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Posts posted by Puchaiyank

  1. 8 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

    I see we have the usual Trump apologists out again today.

    Your POTUS (as he isn't that for a lot of people) has undermined the constitutional strength of the US from the day he was elected and with this debacle, is trying to say the office of POTUS is bigger and more important than the checks and balances put in place by the Founding Fathers.

    Whether it's getting his people to ignore congressional subphoenas (John Eisenberg, legal adviser to the National Security Council, his deputy, Michael Ellis, Robert Blair, a top aide to acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, Mick Mulvaney himself and Brian McCormack, an aide at the White House Office of Management and Budget have all refused congressional subpoenas to appear at the hearings); or article 1 of the Constitution, which vests the House with the ‘sole power of impeachment' to which he has obstructed and directly challenged at every turn; or Clause 8 of the Constitution, which bars federal officeholders from accepting gifts from foreign governments (whilst Trump's continues to host foreign leaders in the Trump International Hotel in Washington or his attempt to get the G7 conference at Trump National in Miami amongst his many, many, many misdemeanors), his duty to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States' is obviously not there.

    Whether you believe or don't believe Trump is guilty of 'high crimes and misdemeanors' there is a more important battle going on that will shape the US for decades to come. Does one man have the power and the ability to ignore congress and defy the Constitution that so many Americans hold sacred?

    And let's be under no illusions, this is EXACTLY what Trump is doing. 

    So cry 'pure theatre' or 'nothing to see here' but your willful ignorance of these very important points really negates all of your arguments and paints you as more anti-American than any Trump detractor can ever be as at least they have Americas interests at the very heart of their debate.

    What do you have?

    I'm marking you off my Christmas Card list.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    I suggest you brace yourself for a rough ride for your man. The damaging impeachment hearings and low approval ratings nationally will be his Achilles heel. He is mired in low 40s and never been above 50% in Gallup polls. Women will have their day when they turn up in large numbers to voice their disgust at this sexual predator. 

    The rough ride will begin if he is voted out of office and people whose claim to fame is hating Trump run the country...

    • Like 1
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  3. In another screening...Toyko...customs officer tore through 2 suit cases and a backpack...took a damp cloth and wiped the inside of my bags...took cloth to lab to look for residue of drugs...


    Then, while boarding the plane to leave Japan...was pulled aside while everyone else boarded and my backpack was once again emptied out and got the cloth wipe for drugs treatment once again.


    The officer said: "Thank You!"...to which I replied: "You are Not Welcome!"   ????

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