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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Biden is so sharp you would think he is the current president, up late at night on the phone constantly, moving the deals in his war room.
  2. Even after Biden they tried the same thing with Kamala. Hide her from public and make sure everything is rehearsed, and prearranged.
  3. Oh, okay. let's go back to pretending we were about to crave that morons head on Rushmore. The guy will be studied as the president that was brain dead and his staff covered it up. That's it. I am sorry you are unable to have adult conversations maybe see somebody about that.
  4. He had no legacy so nothing to tarnish there.
  5. I pulled the trigger. I shot her down dead. I got off on a technicality.
  6. Biden is doing America and the world a favor by giving Trump the nod to act as the current president.
  7. they are going to ban terrorists on Snapchat. Lol
  8. Apparently a man is not a plan.
  9. At least I am on topic.
  10. Yes. that is what I was saying Biden has NOTHING to pardon trump for.
  11. Yet you can not name a single crime that would fall under Biden's pardon ability. Go on Mr. Pleasant let me know what federal charge Trump has.
  12. I didn't mean anything other than what you said was utter nonsense. So please don't conflate many words with anything else. These commutations have nothing to do with lawfare it is just Joe being a vengeful dick.
  13. The thing about California and its gubernatorial election is that there are probably going to be at least 30 nut jobs running. This is how Arnie can win. So it's anybodies game.
  14. trump has been the de facto president for the past month. Not sure what shorty of numpty rock you have been living under. Even the most stalwart dems realize this. Joe's ain't taking calls these days kiddo.
  15. She had no real career as a volleyball player. If that put her out then she wouldn't have been viable as a pro in a limited market. She was a college player and that really isn't much of anything. I joked about Riley Gaines but it is the same story. A player that would never been heard of two years from now can parlay their participation in a sport into a social justice crusader. I am not saying it is right or wrong but that's the reality. Nothing rednecks love more than reading and hearing about trans stories of any kind, it sells.
  16. Look at the Five vs the View for example. One is wildly successful.
  17. Fox News still manages. Fox is basically right wing opinion. But they do something about differently their programming gels. Being opinion based is how you succeed. It's just CNN and MSNBC tend to hire very unappealing people that cater to nobody. Swap out the man hating bald heads and put in hot chicks you get more viewers in a single day. There are many small steps they could try. If Fox can thrive it means at least one left wing channel should be able to. When your staff resemble a Harris admin potential cabinet you are really limiting it. It is television produce that sh!t.
  18. They would go bankrupt very quickly if they did that.
  19. it's more than that. It it's poorly produced. It's boring lifeless and they should hire better looking people. Connie Chung was known as a great anchor at one point but it is because people were mesmerized by her almond shaped eyes and big boobs. Other than that they all just read from a prompter which is nothing exceptional.
  20. The world can always use another Riley Gaines.
  21. Trey is indeed a solid reporter.
  22. The problem is CNN has become boring. Doesn't matter what side you are on. I used to watch CNN like ten years ago. Loved Quest means business and a few other things. Their anchors are so robotic. I used to enjoy Cooper but find him unwatchable now when he is obviously listening to his ear piece while he constant;ly blinks robotically. Nobody on the shoe seems natural or human. There are other things wrong with CNN but they are boring as duck.
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