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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. It really shouldn't matter anyway it is warfare we are talking about. By all means let it escalate in the false hope Ukraine has a chance.
  2. Letting Russia take Crimea unanswered was reckless. That was a jewel of Ukraine. They are fighting over wasteland and rubble now.
  3. We shall see. I think your sort of wreckless dreaming will just end up in body bags.
  4. Will probably demand a sex change and transfer to a woman's prison and the right to vote and culturally appropriate food.
  5. Whenever Ukraine is ready to give up they can. They can't fight forever they are fighting on borrowed time and money. They have no path to victory there will be nobody left to fight in two years. Is this worth it for territory they are never getting back?
  6. Okay. So if there is a trans in some high school out there we don't make laws to guarantee access to the girls locker room? A law for only a tiny few? You just want it one way. We are just reasserting some sense of normalcy.
  7. The general nastiness coming from the likes of Earl, Tug, Danderman, JT in particular ensured this victory would be rubbed in their snouts. There was nothing gracious said before the elections and it isn't like they are being gracious now. The arrogance was immense.
  8. In a middle class neighborhood with well kept lawns?
  9. They all moved to Minnesota because of tampon Tim's favorable bathroom policies.
  10. That's called a short time room.
  11. No it isn't there was no reality there. Anyway back to the feel good affairs of Grandpa. ATCMs and now land mines. Nobel peace prize forthcoming.
  12. Well yeah especially on the dem side. There was nothing real about the entire campaign.
  13. Apparently land mines are now warm and fuzzy and not evil he is suggesting they use those now. Have to admit the term ATCMS Attack-ups sound cute. Like a snack you put in your kids lunch box.
  14. Fox is smart to use attractive people for its productions. Trump is also appointing people while maybe not good looking work well on TV. Kamala tried to show of her body in skin tight grandma jeans and people didn't want to tap dat. Must be the lizard skin neck. Kennedy beat Nixon in the debate based on looks etc.
  15. So Joe is now suggesting land mines. I thought libs thought those are evil and also violate some treaties?
  16. My point was everybody seemed to be having a great time. It didn't look like there was much tension as everybody chatted and laughed and generally basked in their own awesomeness.
  17. Didn't stop Trump from flying too Texas to watch Space X launch an hour ago. When they were together Elon was doing all the talking and Trump was pretty much silent. Trump definitely has a man crush.
  18. Sounds like ICE may enforce the aiding and abetting law which is a felony if you are guilty. They should prepare to lose a ton of federal funds.
  19. Sean Duffy- DOT
  20. It is sort of weird that from what I know even if they count these Casey is still short anyway. That lady saying she is doing it knowing it is illegal so the courts look at it is out there. She thinks she is some sort of resistance fighter breaking the law for all the right reasons. Pretty nauseating.
  21. Try to avoid drag queen storybook hour at schools because it is these people.
  22. So you are just going to sit here and cry after you have already given up on life?
  23. Are you the wicked witch of the east?
  24. Google radical faeries, wolf creek Oregon, short mountain Tennessee. I have ben to them all as i am gay. I grew up but yeah these places exist.
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