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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. It is hard to make stupidity embarrassing again when the people that ask these questions are careful to word everything they say like they are the smart ones. Everybody else is stupid. There are a few posters here who virtually everything they post implies they are brighter than everybody else. Until those kind of people have their come to Jesus moment with reality stupidity will always prevail.
  2. You mean and average house costing $1 million dollars and made of ice is too steep? My Canadian friend visits me here and is shocked how cheap everything is in the USA.
  3. Yes I am aware of whom he is and what he has said I have gotten his show in real time for n the past 8 years. i get it. I don't mind him but if his ideas are at times retarded. Nice ideas but would never work.
  4. I live in the USA and get this show. He tries to be edgy and then says stupid things with his guests.
  5. ChatGPT is trained to copy , resemble or empathize with you, it becomes more sympathetic over time. I have used it extensively and it will say whatever you want. I told it to treat my dog as the POTUS and develop codenames and protocols. It does just that. Asking Ai facts is productive, training it to reflect you own opinions is of limited value Dave, goodbye.
  6. Maher himself is a wacko nutjob leftist. He takes these shots at the left and after his monologue he sits down with other lefties just as or more crazy than he is and agrees with anything. It predictable, repeatable and seemingly profitable for Maher. He isn't the edgy little fellow he would like to be known as. He is basically the perineum of comedian/pundit/moron
  7. Great news! You can go back to using the retarded moniker convicted felon. Trump can run the country and be referred to as POTUS. Win-win.
  8. Most these people didn't care when the shoe was on the other foot. Life sucks when you lose your total grip on the narrative.
  9. No, I wouldn't normally do it in front of cameras. Something is weird here.
  10. I hate to speculate but in my professional opinion as a AN resident expert on all matters in general and aviation specifically, I would wager to say this is a bad accident. Some of the posts are pretty pathetic.
  11. Musk has something like 8,000 satelites orbiting the earth. They are all equipped with an aquarium and sharks with frickin' laser beams. We will be fine
  12. Tied down and beaten to death the day after he was transferred... something is missing here. Why was he transferred? Looks like he might have been marked.
  13. For years Biden claimed Trump was worse than Hitler and electing him would end democracy. Now he is honoring Trump by being in his presence. Which means Joe was lying all along about Trump. I will only charge you $20 for your first translation.
  14. My guess is Elon just wants his son back.
  15. Not so sure about that. After the Penny verdict BLM and its supreme commanding idiot promised riots and nobody showed up. The tide is changing and that crap doesn't sell anymore.
  16. Listen to me, there is no 'there' there folks, not kidding.
  17. Joe died over 3 years ago. It's time to let him go son.
  18. Trump and Musk are. After 4 years of a shadow admin now the crying about who was elected starts.
  19. They tried it at first but their internal polling showed it wasn't working.
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