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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. There is no person in the world worse than trump so they should just retire the tittle. Trump killed it.
  2. Dear Canada I am sorry we produce people as neurotic and annoying as JT.
  3. Well Hitler was Time person of the year before. Now Trump has done it twice so he must be twice as bad as Hitler.
  4. He will most likely spin this into a career. Why not? He must have spent massive amounts of money and he can easily get others to pay for it.
  5. He is more of a poppers type of guy.
  6. How could it have been anybody else? There wasn't even a close second.
  7. That's bound to happen when they release criminal aliens into the community at large.
  8. I am not worried about how it is funded. You seem to be concerned that it is going to work,. I guess we cancel transsexual Peruvian studies and things like that.
  9. To start by deporting criminal aliens. Preferably directly from jails.
  10. Trump was opposed then he isn't now. He has taken America by storm. Nobody is going to go to the border and cut razor wire now. Game. Set. Match.
  11. As Homan said if you don't let ICE arrest them at the jail in custody which would be the safest conditions. That ICE officers will find them at large and anybody harboring them will be arrested.
  12. Watch the wall get built again after Joe sold it off for pennies on the dollar.
  13. It doesn't matter what New Yorkers think it is a matter of federal law.
  14. Luigi is about to find out what tax payer provided health care is like in prison. Hope his back will be okay on the thin plastic prison mat he spends the rest of his life sleeping on. I heard of you ask nicely with a doctors approval they may allow you two mats. His family is rich he will figure it out.
  15. I am no expert but the person with the most money always goes first. Canadian pr otherwise.
  16. Jay Z's wife Beyoncé. listen to the lyrics. "Put some neck and some back up on it." that's describing oral and anal sex in a gonzo style. That's slim thug and not Jay-z but it isn't much of a stretch to figure out what they did with Diddy. Beyoncé is basically the same as Ghilsaine Maxwell
  17. Give it 2 me. He has always fostered a culture of mutual respect and dignity for women in particular and all people in general. unless you are white or a cop.
  18. I stocked up on oakum, pemmican, maple syrup, and mukluks. I think i will be okay.
  19. Reminds me of the scene in Tombstone when Wyatt goes into the casino and informs the moron at the table he is sitting in his seat. Is Governor Trudeau going to do something or stand there and bleed?
  20. It comes just before Tiranny. I am just making fun of some of our members that type things like rasist but couldn't define the words. Fascialism+ fascism.; rasist=racist. Just Tugging your rope.
  21. Because Biden is PINO president in name only. He doesn't function as the leader and trump is the de facto president. Even Governor Trudeau flew down to Mar A Lago on official business. Trump has been doing official business on behalf of the American people, this isn't even in dispute. It makes dems sad. He is just helping out as Joe is unable to do it himself.
  22. Macron welcomed him with full honor guard reserved for sitting presidents.
  23. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
  24. Give them the full Jan 6 treatment for trespassing.
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