top divisions, is about money). I won't tell you you're talking crap but I will say if you really believe it's about the fans you're living in the past.

    • Like 2
  4. Some form of video assistance is long overdue. Not entirely sure about this version though. We need to forget all the locker room and bar arguments about it spoiling the game. The cold hard fact remains that football is a business where clubs can lose or gain millions of pounds down to incompetent refereeing or players blatantly cheating to con the referee. What fans want or think doesn't come in to it anymore for clubs in the top divisions. There are figures out there to show that more than half of the English premier division clubs would still be in profit if they played to empty stadiums.

    I agree the new hand ball rule is going to turn people right off VAR. My preferred option would be to give Captains 3 calls per half rather like tennis. If they are right they don't lose any.

  5. 2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    The Britain i knew and loved as i grew up , i am afraid has gone , when there were few immigrants it was fine ,they on the whole mucked in and became British as did my dad ,came from Europe to help fight against Germany ,married a local girl and had us British kids.

    those days i fear are long long gone ,i know its not PC and the usual posters will not agree with me ,but vast swathes of Britain are now a foreign land ,peopled by people who owe it no alegance ,neither do their offspring .

    all you have to do is read the national press and when you see the pictures of the vast majority of drug dealers ,murderers and those murdered and you will see .

    so the British embassy is now not great ,and neither is Britain.

    Good post. There are of course many more reasons why the UK is broken but broken it undoubtedly is.

  6. There seems to be no "rules" I posted elsewhere that my agent wouldn't bother with Banglamung because of long delays in getting paperwork verified by Bangkok, but someone else came on to say they were in and out same day. All I can say is I was in and out within the hour at Don Mueang Amphur. Suggest you phone around or enlist an agent

  7. On 8/11/2019 at 4:42 AM, soalbundy said:

    'Stuck' is a negative view, sounds like imprisoned. I have burnt my bridges knowing full well the consequences but without regrets. Returning would be nigh on impossible but I wouldn't want to anyway.

    Agree. I'm married to a Thai and although I still work in the UK I live in Thailand and will become intentionally "stuck" when I retire. By that I mean everything I own in the UK will be sold and I will live in Thailand on my pension. Won't be well off financially, just living on savings and pension but I'd rather be there with a wife who loves me, lovely weather etc etc etc than growing old in the sheithole that is the UK and all that entails.

    • Like 2
  8. Good question, I don't fear death but certainly think about it now and again as my body starts to break down. Pretty positive though and my lovely Thai wife keeps me young in mind and body (mostly)

    When the inevitable happens I hope it's quick, but if not, then as long as I have strength in my fingers it's a bullet in the brain and what's left goes on the charcoal fire.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    I was told different at Jomtien, I have a Non O Multi Entry Visa lived at the same address for 3 years. Jomtien told I have too report every time I return too Thailand. 

    If I had a Extension of Stay/Retirement Visa they said it wasn’t necessary too Report.

    I've got the 5 year Elite but I'm sure he didn't even look at it when I went to report the first time. Ah well I'm going to carry on ignoring it for now.

  10. 2 hours ago, alanrchase said:

    A TM30 is of no concern for the vast majority of tourists. For people who interact with immigration the requirement should be changed so that it only needs to be submitted once untill you officially notify them of a change of address. Trips out of Thailand and to locations in Thailand should not require another submission.

    This is almost exactly what Jomtien immigration told me. I go to UK 8 times per year and also travel all over Thailand. The first time I reported that I was back in my rented condo the IO told me he wasn't interested and just to come back 1 year later to re-register. I've never filed a TM30 since. 1 year is up next month so I'll see what awaits then.

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